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[1.10.0] Final Frontier - kerbal individual merits 1.10.0-3485


KSP 1.1.0  

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  1. 1. Is FinalFrontier working in KSP 1.1.0?

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For some reason, saving the halloffame in my games fails; extract from my KSP.log:

[LOG 23:47:25.952] EventObserver:: OnGameStateSaved: Hakan (CAREER)
[LOG 23:47:25.954] saving hall of fame to saves/Hakan/halloffame.ksp
[LOG 23:47:25.956] writing Logbook to file saves/Hakan/halloffame.ksp
[LOG 23:47:25.959] writing hall of fame failed
[LOG 23:47:25.975] Game State Saved as persistent

The name of my game is identical with the directory name, the directory exists.. The file does not exist in my save directory (yet). Any Idea where I could look for why the save fails?

I will add some log outputs in the next version to nail this down.

PS, some questions: Are you using a steam version? Do you start the KSP.exe or the Launcher.exe directly in the KSP folder?

Edited by Nereid
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Tried the 0.1.5d version. Unfortunately, it fails at the same place while trying to save.

I am running the steam version, launching the game from KSPModAdmin. One suspicion I had was that maybe my editor (notepad++) was keeping a lock on the file, but I verified that saving fails even if the halloffame.ksp is not open in the editor.

As I had no halloffame.ksp, I created a 0-byte file. Reading the source, this should still be valid. If not, do you have some sample file I could put into my savegame to verify that at least loading works?

Edited by hakan
some more debug information
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Tried the 0.1.5d version. Unfortunately, it fails at the same place while trying to save.

I am running the steam version, launching the game from KSPModAdmin. One suspicion I had was that maybe my editor (notepad++) was keeping a lock on the file, but I verified that saving fails even if the halloffame.ksp is not open in the editor.

As I had no halloffame.ksp, I created a 0-byte file. Reading the source, this should still be valid. If not, do you have some sample file I could put into my savegame to verify that at least loading works?

My suspicion is, that steam wont start KSP in the KSP base folder, so the working directory for the save path is not the one I do expect.

I have changed the relative path to an absolute path, so try this version and give me some feedback if it works please:


PS: Do anyone have an idea how to get the KSP base folder in C#? I'm using Application.dataPath at the moment (which gives <KSP base>/KSP_Data).

If you want to test a load, try this content for the halloffame.ksp

34172148.975366 L+ Halwise Kerman
34172148.975366 L+ Hardred Kerman
34172148.975366 L+ Alan Kerman
34172158.97 E1:Kerbin Alan Kerman
34172448.4154532 S1 Halwise Kerman
34172448.4154532 S1 Hardred Kerman
34172448.4154532 S1 Alan Kerman
34172642.7954471 FO:120 Hardred Kerman
34172642.7954471 FO:120 Halwise Kerman
34172642.7954471 FO:120 Alan Kerman
34172642.7954471 O1:Kerbin Hardred Kerman
34172642.7954471 O1:Kerbin Halwise Kerman
34172642.7954471 O1:Kerbin Alan Kerman
34172680.4154532 E:Kerbin Halwise Kerman

Edited by Nereid
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This is a fantastic idea for a mod! I think I'll wait until some of the kinks get ironed out before I try it, but I am very interested in something like this for my career mode save.

Just a couple of ideas I'd like to pitch for this mod - perhaps instead of a toolbar button, the FF Hall of Fame could be accessible as a tab in the crew facility at KSC. And it would be cool if you could assign custom ribbons and write citations that go in their permanent record. If a kerbal was KIA, it'd be nice to get to write an epitaph for them and maybe assign ribbons posthumously.

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This is a pretty stellar mod. Had seen the ribbons around the forums, and thought that was a cute little idea, but incorporating it directly into the game is an awesome addition to really give your different Kerbals merit.

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O.k., this seems to have helped. Saving works:

[LOG 01:38:59.737] EventObserver:: OnGameStateSaved: Hakan (CAREER)
[LOG 01:38:59.739] saving hall of fame to D:/steamlibrary/steamapps/common/kerbal space program/ksp_Data/../saves/Hakan/halloffame.ksp
[LOG 01:38:59.743] writing logbook to file D:/steamlibrary/steamapps/common/kerbal space program/ksp_Data/../saves/Hakan/halloffame.ksp
[LOG 01:38:59.749] logbook file D:/steamlibrary/steamapps/common/kerbal space program/ksp_Data/../saves/Hakan/halloffame.ksp created

And loading works as well, I just completly exited KSP and restarted my game. The hall of fame was loaded correctly.

You might want to use "Saves" instead of "saves" for extra safety though, as Linux and Mac-OS tends to be case-sensitive.

Edited by hakan
loading works as well
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O.k., this seems to have helped. Saving works:

[LOG 01:38:59.737] EventObserver:: OnGameStateSaved: Hakan (CAREER)
[LOG 01:38:59.739] saving hall of fame to D:/steamlibrary/steamapps/common/kerbal space program/ksp_Data/../saves/Hakan/halloffame.ksp
[LOG 01:38:59.743] writing logbook to file D:/steamlibrary/steamapps/common/kerbal space program/ksp_Data/../saves/Hakan/halloffame.ksp
[LOG 01:38:59.749] logbook file D:/steamlibrary/steamapps/common/kerbal space program/ksp_Data/../saves/Hakan/halloffame.ksp created

And loading works as well, I just completly exited KSP and restarted my game. The hall of fame was loaded correctly.

You might want to use "Saves" instead of "saves" for extra safety though, as Linux and Mac-OS tends to be case-sensitive.

No, "saves" is correct. It's lowercase on all systems.

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O.k., this seems to have helped. Saving works:

And loading works as well, I just completly exited KSP and restarted my game. The hall of fame was loaded correctly.

You might want to use "Saves" instead of "saves" for extra safety though, as Linux and Mac-OS tends to be case-sensitive.

Thanks for the feedback. And I think "saves" is correct, too.

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I'm still using 0.1.5c, and the "first" ribbons seem to be working for me.

I'm probably just going to leave it as-is and wait for a bigger update :) Don't want to break anything trying to fix something that isn't broken!

Definitely a fantastic mod, though!

My save got corrupted the other day for some unknown reason (not related to your mod, thankfully), and I've since sorted it out, and removed a few mods to make it stable, and have started a new career fresh with your mod. It will be awesome to see how it goes

Right now, this mod is #2 on my favorite mod list, right below KAS, and right above Interstellar :)

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I'm still using 0.1.5c, and the "first" ribbons seem to be working for me.

They will work until you load a game where multiple kerbals got those ribbons at once. After reload only one kerbal with a ribbon of those remain. 0.1.6 won't have this issue and I'm still testing it.


  • multiple ribbons: fixed.
  • load of halloffame.ksp: fixed
  • news status "assigned" added
  • tooltips for status added
  • filter in hall of fame added
  • docking ribbon: fixed

Just a last test in my personal non-development KSP...

Edited by Nereid
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Final Frontier 0.1.6 is on Spaceport

Lets hope all issues with multiple ribbons are solved.

There may be an issue with the docking ribbon. I have not yet tested it with KAS, so connecting something with KAS parts in an orbit may (!) give you a docked ribbon. I will check this the next days and will try to prevent this.

New features:

  • Filtering for dead, assigned, available and undecorated kerbals added.
  • New ribbon: EVA around a body without a stable orbit.

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Final Frontier and the toolbar should be in the same level shouldn't they? Instead Neried is in same directory as toolbar, but Final Frontier is nested deeper under Neried.

? No. Nereid and toolbar are nested in GameData, and FinalFrontier is nested in Nereid. That's the way it should work.

EDIT: The reason for this is: I'm planing to extract some of my classes into a seperate library/lib, to use it in other addons. All of my Plugis/Libs are nested in Nereid, so there is no naming conflict with other mods and everyone knows that those Plugins, Resources, etc. are related. And removing the FinalFrontier folder will remove only this Plugin, not others. I'm not sure if this folder structure is intended to use by squad this way, but it works. Naming conflicts in the code are handled by the namespace Nereid, which hopefully no one else is using.

Edited by Nereid
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This mod is exactly what i wanted. Does this take into account flights made before this mod was installed? I have a feeling that question has already been asked. ( i don't really know how to code though) but if not it's still a mod i'm getting :)

Also, i think this was being discussed. I would actually like to see the ribbons that dead kerbals have gotten, just as an honor or something

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There are ribbons awarded for x flight hours.

Suggestion, It seems in order to get an EVA ribbon around a body, you must also be in a stable orbit. Most of my initial Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus EVA's are done on flyby's(or my first suborbital hop) where I don't enter a stable orbit. This seems like a fairly pointless restriction, unless its needed in the check to find out what your EVA'ing around.

Done. Now there are two ribbons for EVA in space. One needs a stable orbit, the other wont. But an EVA ribbon in a stable orbit replaces the other one.

I love you; I requested this almost exact thing a couple months ago. Thank you!

A possible suggestion: could you please add an option to hide all of the dead kerbals? I appear to have quite a few...


I offer that the description for the ribbons for EVA on Kerbin be changed. The current 'Kerbin Surface EVA" and "awarded for taking footsteps on Kerbin" seems a little incorrect. Surely they are not the fist to walk on their own planet. I suggest ' Kerbin Surface Science Exploration' and 'awarded for Scientific Exploration of Kerbin" or something to that effect. This can also include the award for first time although that implies that no Kerbal had ever done that before now but since we are dealing with Kerbals I could understand where they have been too busy with other stuff or have just got around to doing this.

I will do something like this later. The descriptions and names of the ribbons are generic or generated at the moment. They can't be changed dependent on celestial body without changing the code. And in the near future the descriptions, names, titles, etc. will be changeable via a config file. Until then we have to live with some non-logical descriptions like "first footsteps on Kerbin". :wink:

EDIT: 1.6b is uploaded. Its just a minor display fix. Dead kerbals will now get their red status button on the right hand side of their names.

Edited by Nereid
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