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[1.10.0] Final Frontier - kerbal individual merits 1.10.0-3485


KSP 1.1.0  

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  1. 1. Is FinalFrontier working in KSP 1.1.0?

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I am in the process of sending you the file you needed Nereid.

In the meantime, I had taken Jeb for another mission and his count went up to 2.... But then after I was preparing for another mission and gathering contracts, it looks as though Jeb also lost one of his mission counts, and is now back down to 1. I THINK it happened after I went to the tracking station to see locations of proposed contracts and came back to space center... That may be something to look at.

It's just so strange that it correctly awards the mission counts just fine.... What could be removing it? Does it have something to do with how it revokes the awarded stuff on reverts? Does the map view/tracking station somehow invoke that?

Anyways, here is a list of the mods I am using currently (All latest versions):

-On KSP 1.0 using OpenGL

- Active Texture Management Basic

- Aviation Lights

- Environmental Visual Enhancements

- Chatterer

- DMagic Orbital Science

- Dynamic Controls/Deflection

- Editor Extensions

- FASA (Just the launch clamps)

- Firespitter (DLL)

- RasterPropMonitor (With KSI/Wari edit)

- Kerbal Engineer Redux

- HyperEdit

- KerbinSide

- Kerbal Inventory System

- KSC++

- Lights Out!

- ModuleManager 2.6.2

- Infernal Robotics (With expansions)

- MechJeb

- Kerbal Konstructs

- Final Frontier

- PlanetShine

- Procedural Fairings

- QuickSearch

- RCS Build Aid

- RCS Sounds

- Taurus HCV

- ScienceAlert!

- Science Funding

- Ship Manifest

- Stage Recovery

- Stock Bug Fix Modules (Just newly added, bug was occurring even before use)

- Surface Lights

- Targetron

- Texture Replacer

- Tweakable Everything

- Universal Storage

- USI Exploration Pack

- USI Karbonite (and K+)


- Waypoint Manager

- Wider Contracts APP

Edited by DesTroy
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In the meantime, I had taken Jeb for another mission and his count went up to 2.... But then after I was preparing for another mission and gathering contracts, it looks as though Jeb also lost one of his mission counts, and is now back down to 1. I THINK it happened after I went to the tracking station to see locations of proposed contracts and came back to space center... That may be something to look at.

Thanks. This could be a quite useful info.

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I don't have logs nor a save to send, but i can confirm there's a vanishing ribbons problem. My science sandbox save lost them all at some point in the past 3 hours, as now there's only the ribbons Jeb and Bill got for a launchpad test...

There are 5 girls on a station aroundthe Mun that each had more ribbons than Valentina... Oh well

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Because that sort of detail is something that actually gets talked about a lot (i.e., first woman in space was... :) ).

For the record, I'm all in favour. As a teacher, I'm fighting against some pretty heavy big time pink forces when it comes to encouraging girls to get interested in STEM areas of study.

Well, given that Kerbal Space Program is a work of fiction, in part shaped by modders like Nereid, we have the opportunity to to tell a story different from Earth's history. KSP's already seeing some use in schools, inspiring the new generation of space nuts. If we have the opportunity to contribute to steering them towards equality, I think we should take it. Valentina Kerman is as much a BadS as Jebediah, after all.

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I am in the process of sending you the file you needed Nereid.

In the meantime, I had taken Jeb for another mission and his count went up to 2.... But then after I was preparing for another mission and gathering contracts, it looks as though Jeb also lost one of his mission counts, and is now back down to 1. I THINK it happened after I went to the tracking station to see locations of proposed contracts and came back to space center... That may be something to look at.

Just tested it: It works for me. I have even tried to recover a vessel in the tracking station. No issues at all. I just have to install all the listed mods and test it again a few times. But this is quite a lot work (and the version numbers are missing, so I have to assume current releases of all mods).

There is only one way to analyze this: Set the log level of FF at least to DETAIL and send me the log if you are sure (!), you lost mission stats since KSP was started. Please include the time you have observed it, too. Don't start KSP again or the logs are lost. Don't disable logging in KSP, of course.

And even then, I have to get a clue where to add more logging to nail this down.

Same rules apply for the "lost ribbon bug".

Both bugs are not that important if you make backups at least each time KSP starts. I will update S.A.V.E today, to make this a bit easier.

Edited by Nereid
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Someone should twitch game play with FF installed and periodically check the ribbons. If there is an issue there is a video log of everything that was done. If someone doesn't get to it first, I will eventually.

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I just tried to install FF with 1.0, but I can not seem to get it running. I updated the game (1.0.1) and reinstalled FF and a few other mods with latest versions (FF, AVC, Stagerecovery, Chatterer, AlarmClock). Everything seems to work as it should, but there is no FF menu button ingame at all. Stagerecovery/Alarmclock menu buttons are there and working.

In my 0.90 install I used the Custom Toolbar, but that is not updated yet to 1.0. So I would like to use the stock menu button for FF if possible. Can anybody help me out what might be wrong here?

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I just tried to install FF with 1.0, but I can not seem to get it running. I updated the game (1.0.1) and reinstalled FF and a few other mods with latest versions (FF, AVC, Stagerecovery, Chatterer, AlarmClock). Everything seems to work as it should, but there is no FF menu button ingame at all. Stagerecovery/Alarmclock menu buttons are there and working.

In my 0.90 install I used the Custom Toolbar, but that is not updated yet to 1.0. So I would like to use the stock menu button for FF if possible. Can anybody help me out what might be wrong here?

Blizzy's toolbar forks fine

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Uploaded a new update for 1.01 0.7.5-933.

SQUAD had changed the parameter for a callback. The new version is not KSP 1.0 compatible and will only work with 1.0.1!

Edited by Nereid
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Uploaded a new update for 1.01 0.7.5-933.

SQUAD had changed the parameter for a callback. The new version is not KSP 1.0 compatible and will only work with 1.0.1!

Was that a simple fix? Someone just released a 1.0 update for [x]Science! and it similarly no longer works in 1.0.1. They're off for a week to go camping, and I'd love to help "fix" it in the mean-time. :)

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Was that a simple fix? Someone just released a 1.0 update for [x]Science! and it similarly no longer works in 1.0.1. They're off for a week to go camping, and I'd love to help "fix" it in the mean-time. :)

Very simple. Just add another boolean to the signature of the callback and all schould be fine. There is a drawback: I have no clue what this boolean means and so I'm ignoring it. This could lead to problems with science ribbons or maybe not. But I don't have time to test this yet and so I was taking the risk. I'm still investigating what this boolean does...

- - - Updated - - -

Well... KSP 1.0.2 is out now.

It's to late for me to test FF against 1.0.2 or to fix it, if it's broken. We have to wait until tomorrow...

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Just an update on my test to track down the missions counter bug:

Still using KSP 1.0 and Final Frontier 0.7.4-870.

- I started a new career game and sent Jeb on a mission.... Ribbons awarded, and Mission counter for Jeb went up by 1.

- I sent Valentina on a mission... Ribbons awarded, and Mission counter for her went up by 1.

- I confirmed it listed both as having a mission.

- I went to every scene, into tracking station and map and came back to space center and it still listed them as each having a mission. So I quit to main menu and closed game.

- I booted the game up again and loaded my game.

- Checked FF and Only Jeb has a mission count of 1 (And his ribbons of course)... Valentina is 0 (but also has her ribbons).

I will send you my save file, inside it still lists Valentina as having a flight record.... so I 'unno :confused:

Which log would you like to see? I do have FF set to Detail logging, but the log I checked doesn't show anything about the mission counter.


In KSP.log I see:

[LOG 19:30:24.964] FF: adding known kerbals

[LOG 19:30:24.965] FF: resolving logbook

Then immediately:

[LOG 19:30:24.965] FF: entry for kerbal Jebediah Kerman doesn't exists

[WRN 19:30:24.966] FF: no entry for kerbal Jebediah Kerman found

This repeats 42 times

And then:

[LOG 19:30:25.007] FF: entry for kerbal Valentina Kerman doesn't exists

[WRN 19:30:25.008] FF: no entry for kerbal Valentina Kerman found

Repeats 67 times.

Later in the log under this block:

[LOG 19:30:25.075] FF: new hall of fame created

[LOG 19:30:25.075] FF: Hall of Fame Statistics:

[LOG 19:30:25.076] FF: hall of fame in persistence file found

[LOG 19:30:35.924] FF: reset inspectors

[LOG 19:30:35.925] FF: mach number reset

[LOG 19:30:35.925] FF: reset of gee inspector state

[LOG 19:30:35.926] FF: EventObserver:: OnGameStateCreated 2452.91999999806, game status: ONGOING, scene MAINMENU

[LOG 19:30:35.926] FF: reverting vessel observer to 2452.91999999806

[LOG 19:30:35.927] FF: loading hall of fame

[LOG 19:30:35.927] FF: data node 'FinalFrontierHallOfFameRoot' found, 109 childs

[LOG 19:30:35.928] FF: hall of fame loaded in 0ms

[LOG 19:30:35.928] FF: hall of fame loaded (0 logbook entries)

[LOG 19:30:35.929] FF: data for logbook loaded

[LOG 19:30:35.929] FF: creating hall of fame from logbook

[LOG 19:30:35.930] FF: clearing Final Frontier hall of fame

[LOG 19:30:35.930] FF: adding known kerbals

[LOG 19:30:35.931] FF: resolving logbook

Another spam of the above appear for both Kerbals.

***Update 2***

So I booted up the same save again I checked the logs in game right away again and noticed the lines where it says:

[Log]: FF: mission recover recorded for kerbal Jebediah Kerman: 1 missions flown

[Log]: FF: kerbal Jebediah Kerman no longer on mission

Right after it implicitly awards all his ribbons so far. So I scrolled down through it and looked after Valentina Kerman's implicitly awarded ribbons, but there is no entries for it! For some reason it is only counting Jeb's mission and recovery, not Vals... even though in the save it is recorded.

It's not like she is still counted as 'on mission' by FF... it's as though FF doesn't even recognize that she ever went on a mission at all... she just 'magically' got ribbons.

Edited by DesTroy
Log Excerpt & Second Update
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I've tested Final Frontier current version: 0.7.5-933 with Kerbal Space Program v1.0.2.842 and it appears to be working - no other mods installed. However, the FF ribbon does appear over the icon on the right of the FF icon as seen in the top right of the image.


Edited by T3chnic
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I've noticed the Award Window gets spammed with all the mission Kerbals, such as tourists offering contracts. Is there any way to purge them in the code for a future version, or is it just a fact of life for dealing with mods that pull kerbal details?

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Hi everyone

First let me introduce myself briefly for my first post : I have started playing KSP with version 0.23.5 and read the forum a lot since. I have never posted because so far I have always find the answer I was looking for, until I came across the mission count bug in Final Frontier. So here I am :cool:.

For KSP 1.0 I started a new save in career mode with some mods and begin by a "false" mission : attach a goo to a pod, launch it, run the experiment, recover and do it again on the runway (the purpose is to gather enough science to unlock the first node of the tech tree).

After doing that I saw that the mission count for Jeb was 1 instead of 2. I was wondering what happen so I start some digging : the bug only occurs when a vessel is recovered without being staged. Final frontier seems to rely on the staging system to determine the mission count, let me explain how to reproduce it :

  1. Build a simple vessel : MK16 chute - MK1 pod - FLEA Booster with 10 of solid fuel
  2. Bind an action group for activate the engine and an other to deploy the chute
  3. Try to launch it

If you launch it in a "regular" way, hit space for activate engine then space again for the chute, it works fine. The ribbon are awarded and the mission count goes up (and it is persistent).

But if you launch in a "strange" way, right-click on the engine to activate or use the action group, it (semi-)fails. The mission count goes up but if you reload the game or recover an other vessel it is lost. The mission summary is kind of broken too : the new ribbon are awarded but the one from the previous mission shows too.

So the bug appears every time you launch a vessel without hitting space. I tried to activate the engine with the action group then deploy the chute with space and the bug shows too.

Anyway I hope this can help Nereid or someone else to fix it, Final Frontier is a great mod who do a lot for immersion (last time I killed Jeb in career with lots of ribbon I stopped played for a week... ;.;).

I don't provide logs because it is easy to reproduce on a clean install with only Final Frontier and the toolbar on sandbox or career (I test with KSP 1.0 / FF 0.7.4-870 and KSP 1.0.2 / FF 0.7.5-933). Let me know if you need any extra informations.

PS : English is not my primary language so please excuse any mistake (tell me where they are, I'll edit).

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I've noticed the Award Window gets spammed with all the mission Kerbals, such as tourists offering contracts. Is there any way to purge them in the code for a future version, or is it just a fact of life for dealing with mods that pull kerbal details?

I do not really understand what you mean. But if any ribbon won't work: just delete it's graphics from the ribbon folder.

- - - Updated - - -

Just an update on my test to track down the missions counter bug:

Still using KSP 1.0 and Final Frontier 0.7.4-870.

- I started a new career game and sent Jeb on a mission.... Ribbons awarded, and Mission counter for Jeb went up by 1.

- I sent Valentina on a mission... Ribbons awarded, and Mission counter for her went up by 1.

- I confirmed it listed both as having a mission.

- I went to every scene, into tracking station and map and came back to space center and it still listed them as each having a mission. So I quit to main menu and closed game.

- I booted the game up again and loaded my game.

- Checked FF and Only Jeb has a mission count of 1 (And his ribbons of course)... Valentina is 0 (but also has her ribbons).

I will send you my save file, inside it still lists Valentina as having a flight record.... so I 'unno :confused:

Which log would you like to see? I do have FF set to Detail logging, but the log I checked doesn't show anything about the mission counter.

Thank you for this report. Please send me the log oft the game to the address you already know. Even missing log entries are helpful in debugging. And I will try to reproduce your description.

But first I will have to check FF against 1.0.2.

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I do not really understand what you mean. But if any ribbon won't work: just delete it's graphics from the ribbon folder.

What he means is - lets say you got the original 4 kerbals. Then when tourist contracts get offered (not sure about the save kerbal), when in flight, those guys appear in the kerbal list, even though they are not actually existing. They don't seem to appear in the list when you are in the KSC screen.

Also hired tourists in your roster (accepted contracts) seem to appear in the list.

Not exactly game-breaking, but...

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I will try to reproduce your description.

Well. I have tried to reproduce this with FF 0.7.5.-933 and KSP 1.0.2 without any other mods. And well... Valentina still has her mission count. Before the load and fater loading the game.

But there are some very suspicious log outputs. Before I try this with all your installed mods, I will check the used dictionaries in my code. It seems that Valentina gets a record, but its not found in the dictionary anymore. Common coding mistake: wrong hashcode, wrong equals-method. But such errors shows up way more frequently if they exists. But anyway... horses before burning drugstores maybe...

EDIT: The equals and hashcode methods are pretty fine. But I have found a potential problem in the hall of fame loading method (the method is, well, a bit quirky because of some feature requests I have included in FF in later development - FF was not designed at first for custom ribbons and such things).

I'm not really sure, but maybe this happens: FF prefetches all kerbals at startup from the roster. Then it loads the game. If a kerbal gets not prefetched (yet), the loading skips this log entry (a log entry is any action in a hall of fame entry (=kerbal) that is related to any FF data, such as begin a mission, end a mission, ribbon reward,...). At later time, the kerbal is found in the hall of fame, and things like ribbons gets loaded.

This would be clearly a bug, because the prefetching is not required. But I remember that I have changed some getters for the HallOfFame and it seems in this case the entry is not created (it should, it's a bug).

This could cause missing ribbons, too. It seems we have found at least one potential quirk, that could cause this. And because I do not really know when exactly KSP loads a kerbal in the roster...

EDIT2: hmmm... to be honest, this cannot causing this. But I will add some log outputs.

EDIT3: But there is another issue... if FF loads its data, there is no running game yet. So there is no crew roster at all. The loading operations were done for the old halloffame.ksp and just gets recycled for loading from the persistence file. This is suspicious at least. I will change the loading methods a bit (the will get a rework later). Maybe (but just maybe) this will fix some issues.

- - - Updated - - -

What he means is - lets say you got the original 4 kerbals. Then when tourist contracts get offered (not sure about the save kerbal), when in flight, those guys appear in the kerbal list, even though they are not actually existing. They don't seem to appear in the list when you are in the KSC screen.

Also hired tourists in your roster (accepted contracts) seem to appear in the list.

Ah, I see. This should be quite easy to fix.

Edited by Nereid
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Ok, maybe I have solved the issue. I still can't reproduce it. I will still do a few tests and release the new version.

At least I have removed the tourists from the hall of fame.

- - - Updated - - -

Uploaded 0.7.6-949. Please report if there are still issues.

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