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[1.10.0] Final Frontier - kerbal individual merits 1.10.0-3485


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So I haven't seen any mention of it after a brief skim, so excuse me if I've missed it, but is there any way for users to (relatively easily) define titles/descriptions for ribbons? If there's already a description of 'how-to' somewhere, a link will do just fine :)

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I like this idea. Hope will be implemented in final release of KSP.

But, I want to give some advice to developers of this mod... It is necessary to approach the design from a technical point of view. Thus, the Ribbons must be redrawn (or converted) to a resolution of 128x32 pixels. Should be stored in files with a resolution (maximum) 2048x2048 pixels (like textures size). And when displayed on the screen, you need to pull out of the image 128x32 (by accessing it with x,y coords and width,height parameters). You can leave the original size of the ribbons, but centered in the area with a resolution of 128x32.

The advantage is to minimize read/write operations between memories (HDD/RAM/VRAM) and may reduce the errors and crashes. Because, Ribbons will be stored consecutively in memory.

The desadvantage is used more memory.

Some technical info for image 2048x2048 pixels stored in videomemory:

- will take max 16MB (if compresion algorithms is not used);

- will have capacity to store 16x64=1024 ribbons;

Possible, to store some groups of ribbons appart in smaller files 512x512 pixels:

- max. 1MB in memory;

- capacity to store 64 ribbons;

- but will increase read/write opperations between RAM and VRAM.

In general case - using small files is bad idea, cause some part of it's headers is stored in memory too and increasing RAM usage.

Hope devs solve this soon.

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The mod said he isn't really actively developing this. I just asked for the new toolbar support because that seems like a reasonable request for something labeled as .24 ready. It technically works with the old toolbar, but I think most people want all the mods to move over to the new one.

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The mod said he isn't really actively developing this. I just asked for the new toolbar support because that seems like a reasonable request for something labeled as .24 ready. It technically works with the old toolbar, but I think most people want all the mods to move over to the new one.

I do not.

Nereid, ribbon idea. Mission Abort Ribbon(got any ideas Smarterthanme?). First, single, 5, 10, and "Should quit rocket program" variants. Awarding this ribbon is triggered when a mission abort button is pressed and the kerbals land safely. The Achievements mod somehow gave an achievement for this so that might be a good place to look.

And about the mach ribbons. Can you check for a certain lift ratio? Like maybe make sure anything that is going to get the ribbon needs wings? I think that's pretty reasonable. Everyone knows rockets are fast, but planes are harder to make go that fast. I cant remember if I already asked this.

Edited by UAL002
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The mod said he isn't really actively developing this. I just asked for the new toolbar support because that seems like a reasonable request for something labeled as .24 ready. It technically works with the old toolbar, but I think most people want all the mods to move over to the new one.

I think that's a fairly erroneous assumption there. I certainly don't need or want stock toolbar integration and I haven't seen many calls for it. Some people want it, sure, but I think most prefer Blizzy's Toolbar still, for the small size and the ways in which you can customize it.

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I think that's a fairly erroneous assumption there. I certainly don't need or want stock toolbar integration and I haven't seen many calls for it. Some people want it, sure, but I think most prefer Blizzy's Toolbar still, for the small size and the ways in which you can customize it.

Perhaps that was a bit presumptuous.

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One of my students suggested something which gave me a bit of a laugh. I won't use it (still hanging out for ranks), but some people might get a kick out of it.


Apprentice Chef


Chef de Partie (or Pastry Chef?)


Sous Chef


Chef de Cuisine

...the suggestion was that every major mission should have someone in charge of providing freshly made snacks...

I'll have descriptions in the next couple of days, hopefully.

Love it, I demand it is implemented IMMEDIATELY!!!! :D

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This weekend I restarted career mode with over 50 mods of which I'd never tried most of them before.

I can happily say that this is in my top 5 favorites!

I highly suggest it's implemented in the final stock version.

It's non-intrusive and rather than just having a "favorite" Kerbal, I now see who's most distinguished. I don't just use Jebediah only anymore. Bill and Bob now have their personal specialties as noticed by their individual merits. Jeb is my go to rocket pilot and Bill is becoming my go to spaceplane pilot. Bob stays with Kerbin SOI and fly's mostly Base missions between Kerbin, Mun and Minmus.

I've started actively recruiting Kerbals for specialization in certain conditions such as base crew and shuttle missions.

There's a new feeling of "rank" within my hired group of Kerbals as some have achieved certain things and others have not. This has led to establishment of small requirements where I won't use Kerbals without cetain experience for certain missions. Thus I fly "training missions" where skilled pilots "train" young recruits to a certain extend. For example I have a tiny agile plane in which Bill takes out new recruits and subject them to 10-15G in turns to get them their G force badges before they get to go in a rocket bound for space.

I also have trial lander sessions in which Bob trains recruits in taking off from the launch pad and landing in the grass close to the KSC.

Seriously, this mod has one of the largest impacts on my game play due to how well it's fleshed out and integrated into the Kerbal universe.

If I should add one request it would be the badge notification window post flight is integrated into the stock tabulated science and funds info overlay.

Thank you so much :)

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Difficult. But I will think about it. They were supposed to work as an award for flying level in a plane and not for reentry. Question is: in what way differs a reentry from a normal level flight?

Check if the craft did a suborbital flight, if it did, is not a plane. I believe KSP has something that tracks this (for science points) so you might not need to code much.

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Great MOD idea! I like it very much. Add some relevance to individual kerbal achievements... Very interesting ribbons design as well!

A simple suggestion: Allow the saving of the "Mission Debriefing Ribbons Awards" window position so that it does not always reset itself above the default mission summary window or, even better, somehow integrate the ribbon awards as a tab into mission summary window.


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I notice occasionally that my kerbal's roll back a mission or two. Some of my kerbals have the 5 mission ribbon and only 4 missions. And I know i saw them at 5 missions at one point. Any idea what could cause this?

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I've recently upgraded to v0.24.2 64bit and started a new sandbox mission. I'm using a couple of mods (mks/oks as a main mod) and of course FF.

It's working fine - with one liitle problem. after every restart all ribbons and missions are gone, only the permanently dead are still dead.

If i look into my saves-Folder I can see a halloffame.ksp and a halloffame.ksp.1 that both have 0 bytes.

The halloffame.ksp.2 has a length of 4 kbytes.

If I go to the main menu, sneakily copy the halloffame.ksp.2 on top of the files with zero-byte length and restart the saved game the ribbons are fine again.

Any ideas?

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I know you've been asked about a "death ribbon" before, but I'm curious whether you've given it any more thought. I'm playing a hardcore, no-revert kind of game, with no respawning, and I wish there were a Purple Heart or some such for my Kerbals who are...uh...missing in action. Not a big deal, but it would take a little of the sting out of ... being missing in action.

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I know you've been asked about a "death ribbon" before, but I'm curious whether you've given it any more thought. I'm playing a hardcore, no-revert kind of game, with no respawning, and I wish there were a Purple Heart or some such for my Kerbals who are...uh...missing in action. Not a big deal, but it would take a little of the sting out of ... being missing in action.

Well, there's the Inter Sidera. I award it to everyone who......bravely sacrificed themselves for...advancing the space program..

On another note, can the ribbon text be altered anywhere else than in the ribbon award window? I'm getting horrific crashes everytime I try to write the letter P in a ribbon name or description.

And, you know, you can't have a space program without a P.

Either way, this is probably a conflict with other mods so all I'm asking for is where the ribbon names and descriptions are stored. I've looked in a few of the halloffame files, but they only seem to say who has been awarded what and when, and doesn't say anything about ribbon names.

Still, thanks for an awesome mod Nereid, it adds a whole new level to the game.

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I notice occasionally that my kerbal's roll back a mission or two. Some of my kerbals have the 5 mission ribbon and only 4 missions. And I know i saw them at 5 missions at one point. Any idea what could cause this?

I have found an occational bug where certain Kerbals stop being recognized by this mod. I have one kerbal in a game whose made 7 or 8 trips to the Mun and one to minmus, and FF says he has 0 missions, but somehow got a high g ribbon. several others are stuck at 2 or 4 missions, but if they go on a mission with a kerbal FF does recognize, then their mission counts will tick up too, but solo no. I've only noticed this behavior in kerbals spawned through the contract system on a rescue mission though.

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Okay so it seem it is indeed not püossible to move the Mission Summary Window. I think it would be a great idea to change that. Actually thats the only part in that Mod i don't like.

why do you need to move it? It's a summary window that you just read and then close

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