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KSP for Android!

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Another possible solution is remote gaming. Like nVidia Shield, for example, or that weird public service (don't remember the name OnLive) where you could rent game time on server farm. Basically, it's video stream from PC to tablet and control stream from tablet to PC. Not exactly "running" it on tablet, but that's the best you can get today, I guess.

That's called cloud computing gamming.

Yeah, seems interesting.

I heard that they are still solving some tecnical issues regarding latency, and that there are plans to put GRID servers on most capitals.

Those clouds would also run a gamming specific OS, like a console.

So you wouldn't have to port to pc/mad/linux/android/ios/whatever, you would just run the app that connects on the cloud.

A nice idea, but it will take a while until the internet latency is low enough to make it feasible for high end gammers.

It's a good solution for small companies (mostly ones that doesn't have a headquarter), not the gamming one, but normal cloud computing (ofc).

Cloud rendering also seems great, but I don't know much about it.

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That's called cloud computing gamming.

Not necessarily. Public services - yes, but I've also mentioned nVidia Shield (which I don't really approve because latest nVidia drivers include some dirty, bordering on malware, OS hacks to make it work, even if you don't have and don't plan to have Shield), which streams from your own PC, not from the public cloud.

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My Asus Nexus 7 has plenty of memory and probably meets minimal requirements. With a little ingenuity, Ksp could have a touch screen interface, using specific buttons and having D-pads for flight control (Left D-pad=Roll, right=pitch/yaw). For tablets that have the ability to use keyboards, when a keyboard is plugged in it can override touch controls. Mouses are actually not needed in KSP.

No way on earth can a Nexus run anything like KSP. I have one myself.

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