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[1.10.0] Final Frontier - kerbal individual merits 1.10.0-3485


KSP 1.1.0  

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  1. 1. Is FinalFrontier working in KSP 1.1.0?

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  BananaDealer said:
Can't see the plugin's tab in the Toolbar...

Debug console shows:

[Error]: [Toolbar] [ERROR] error loading button texture: Nereid/FinalFrontier/Resource/IconOff_24

Strange. Is there a file GameData/Nereid/FinalFrontier/Resource/IconOff_24.png?

Unfortunately I won't be able to check this until wednesday.

PS: Just checked a vanilla install plus FF: it works. Did you extract all files in into GameData?

Edited by Nereid
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  Nereid said:
Strange. Is there a file GameData/Nereid/FinalFrontier/Resource/IconOff_24.png?

Unfortunately I won't be able to check this until wednesday.

PS: Just checked a vanilla install plus FF: it works. Did you extract all files in into GameData?

Yes, the file exists. And yes, it's all in GameData...

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Spectacular Mod, I actually started poking around the code yesterday with this in mind.

One thing I've noticed is that the Mission counter increments on recovery, which would be fine if the label was 'Completed' or 'Successful Missions'. I have kerbals that have died without having a record of any missions, which seems counter-intuitive.

Also, some ribbons can be earned more than once, I.E. 'First Kerbil in Space' which seems to apply the first modifier every time. While other ribbons don't seem to behave the same, I.E. 'First Kerbil to land on Kerbin'

EDIT, I see now that the M+ counter is when the vessel loses focus, so space walks, switching vessels, recovery, or returning to mission control. Which makes more sense, but still can lead to the situation I described.

Edited by Nachocuban
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  vardicd said:
I have an issue where every time I eva a kerbal he get the eva ribbon, then gets a orbit ribbon for getting back into the ship.

Well, if the kerbals was orbiting before and doesn't get into orbit with Final Frontier installed, then this is the intended behavior. This has happened then:

1. Kerbal does EVA. He gets the EVA ribbon.

2. Kerbal returns from EVA and the vessel changes. This event would cause FF to detect a situation change and because the vessel has changed the previous situation was NO-ORBIT. Now we are in orbit so all crew member will get the orbit ribbon (if they don't have this ribbon allready).

This should only be an issue if the vessel doesn't get into orbit with FF installed. This is one way to get orbit ribbons for all currently orbiting kerbals.

I can change this behaviour but this way it makes testing a bit easier for me.

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  Nachocuban said:
Spectacular Mod, I actually started poking around the code yesterday with this in mind.

One thing I've noticed is that the Mission counter increments on recovery, which would be fine if the label was 'Completed' or 'Successful Missions'. I have kerbals that have died without having a record of any missions, which seems counter-intuitive.

Well, i have choosen to count recoveries only, because it's easy to detect. But it seems I will have to make this more clear.

And then it's a bit more difficult to get a mission counted this way. Now there is a reason for recovering a vessel in sandbox.

  Nachocuban said:

Also, some ribbons can be earned more than once, I.E. 'First Kerbil in Space' which seems to apply the first modifier every time. While other ribbons don't seem to behave the same, I.E. 'First Kerbil to land on Kerbin'

This seems to be a bug. Only one kerbal should receive the ribbon "First Kerbal in Space" and only one time. I have added this ribbon today just before I went to the train to Leipzig, so I haven't tested it fully. If its broken I will fix it on wednesday.

If some ribbons could be earned more than once, its a bug, too. But to make this clear, let's study an example:

  • Bill and Jebediah Kerbal have landed on Mun;
  • They are the first kerbals on Mun, so the both (!) get the First Landing on Mun ribbon.
  • Erzor Kerbal takes a flight to the Mun and lands just to look for the other kerbals.
  • Because he is not the first on Mun, he only gets the Landing on Mun ribbon without the golden stripes.
  • Bill Kerbal takes a trip on the Mun with his lander and lands somewhere else.
  • Because Bill has already got the First Landing on Mun ribbon he will not get the Landing on Mun ribbon again. Not this time and not in a future mission.
  • Jebediah goes on EVA, so he gets the First EVA on Mun ribbon. Now he has two Mun ribbons. Kerbals like ribbons, so the give the same ribbons multiple times, but with different decorations. And some programmers dont like to change graphics at runtime, so kerbals will get their fun.;)

That's the way it should work for all celestial body ribbons. If not, it's a bug and I have to look into it.

PS: Some ribbons supersede others. If a kerbal gets the Fast Orbit ribbon for less than 200 seconds into orbit and on his nex flight the Fast Orbit Ribbon for less than 150 seconds, he should lose the first one and gets the second one.

  Nachocuban said:

EDIT, I see now that the M+ counter is when the vessel loses focus, so space walks, switching vessels, recovery, or returning to mission control. Which makes more sense, but still can lead to the situation I described.

Ok, I will check this. The M+ should only be recorded on a vessel recovery. It's done in the EventObserver:

private void OnVesselRecovered(ProtoVessel vessel)


Debug.Log("EventObserver:: OnVesselRecovered " + vessel.vesselName);

recorder.RecordvesselRecoverd(vessel); // <- this, with a small typo in the code

// check for kerbal specific achiements

foreach (ProtoCrewMember member in vessel.GetVesselCrew())





FF is still some kind of 'proof of concept' Its only about one week work for the code and another week for the ribbons. I have started this in the first days of 2014. If some things wont work as expected, just give feedback and I will see what I can do.

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I did some more testing, seems I was mistaken about the focus change, it is indeed recovery only.

Double (and Triple) First Kerbil in Space Ribbons.


To recreate, I made a new sandbox game, and launched the Kerbal X (stock) into orbit, all 3 kerbals received the First to orbit ribbon. (just 1)

After sending bill on the first EVA (and receiving the proper ribbon) he again earned a first Kerbil in space ribbon, when he boarded the ship, all 3 kerbils obtained the first in space ribbon again, for the 2nd and 3rd awards.

Sending the same 3 Kerbals into space again, added a 4th (and 3rd) First into space ribbon, with a 5th and 6th (and 4th), added when bill did another EVA.

Sending 3 different Kerbals into space again, they all received the First in space ribbon as well, but, did not obtain the ribbon until orbit was achieved (or at least sometime between 70k alt, and my circularization burn as they didn't have it at 70k) with the same EVA ribbon giving behaviour

All other ribbons seems to be given out properly (that I have tested)

Edited by Nachocuban
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An idea - maybe add a rank system. A certain number of flight hours, certain ribbons. Different capsules could require different ranks. Only Commander Jeb could use the mk2 lander can, for instance, or only Ensigns can be assigned to the laboratory, so eg 20 flight hours and a completed orbit for Ensign. You can't just pull a green (har) recruit off the complex.

Perhaps kerbals have to earn some time in aircraft before they can qualify for certain ranks..

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  MrAnonymous said:
There something wrong installing it, it says that something was removed from the toolbar folder even though I didn't even touch it. Im really interested in this but its not working. Help?

I'm at work at the moment, but just an idea: install the updated version from the toolbar and dont extract it from the FF-archive. And can you give me a list of all files in your toolbar folder?

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  TheBedla said:
This sounds great, I'll surely try it. Just an idea - would it be possible to insert it into the Astonaut Complex scene instead of having a separate FF window?

I don't think this will be possible. Only if squad will add this (which I would prefer anyway).

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  Nachocuban said:

Sending the same 3 Kerbals into space again, added a 4th (and 3rd) First into space ribbon, with a 5th and 6th (and 4th), added when bill did another EVA.

Confirmed. Just seen this on my notebook. I think the equal/hashcode methods are broken. I will look into this tomorrow. It should be easy to fix. Expect a hotfix wednesday. Im still out for business and will not return before tuesday night.

First in Space ribbon is broken currently. (Fixed in 0.1.5c)

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would it be possible to insert it into the Astonaut Complex scene instead of having a separate FF window?

no, please no scene change just for checking FF.

i'm realy happy about viewing this from every scene.

but a filter would be nice, for only show death/available/on mission kerbals.

and maybe a filter for the current vessel only.

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  Read have Read said:
I love this idea! I have been keeping track of my crew and their missions and ships in a spread sheet, and I was wondering if you could also track the name of the vessel you recovered them from as well?

"Jeb - 3 missions - Kerpollo 4, STS-3, STS-6," Ect.

Hmmm... thats not impossible, but will increase the size of the logbook. Maybe in a future release...

  acc said:
no, please no scene change just for checking FF.

i'm realy happy about viewing this from every scene.

but a filter would be nice, for only show death/available/on mission kerbals.

and maybe a filter for the current vessel only.

noted. Expect a filter this weekend.

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