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Am I understanding this correctly? Mission to capture an asteroid?


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Maybe I'm terrible at math, but 5.4 * 10^8 kg is ~260k Metric tons, and only 135k "normal" tons. Still immensely heavy, but workable. Also, it stands to reason that the composition of the asteroid would also affect the weight of the object.

I don't know about math, but afaik metric ton is normal ton (you know, 10^3 kg, that one).

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A thought occurs. What should the asteroid be named? The obvious solution is some random Apophis analogue, but that's too easy. I spent maybe a half hour racking my brain.

Since the asteroid Apophis was really named after the Stargate SG1 villain, I'd suggest naming it after another Stargate villain. I'd be partial to either "Anubis" or "Baal." I feel "Baal" fits better with KSP.

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Since the asteroid Apophis was really named after the Stargate SG1 villain, I'd suggest naming it after another Stargate villain. I'd be partial to either "Anubis" or "Baal." I feel "Baal" fits better with KSP.

I'm pretty sure it was named after the egyptian god of death. If you wanna go greek, maybe Hades?

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Maybe I'm terrible at math, but 5.4 * 10^8 kg is ~260k Metric tons, and only 135k "normal" tons. Still immensely heavy, but workable. Also, it stands to reason that the composition of the asteroid would also affect the weight of the object.

A metric ton is 10^3kg. But you are totally right, they could fake the numbers a bit, having the asteroid be 100m big but have a low weight to push and increased gravity so its not that hard to get inside its SOI.

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I have come up with the ultimate goal.

I shall take this asteroid, then land it on Eve, or better yet, Moho.

But first things first (And, as a test run, I will knock it into Minmus Orbit).

Must wait for computer to come back from shop with upgraded RAM. Then we do it.

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Richy...I'll second that.

That image in neat, hope the program actually looks like that some day, right now Kerban reminds me of the planets in the orginal Star Trek...you know the ones that never had clouds.

Seems like the easiest way to steer an asteroid is with a solar powered engine on it when it's far enough out that the small push would let you change it's course before getting to Kerban I'm not that far into the tech tree yet but I'd think you could do this with some of the stock engines (impulse drive is electric powered right?) even if the asteroid is really big. Mount and aim (yeah I'm glossing over the math) the engine and let it run for a few months or years. You'd need some way to anchor, of course. But I'm no rocket scientist by any means more a seat of the pants type (for now).

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I'm pretty sure it was named after the egyptian god of death. If you wanna go greek, maybe Hades?

Nope. The discoverers were acknowledged Stargate fans. I believe there was also an episode where Apophis sent a giant asteroid to hit Earth, but it turned out to be a booby trap...

Anyways, I'm pretty sure if they weren't Stargate fans, it wouldn't have been named Apophis.

However, mythology may not have been the only consideration in naming Apophis. Codiscoverers Dave Tholen and Roy Tucker are fans of the TV series Stargate SG-1. The show's most persistent villain is Apophis, an alien also named for the Egyptian god. "We considered a number of names, but 'Apophis' kept floating to the top," says Tucker. "Apophis was a very fitting name for 2004 MN4 not only because of its threatening nature, but also because of its evolution from an Aten asteroid to an Apollo asteroid during the 2029 encounter."

Edited by Soda Popinski
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Nonononono. Don't name the asteroid after me. I've done nothing to warrant that kind of recognition. There's dozens others far more worthy than I am.

But whack! Your famous for making CPU melting monsters! You are the one who started it all!

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The asteroid should be named Manley 2014.

Named after Scott Manley and its discovery date, of course.

It would certainly be a fitting tribute. If I recall, Scott Manley's professional academic work dealt with asteroids (although as my memory's a bit fuzzy on the subject, I'd rather he supply the details himself if he's so inclined).

At any rate, add me to the list of those eagerly looking forward to the fruits of SQUAD and NASA's collaborative efforts :)

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They really need multiple asteroids that orbit around the Kerbol system in the vanilla game (no missions, actual asteroids that spawn at random points in the system).

Maybe some that are larger in size and can't be moved, and small ones that are able to be manipulated.

LOL. That game has been done already. See arcades circa 1978.

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Finally actually read the first post of this thread.

Because I am planning a thing for when this comes. I want to launch a thing. This thing will go to the asteroid. This thing will then engulf it. Then this thing plus asteroid will go to LKO. Then this thing will conduct a powered landing on Kerbin.

Whack, does this having anything to do with your:

"My dream is to build a planet, . . . and to land that planet on another planet." Line which i cannot find anywhere?

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The asteroid should be named Manley 2014.

Named after Scott Manley and its discovery date, of course.

I'm sure a lot of people will start a new career focusing on this asteroid, so it should be named Manley Year1Day1

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