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What we know about contracts.

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According to this post, there were no new details revealed about .24 in the stream: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68005-Ksp-TV-on-twitch-in-30-mins-is-about-to-talk-about-the-next-update-Im-excited!-3?p=941258&viewfull=1#post941258


Technical difficulties and timing be darned! We've got announcements ahoy on Tuesday. 0.24 stuff, NASA stuff and a contest where you can find some of your proud work (not mods) in the game.
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Well, what we know is that they'll likely be introduced in .24

And when that happens we'll find out how it works. What's the point in fretting over it before then? :)

Well, for one thing I am not so much anxious as I am seeking information, and secondly, being a sub-forum about development discussions, I don't see why I shouldn't start a discussion on the development of the game.

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Well, what we know is that they'll likely be introduced in .24

And when that happens we'll find out how it works. What's the point in fretting over it before then? :)

Because I get the feeling it may end up something like the tech tree where it's intended for newer end players, leaving lots of the forum users, who are more experienced, high. dry, and disappointed.

I do really hope they make it some good stuff rather than simple things. I wanna see a "build a Munar base" or "build a Duna space station" mission on there!

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IDK, I've kinda lost some interest in the development of the game. Everything up to 0.18 was a blaze of glory.






Then came .19 with RESOURCES! but they got delayed and instead we got rover wheels (yay!), and .20, which didn't bring much more than the chair and the new space center. I get those, they were trying to reduce the time between updates and it kinda didn't work.

When they announced they were going to focus on career mode until ~.30, I was very, VERY happy about that, but as soon as I started a career save, it turns out all I've got is a (manned) capsule and a booster. Came to the forums to ask what to do, and it turns out SQUAD gave realism a huge kick in the face and decided to use career mode as a tutorial for newbies. So, what am I supposed to do? They're investing at least 10 versions into developing a very complex tutorial! Now I'm stuck on sandbox and all I get on every update is a part or two. Well, at least they'll continue making fun stuff after .30. No worries.

NOPE! Here's a slap in the face to all veteran players, noobs rejoice! SQUAD has confirmed they'll work in multiplayer, even though it was number 1 in the WNTS list. Well, my friends think KSP is too complicated for them, so I'm gonna have that "multiplayer" option in the main menu as a scar. A mark of a lost battle. Mmkay, you win this time.

ULTRANOPE! Stop working everybody! We're making asteroids!

Hmmm, that's weird. Weren't you going to work in multi-NOPE! We're making asteroids! But guys, you haven't even finished career mo-DOESN'T MATTER.

I mean, I'm very happy for NASA and SQUAD. Imagine how important this will be for the game, but can't NASA wait?

So now we're getting asteroids, then career, then MP (I think), and THEN we're back on sandbox. It's gonna be a long wait. ;.;


Sorry about dumping my huge rant on your thread, just wanted to get it out. :(

Edited by astropapi1
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...but as soon as I started a career save, it turns out all I've got is a (manned) capsule and a booster. Came to the forums to ask what to do, and it turns out SQUAD gave realism a huge kick in the face and decided to use career mode as a tutorial for newbies....

Good rant, good rant.

So, just because I've been playing KSP a long time doesn't necessarily mean I'm not a noob, maybe I am but I don't think so - whatever. I like the tech tree. I know it's tutorial-ish but I appreciate how it causes me to use many parts out of necessity that I otherwise wouldn't in Sandbox. In fact, the parts I care least about are near the end of the tech tree - rover stuff, probe stuff, even orange tanks. There's not a big reason to build rovers or probes and I already have reliable heavy lifters without orange tanks. So I like the tech tree.

Instead of being a tutorial for noobs, I think (hope really) contracts will continue to flesh out the *reasons* for doing stuff. The tech tree causes me to use use a large range of parts, contracts will cause me to undertake more diverse missions. I'm not a rover builder... until there's a contract to complete. Everyone loves space stations except that they're worthless... until there's a contract to complete. And so on.

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... Sorry about dumping my huge rant on your thread, just wanted to get it out. :(

Well, I agree with most of your points, and even though I'm quite excited about seeing more of the asteroid mission, and the multiplayer feature, I'd like to see the tech tree not as a sort of tutorial for new players. Players new to KSP would learn all of the basics needed to fly a rocket without crashing it with the tutorials you can access through the main menu. Those are getting refurbished, I heard, good to know.

Then, if those tutorials prove sufficient for new players to overcome the first difficult steps, the tech tree could be re-made in a more realistic way, starting with probes instead of manned capsules, for example. For that to be effective, vital needs should be added, so a command pod doesn't become an infinite-electric-charge kerbal-carrying probe, like it is now...

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IDK, I've kinda lost some interest in the development of the game. Everything up to 0.18 was a blaze of glory.






Then came .19 with RESOURCES! but they got delayed and instead we got rover wheels (yay!), and .20, which didn't bring much more than the chair and the new space center. I get those, they were trying to reduce the time between updates and it kinda didn't work.

When they announced they were going to focus on career mode until ~.30, I was very, VERY happy about that, but as soon as I started a career save, it turns out all I've got is a (manned) capsule and a booster. Came to the forums to ask what to do, and it turns out SQUAD gave realism a huge kick in the face and decided to use career mode as a tutorial for newbies. So, what am I supposed to do? They're investing at least 10 versions into developing a very complex tutorial! Now I'm stuck on sandbox and all I get on every update is a part or two. Well, at least they'll continue making fun stuff after .30. No worries.

NOPE! Here's a slap in the face to all veteran players, noobs rejoice! SQUAD has confirmed they'll work in multiplayer, even though it was number 1 in the WNTS list. Well, my friends think KSP is too complicated for them, so I'm gonna have that "multiplayer" option in the main menu as a scar. A mark of a lost battle. Mmkay, you win this time.

ULTRANOPE! Stop working everybody! We're making asteroids!

Hmmm, that's weird. Weren't you going to work in multi-NOPE! We're making asteroids! But guys, you haven't even finished career mo-DOESN'T MATTER.

I mean, I'm very happy for NASA and SQUAD. Imagine how important this will be for the game, but can't NASA wait?

So now we're getting asteroids, then career, then MP (I think), and THEN we're back on sandbox. It's gonna be a long wait. ;.;


Sorry about dumping my huge rant on your thread, just wanted to get it out. :(

Your rant is completely justified. It pisses me off that interstellar travel and resources were removed for being "too complex". The whole thing that made KSP popular was that it was complex! The first versions didn't even have symmetry! Now suddenly the devs would rather dumb down the game. Makes me sad. :(

That being said, hopefully this update will make career mode worth playing. Right now sending a million probes to Minmus so I can put landing gear on my planes isn't fun and is just stupid in terms of realism.

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Your rant is completely justified. It pisses me off that interstellar travel and resources were removed for being "too complex". The whole thing that made KSP popular was that it was complex! The first versions didn't even have symmetry! Now suddenly the devs would rather dumb down the game. Makes me sad. :(

That being said, hopefully this update will make career mode worth playing. Right now sending a million probes to Minmus so I can put landing gear on my planes isn't fun and is just stupid in terms of realism.

woah woah woah.... since when did they say they scrapped resources and interstellar travel?

it's my understanding resources has been put on hiatus so they can focus more on career(not thrown away), and interstellar travel was never confirmed from what i know.

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Don't mean to keep up the derail but...

Resource mining* [4]

* will not be in (first release of) the game

Taken from What Not to Suggest topic.

Of course that then references the Planned features wiki last modified Jan 30th, but since resources were stated as part of the plan and were featured for an earlier release before being postponed the What Not to Suggest is more likely accurate as it was changed whereas the wiki could just be dated.

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We don't really know much, but if we take a look at how previous updates were (0.19 and ahead), we might get some half-implemented skyrim-like system with a random generator that goes like "get <satellite/probe/rover/manned flight> to <planet>/<orbit around kerbin>".

I hope I'm wrong for the better and not for the worst.

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We don't really know much, but if we take a look at how previous updates were (0.19 and ahead), we might get some half-implemented skyrim-like system with a random generator that goes like "get <satellite/probe/rover/manned flight> to <planet>/<orbit around kerbin>".

I hope I'm wrong for the better and not for the worst.

But... nothing in KSP has been random since 0.19 came out. I don't really see where your evidence is coming from.

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