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Survive That Attack!


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I am unable to eat myself due to the pain associated with attempting to do so.

I go back in time.


The smell of onions fills the next poster's nose as Shrek appears.


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[COLOR="#800080"]public class[/COLOR] SurviveThatAttack {
[COLOR="#008000"]// YourDefense is my defense, and YourHealth is my health [/COLOR]
[COLOR="#800080"]private static int [/COLOR][COLOR="#0000FF"]YourHealth[/COLOR] = 200;
[COLOR="#800080"]private static int [/COLOR][COLOR="#0000FF"]YourDefense [/COLOR]= 50;
[COLOR="#800080"]private static int [/COLOR][COLOR="#0000FF"]enemyHealth[/COLOR] = 200;
[COLOR="#800080"]private static int [/COLOR][COLOR="#0000FF"]enemyDefense[/COLOR];

[COLOR="#800080"]public static void[/COLOR] main (String[] [COLOR="#FF8C00"]args[/COLOR]) {
[COLOR="#008000"]// Next poster, fill in this line here.[/COLOR]

[COLOR="#800080"]public static void[/COLOR] defend ([COLOR="#800080"]int[/COLOR] [COLOR="#FF8C00"]x[/COLOR]) {
[COLOR="#800080"]if[/COLOR] ([COLOR="#FF8C00"]x[/COLOR] > [COLOR="#0000FF"]YourDefense[/COLOR]) {
[COLOR="#0000FF"]YourHealth[/COLOR] = [COLOR="#FF8C00"]x[/COLOR] - [COLOR="#0000FF"]YourDefense[/COLOR];

[COLOR="#800080"]public static void [/COLOR]attack ([COLOR="#800080"]int[/COLOR] [COLOR="#FF8C00"]x[/COLOR]) {
[COLOR="#800080"]if [/COLOR]([COLOR="#FF8C00"]x[/COLOR] > [COLOR="#0000FF"]enemyDefense[/COLOR]) {
[COLOR="#0000FF"]enemyHealth [/COLOR]= [COLOR="#FF8C00"]x[/COLOR] - [COLOR="#0000FF"]enemyDefense[/COLOR];

A programmer's way to say that your acid attack did nothing to me, and that I fry the next poster.

Edited by Designer225
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[COLOR=#800080]private class[/COLOR] SurviveThatAttack {
[COLOR=#008000]// YourDefense is my defense, and YourHealth is my health [/COLOR]
[COLOR=#800080]private static int [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000FF]YourHealth[/COLOR] = 200;
[COLOR=#800080]private static int [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000FF]YourDefense [/COLOR]= 50;
[COLOR=#800080]private static int [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000FF]enemyHealth[/COLOR] = 200;
[COLOR=#800080]private static int [/COLOR][COLOR=#0000FF]enemyDefense[/COLOR];

[COLOR=#800080]public static void[/COLOR] main (String[] [COLOR=#FF8C00]args[/COLOR]) {
[COLOR=#008000]// Next poster, fill in this line here.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=#800080]public static void[/COLOR] defend ([COLOR=#800080]int[/COLOR] [COLOR=#FF8C00]x[/COLOR]) {
[COLOR=#800080]if[/COLOR] ([COLOR=#FF8C00]x[/COLOR] > [COLOR=#0000FF]YourDefense[/COLOR]) {
[COLOR=#0000FF]YourHealth[/COLOR] = [COLOR=#FF8C00]x[/COLOR] - [COLOR=#0000FF]YourDefense[/COLOR];

[COLOR=#800080]public static void [/COLOR]attack ([COLOR=#800080]int[/COLOR] [COLOR=#FF8C00]x[/COLOR]) {
[COLOR=#800080]if [/COLOR]([COLOR=#FF8C00]x[/COLOR] > [COLOR=#0000FF]enemyDefense[/COLOR]) {
[COLOR=#0000FF]enemyHealth [/COLOR]= [COLOR=#FF8C00]x[/COLOR] - [COLOR=#0000FF]enemyDefense[/COLOR];

You forgot to give an initial value to enemyDefense, so it becomes an arbitrary interger that happens to be greater than 2000. (This happens in c++, but I'm not sure if this happens with c# or not.)




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I don't C++ or C#; I do Java. In Java an unspecified number is the equivalent of 0 (or 0.0 in float and double). So... since I use Java, you are beaten.

Good attack on defeat, though, but I closed my computer before I even run that program, and throw the computer to the next poster.

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And I went to Apple Store wearing a class-7 battle engineers protective suit, because I was going to blow all the thing up to smithereens, and it just blown itself in front of my eyes. Beautyful...

I throw a 70 ton of trotil equivalent explosive charge set to 10 seconds to the next poster and disappear, whistling in the darkness...

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Your sword dissolves as it approaches the increased-lightspeed zone surrounding my body, its electrons suddenly jumping to higher Bohr radii. This completely messes up all the nice chemistry holding it together in the shape of a metal blade.

I fling the area of this effect through you and towards the next poster.

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