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Lag Problems?


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Im having some lag issues with KSP. When i first got the game,. it was not very severe. But as i sent more and more ships up, it got to the point where if i sent up a ship, during the gravity turn, it would get so laggy my ship would literally break itsself. I think it may have something to do with overheating, but im not sure. I have a Lenovo Laptop with i5... but thats pretty much all I know about it. Thanks,


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How many objects do you have in orbit? It's important to check your debris count too. Also, one more test you should conduct. While launching, try not to look at the horizon at all and check your FPS. Then, launch again and watch the horizon of Kerbin the whole time you are going up. If the second proves to be the case, I believe it's your GPU bottlenecking itself, and you may need a new one.

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I'm a gaming noob, so this is my fault kinda.... so 2 questions:

1 How do you check FPS? :/

2 How do you get rid of GPU bottleneck? I saw some tutorials and now im even more confused.

You can use the trial version of fraps to get a fps counter within the game.

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is there a way to remove debris without having to user like kinetic kill vehicles or deorbit pushers? like... say... editing the save or something?

Just go into the tracking station, go to the debris category, and delete the debris.

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An easier way is to go into the settings on the main menu and set persistent debris count to zero.

Note: The game usually labels everything as "debris" that does not have a pod or a probe core - so, if you are leaving fuel behind to have a lighter lander, but wish to launch and dock again for the return voyage, this setting might destroy your dreams of an easy mission. :wink:

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