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[1.10.0] Final Frontier - kerbal individual merits 1.10.0-3485


KSP 1.1.0  

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Was there a workaround to fill in already flown missions?

(Yes, haven't read all posts, sorry!)


That will add missions to your counter, to add certain ribbons, change L+ (or M+, just 1 line, don't add 2 for events)

S1 = first in space

E1:Kerbin (Jool,Mun) etc = first to eva around Kerbin, just use E:Kerbin for later eva's

O1:Kerbin (etc) = first orbit

DE = dangerous EVA

W = splashdown

G1:Kerbin (etc) = first EVA ON a body

L1:Kerbin (etc) = first soft landing on a body

There are other ribbons but that should cover most of them.

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Thanks Nereid for updating so fast.. Loading it now.

Agree with C monk . Rookie is an apt term. A rookie is a person in his or her first year of a sport, or someone who is new to a profession, training or activity such as a rookie police officer, rookie pilot, a recruit (wikipedia)

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That will add missions to your counter, to add certain ribbons, change L+ (or M+, just 1 line, don't add 2 for events)

S1 = first in space

E1:Kerbin (Jool,Mun) etc = first to eva around Kerbin, just use E:Kerbin for later eva's

O1:Kerbin (etc) = first orbit

DE = dangerous EVA

W = splashdown

G1:Kerbin (etc) = first EVA ON a body

L1:Kerbin (etc) = first soft landing on a body

There are other ribbons but that should cover most of them.

V1:Kerbin = First Eva around Kerbin while not in an orbit

V:Kerbin = Eva around Kerbin while not in an orbit

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Nereid, du grossartige Sprotte!

What is a dangerous EVA?

And an EVA around Kerbin, without being in Orbit is while going suborbital or by airplane, i.e.?

Great job here!

Sprottige kieler Grüße! :)

Well... FF is considering all EVA not on ground and not in an orbit as dangerous. Currently an orbit is called stable in FF, when there is a apoapsis and a periapsis. Atmospheric pressure is not taken into account at the moment (i.e. the orbit may not be stable for a long time). It's just some kind of fun ribbon, because a kerbal that goes on EVA in that situation takes a greater risk (it's easy to rescue a kerbal in orbit, but if he is flying into deep space or falling down to ground its not that easy). Any EVA while in transit from one planet to another without orbiting the Sun would also be counted as dangerous.

And yes, if you do an EVA in an airplane without a periapsis, you will receive the Dangerous EVA ribbon.

EDIT: mistunderstood the question

And an EVA around Kerbin, without being in Orbit is while going suborbital or by airplane, i.e.?

The new ribbon EVA around Kerbin is awarded for any EVA (not on ground of course - let's this will be detected correctly) without an apoapsis or periapsis. For example: your kerbals are approching Mun but won't enter an orbit and are using Muns gravity only for changing the flight path (so they get only a periapsis), then they get the ribbon at the point they are doing an EVA in the sphere of influence of Mun.

Edited by Nereid
correction: apoapsis, periapsis
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Final Frontier 0.2.0 experimental

My time in the next week is very limited and I can't really fix bugs then. So I decided not to upload the new version on Spaceport to prevent a similar desaster as last time. But anybody may download the version 0.2.0 from this location:


  • Filter for dead kerbals is broken. Again the misleading RosterStatus has confused me, because dead kerbals won't get RosterStatus.DEAD, but RosterStatus.MISSING.. (fixed).

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

New features:

  • A display window for a detailed view a a specific kerbal.
  • A logbook for each kerbal.
  • A hotkey LEFTALT-F for those with toolbar issues.

[EDIT] a screenshot:


Edited by Nereid
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Final Frontier 0.2.0 experimental

My time in the next week is very limited and I can't really fix bugs then. So I decided not to upload the new version on Spaceport to prevent a similar desaster as last time. But anybody may download the version 0.2.0 from this location:

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

New features:

  • A display window for a detailed view a a specific kerbal.
  • A logbook for each kerbal.
  • A hotkey LEFTALT-F for those with toolbar issues.

[EDIT] a screenshot:


So there is a version 2.0 and 2.1 ..?

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So there is a version 2.0 and 2.1 ..?

0.2.0 doesn't count docking operations. Just a missing incremental operation. There may be a 0.2.2 tomorrow too.

BTW: In flight you by selecting any kerbal on mission and pressing the button on the right hand side directly beneath "MISSION" (the name of the vessel), you can make the vessel of that kerbal the current active flight.

Edited by Nereid
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Thanks Nereid! I will try out 0.21 immediately. I'm loving the look of the new detail panel for kerbals.


I've installed it and so far the mod is working fine, although I have noticed a strange discrepancy between the actual game time and the game time which the mod registers an award being given. Note the below screenshot:


Note that Kerbal Alarm Clock's time is the actual game time, as shown in the Tracking Station.

Edited by CalculusWarrior
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Amazing mod! Using it right now. I would really like a more extensive Kerbal log, for example, on which mission they went (name of the launch vessel), mission flag, duration..

Just an idea : is it possible to have a generic ribbon and a customisable text (like the plaque that goes with the flag) to decorate a Kerbal for a particularly impressive feat ? like "Sole Survivor of the Kerbal X Catastrophe" or whatever...

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Just an idea : is it possible to have a generic ribbon and a customisable text (like the plaque that goes with the flag) to decorate a Kerbal for a particularly impressive feat ? like "Sole Survivor of the Kerbal X Catastrophe" or whatever...

I think that would be a fun idea!

I also have another little idea that popped into my head yesterday... Probably not anything that you would want to focus on right now, but for in the future, if you want ideas...

Maybe a similar "ribboning" system for saved ships?

I don't know how you would do it, but if you saved a ship, and then did multiple missions with it (as I usually end up doing), it could have a similar thing to an individual Kerbal.

Not neccesarily that the rocket parts themselves all survived, but more the DESIGN of the rocket is getting the achievements.

There'd prbably be issues with things like "adding one extra part to the ship to give it new science functionality" etc... How would you determine what is the "same" ship?

Because technically you could make a ship, then save it, and then delete everything and make a completely different ship and save it in the same file...

Just a thought I had :)

Also, I know it might be sort of a pain with how fast you are pushing updates out, but a current download, with a running chengelog would be very nice to see in the original post. (the first post is still displaying 0.1.6c as the most recent update)

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I think that would be a fun idea!

I also have another little idea that popped into my head yesterday... Probably not anything that you would want to focus on right now, but for in the future, if you want ideas...

Maybe a similar "ribboning" system for saved ships?

I think this would be quite difficult. I have one ribbon I want for myself: The Abort Launch ribbon. But it's seems not that easy to detect an abort. It may be easy to detect the user input that should (!) trigger an abort, but the user can set it up for anything he want, perhaps extending landing gears. And a ribbon for extending gears... well... Such things are complicated to detect.

Also, I know it might be sort of a pain with how fast you are pushing updates out, but a current download, with a running chengelog would be very nice to see in the original post. (the first post is still displaying 0.1.6c as the most recent update)

It update frequency will go down in the near future. Currently I'm finishing the UI and I'm still hunting bugs. Changelogs will come, when this stage of development is passed.

Regarding bugs: The current version has a bug in detecting orbits. Sometimes (in the sphere of influence of Mun for example) it detects an orbit, but the Apoapsis is beyond the sphere of influence of that body. So it is not really an orbit. But unfortunately this is a situation change event that changes the situation to ORBIT of the vessel and then no other change will be detected. There is an Orbit-Closed event but this isn't working for me. I do have a solution: just test for an closed orbit every few seconds. But I have to test this more carefully before I can release this. In my last tests nearly all ribbons seem to be broken with this workaround, so I will delay this for a week or so.

I will release 0.2.2 in a few minutes. I have given up detecting solid fuel booster at the moment. Its possible to detect them, thats not difficult. But I haven't found a solution to detect a single engine activation (without triggering the new stage).

New in 0.2.2b:

  • The detailed display window (as in 0.2.0/0.2.1)
  • The timestamps in logbooks have been corrected
  • A new ribbon for entering the sphere of influence of a celestial body. Any other ribbon of that body will replace this new ribbon.

Edited by Nereid
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Final Frontier 0.2.2 is on Spaceport

I've installed it and so far the mod is working fine, although I have noticed a strange discrepancy between the actual game time and the game time which the mod registers an award being given. Note the

Thank you for reporting. The bug is fixed in 0.2.2b.

EDIT: Should have been fixed in 0.2.2 but reappeared because of a unintentional revert.

Edited by Nereid
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Hi Guys i have 2.2b running. One of my Kerbals (name withheld) was recently fraudulently awarded with the first docking in orbit ribbon. It was discovered that he had merely repositioned a thermometer in orbit on eva using a KAS screwdriver. Management are obviously keen to strip him of the ill gotten citation and were wondering if anyone on the forums knew how this could be done?

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Just an idea : is it possible to have a generic ribbon and a customisable text (like the plaque that goes with the flag) to decorate a Kerbal for a particularly impressive feat ? like "Sole Survivor of the Kerbal X Catastrophe" or whatever...

I really like the idea, so I will give this a try next week.

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Hi Guys i have 2.2b running. One of my Kerbals (name withheld) was recently fraudulently awarded with the first docking in orbit ribbon. It was discovered that he had merely repositioned a thermometer in orbit on eva using a KAS screwdriver. Management are obviously keen to strip him of the ill gotten citation and were wondering if anyone on the forums knew how this could be done?

KAS is still a problem. Currently any couple event leads to a docking ribbon. This is fine for vanilla but for KAS or similar addons I suspected some problems already. Its already on my list, because KAS is one of my personal favorites, too.

EDIT: any version with docking ribbons will award this ribbon in this case. Just wait a week. I will take a look into this next weekend.

I you want get rid of this ribbon: Just edit the halloffame.ksp in your save game folder. Find he line with DO:<body> order DO1:<body> and the name of the kerbal. Just remove this line.

Edited by Nereid
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I have created a temporary fix for the docking ribbons while in EVA:


It just checks if any involved vessel is on EVA (in KSP any kerbal on EVA is a vessel too :D). If any involved part is a part of a vessel on EVA (i.e a kerbal on EVA) it just wont trigger a docking ribbon.

And if anyone knows how to check a part if its capable of docking, just tell me...

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And if anyone knows how to check a part if its capable of docking, just tell me...

Let me say this first: I am NOT a modder. The best I can do is edit configs, so forgive me if I am suggesting a stupid thing.

Couldn't you check for the ModuleDockingNode module? Or does KAS use that as well to make parts attachable?

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