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Ranting about "Kerbalnaughts" and the K syndrome.


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  r4pt0r said:
Daily reminder that the sun in KSP is called the sun.

thats also why solar panels arent called kerbolar panels too.

The sun in KSP is called Kerbol.

e: photovoltaic panels also aren't called sunar panels either (using your logic). I assume we call them solar panels after the name of our sun (Sol), so calling solar panels in KSP kerbolar panels wouldn't be wrong, it just sounds stupid.

Edited by Sethnizzle
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I will admit that K syndrome annoys me personally, but if it's how others express their joy in the game and like to roleplay then who am I to rain on their parade? There are a few K words even I still hold on to religiously: Kerbol (their star), Kerbits (kerbal currency), Kerbalkind / Kerbality (though that makes sense as an analog to mankind / humanity), Kersepolis (the fictional kerbin city that I like to imagine sits right next to the kerbal space center like some kind of kerbin version of Titusville), and yes... Even Kerbonauts from time to time just cause I like how it sounds!

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The sun is called the Sun, not Sol, the moon is called the moon, not Luna, and the Earth is called the Earth, not Terra. I don't mind people using them if they want, but when anybody who isn't either from the distance, spacefaring future, or ancient Rome, starts correcting people for using the correct, IAU approved, names, well...

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Even though I don't think it's very funny or creative, I don't have much problem with it. Except for Wiki which insists that the central star is called Kerbol which it isn't - it's Sun. And the wiki should follow the game, not stick to anachronisms.

What I find particularly uninventive is that many people think Kerbal's antipods (and owners of KSC2) are Krussians. If I was to give them a name, I'd call them Cerbals instead. To give it some balance ;)

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  peadar1987 said:
The sun is called the Sun, not Sol, the moon is called the moon, not Luna, and the Earth is called the Earth, not Terra. I don't mind people using them if they want, but when anybody who isn't either from the distance, spacefaring future, or ancient Rome, starts correcting people for using the correct, IAU approved, names, well...

Well what?... Get out of here with your passive aggressive bs. People in here are discussing this issue on what is officially correct, so they should be correct. Not, correct "technically". I call my son*, son, which is a widely acceptable name to call ones son. However when I'm in a situation where I need to be officially correct it's, Kerbol, Sol, and Adam.

The message I originally quoted would have been fine, cause I would agree for everyday nomenclature sun would be an acceptable name. However, they tried to draw a conclusion as to why solar panels aren't called kerbolar panels. Not only is the logic flawed, but the statement surely isn't true.

*I dont have a son, but the point still stands.

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  peadar1987 said:
The sun is called the Sun, not Sol, the moon is called the moon, not Luna, and the Earth is called the Earth, not Terra. I don't mind people using them if they want, but when anybody who isn't either from the distance, spacefaring future, or ancient Rome, starts correcting people for using the correct, IAU approved, names, well...

Insisting those are correct is stupid, yes, but people may not know the official English astronomic names even though they post in English (newbies, for example ...and Italians). Not that it gives them any sort of immunity, but still.

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Kerbol is the widely-accepted name for the Sun. Kerbonaut or Kerbalnaut is the normally-used term for Kerbals in space. The "K" thing is just for people who find it fun.

Just like "Earth" is official, but Terra is also correct, just less official. Same thing with Sol and Luna.

And again, if you don't like someone using a non-official term, ignore it. And bear in mind that complaining about how people have fun is very akin to "Guys, why do you have fun this way? Stop! It's not the right way to have fun!"

Tone of voice doesn't carry through text, so beware how you may sound when making these threads.

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I really see no point to this thread. Whether OP is aggravated by the K references and other oddities of the Kerbalverse or just tired of it, there is very little reason to go round saying "I've gotten bored of this, therefore everyone else should stop doing it." (Yes, that isn't precisely what you said, but it's very, very close.)

Let them be. Let them affix K to every word if they so choose. Let them call their little green men Kerbonauts if they want. No one forces it on you, and it's not a matter of confusing the issues or a lack of clarity in communication (except in irregularly extreme cases of attaching K to every syllable of the word; that can get messy), so there's really no reason to make a whole thread about it. I mean, sure, you can, but most people are just gonna take it as a "I don't like what you're doing. Here, do what I'm doing instead." sort of thing (which it does come across as a little bit, tbh)... and that's never really appropriate, seeing as that interpretation means you'll be seen as disregarding basic human rights (and without real reason to boot).

A few things here or there might annoy you, and it might be a little to widespread for your liking, but as with everything, it will change with time. And then, naturally, you'll have something else to be irritated by. :D

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  Kialar said:
Shouldn't that read "to be OC"? :D

Hmm, seems I was too subtle.

The font may make it too difficult to see, but the phrase was actually "Sorry, OP everything's not going to be (zero)K".

I put the comma in the wrong place as well. Double drat.

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Thank you Vexx32, I couldn't agree with you more. There really is no point to this thread. I noticed this thread yesterday and was quite frankly astonished how far this actually got today. Even though as I post this, it gets placed to the top of the forums list. :(

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Aside from the "have fun the right way" nature of the thread, what really bothers me are the people decrying Squad for a lack of creativity because of the K motif (note that the OP did not fall into this category). The vast majority of the Ks occur in player created material (which includes the name "Kerbol") - have a look through the list of planets and rocket parts in-game, I defy you to find conspicuously placed Ks. Other than Kerbin and Kerbals, there are precious few K words in this game. How anyone (ANYONE!!) can accuse the creators of something as wildly creative and entertaining as KSP as being uncreative is beyond me.

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I don't believe K syndrome exists - it seems to all be in the heads of people who hate the letter K for some obscure reason.

For example,

List of Celestial Bodies Beginning with K

  • Kerbin

List of Celestial Bodies Beginning with a letter that isn't K

  • the Sun
  • Moho
  • Eve
  • the Mun
  • Minmus
  • Duna
  • Ike
  • Jool
  • Laythe
  • Vall
  • Tylo
  • Bop
  • Pol
  • Eeloo

I propose that we begin complaining loudly about "M syndrome". After all, three times as many celestial bodies have names beginning with M (the Mun, Minmus and Moho!) than beginning with K.

Damn uncreative devs, they just stick M at the start of every word!

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  peadar1987 said:
The sun is called the Sun, not Sol, the moon is called the moon, not Luna, and the Earth is called the Earth, not Terra. I don't mind people using them if they want, but when anybody who isn't either from the distance, spacefaring future, or ancient Rome, starts correcting people for using the correct, IAU approved, names, well...

As someone who reads a lot of sci-fi space operas, Earth might technically be correct, but I have to say, "Terra" sounds much cooler. What would you rather be called, a Terran or an "Earther".

Personally, I've seen both in use and I much prefer "Terran". Of course, this is only really important in settings that have multiple disparate human factions. Otherwise, plain and simple "human" works pretty well, or "hew-mon" if you're talking to a Ferengi.

As for the "K" thing, admittedly it's a bit old, but it's not a huge irritant. At least, not yet.

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  peadar1987 said:
The sun is called the Sun, not Sol, the moon is called the moon, not Luna, and the Earth is called the Earth, not Terra. I don't mind people using them if they want, but when anybody who isn't either from the distance, spacefaring future, or ancient Rome, starts correcting people for using the correct, IAU approved, names, well...

Our moon is not "the Moon." "Moon" is not a proper noun; Jupiter has more than 15 of the buggers, but while they're named Io, Europa, Ganymede and so forth, they are all moons.

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I call them Kerbonaughts, but that's because I think it a good name :) although I do agree with the whole K-Syndrome thing. It's alright to a point, but when Kevery other kword In Ka Konversation has K Kin Kit,

I Kthing Kwe should Kraw the.....

Oh god...

I'm infected.

Go on without me.

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  Adam Novagen said:
Our moon is not "the Moon." "Moon" is not a proper noun; Jupiter has more than 15 of the buggers, but while they're named Io, Europa, Ganymede and so forth, they are all moons.

Of course they are. But Ganymede, for example, is a moon. Our moon is the Moon, capitalised.

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