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Survive That Attack!


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I bring on Saxton Hale, who blocks it with his indestructible chest hair.

I then put the next poster into one of Danny2462's glitchy messes of a video, and they are the active Kerbal.

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It appears this thread's time has come.....


I throw Minmus, Tylo, The Mun, A Class E Asteroid... And destroys all Sheilding and weaponry all things for protection will be sucked into a Black hole. On the next poster

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Now the moons killed you anyways cause you didn't have enough time.

I use Flare Blitz on the next poster. (Cause I'm a Flareon of course)

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Since i was already dead, i just come back to life right behind you, pick you up, grab a nearby stone and smash your skull in, and then i teleport behind the next poster and snap there neck.

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Chuck Norris creates another identical universe.

He then dosn't like the next poster for some reason and kills him. Since he can't die, nor lose, the next poster MUST die, no matter what they try.

But remember, there can be attack in death.

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I effortlessly evade being charged money by talking my way out of it AND swindling you out of 150$.

I use my 150$ to buy a bomb, which i use to blow the next poster up.

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Luckily, I only had £1.50 on me, so that's all you got, so the only bomb you could buy was made up of a can of diet coke and a packet of mints. It made a mess in my sub though.

I take out my frustration on the next poster, who I hit with a black pudding.

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