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Defcon Corp. Orbital Tech. Pack


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Ok everyone, due to different responses to this thread, I'm going to clear everything up here:

-This mod is not OP, it is not a "cheat" mod, and if you don't want to use it to "cheat", then do not use it on missions- it is intended for use as a way to sustain orbital satellites, and stations.

-The GRE is currently using the texture from the AIES Aerospace mo- this is simply a place holder for me to use until I can model a custom engine.

-Soon, it will be updated so that the GRE does not detach from your craft.

This mod will be more balanced soon.

-If you would be interested in helping out with modelling/texturing, etc. then please leave a reply, or send me a private message- I am currently looking for help!

Thanks for all of the feedback though, everyone, and I shall be working to make this mod better soon.

"This mod is not op"

I'm truly sorry to be that guy, but it is. Pretty much any mod that generates infinite fuel is OP. And you can't just say "It SHOULD be for [This stuff], so don't use it to do [Obvious loophole]", its kinda a lame excuse. On the plus side, the original textures for this mod are quite good, and I encourage you to continue balancing. Just maybe axe the infinate fuel thing (Or make it non-OP - I dunno how, maybe copy the Davon Station Resupply mod) and nerf Hyperium.

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Yes, which is why (as clearly stated) I am using the engine only as a very temporary placeholder until I can produce a 3D model for the engine- but, due to the complaints, I will instead be using a stock engine for now, until I can create the 3D model. Please check the downloads page for the updated version.

You can't, because of the intelligence you have demonstrated so far.

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Ok haha, I'm sorry but what exactly is this turning into? This is an addon release thread, not a place for you to argue about it- if you don't like it, don't download it. And remember that this is my first mod for KSP to test out what modding for this game is like; it's a test for me, but I've made loads of mods for other games so, jacobgong, since you appear to be saying that I'm incapable of this, then have a look at some of my actual mods here planetminecraft.com/member/esvdefcon/, or here https://www.youtube.com/user/EsvDefcon, and you'll see that there is no issue with my intelligence.

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Ok haha, I'm sorry but what exactly is this turning into? This is an addon release thread, not a place for you to argue about it- if you don't like it, don't download it. And remember that this is my first mod for KSP to test out what modding for this game is like; it's a test for me, but I've made loads of mods for other games so, jacobgong, since you appear to be saying that I'm incapable of this, then have a look at some of my actual mods here planetminecraft.com/member/esvdefcon/, or here https://www.youtube.com/user/EsvDefcon, and you'll see that there is no issue with my intelligence.

yea equivalent of cfg edits in minecraft, what kind of a proof is that?

the reason we are arguing here is because you posted a mod with stolen assets from other mods. Most people would have ignored you if you used stock models instead. Either way you have a bad mod nobody wants to download.

Edited by jacobgong
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First of all. Even if a post does break the forum rules that doesn't validate being abusive towards its author, that's what the report function is for.

And as pointed out by users in this thread, the mod does in fact not abide by the rules and as such can't be left on the forum. Once you've gotten rid of the parts you aren't entitled to use you are free to post another thread abiding by the Rules

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