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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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Thanks, also this http://i58.tinypic.com/n2y2qe.png any ideas? ill install a new one from the new link and tell you what happens. Looks like it mated with a goo light XD

Edit: after re installing it still dosent work?

Edit2: after renaming it to "slimdocking" it still dosent work :(:( no idea why its doing this ??

Got the same problem! For me it happens for sshandholdskso, stackmountkso and ssauxfuelkso

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Got the same problem! For me it happens for sshandholdskso, stackmountkso and ssauxfuelkso

Do you have both the ssauxfuelkso.mu and .cfg both? And for the others as well because it looks like they could be missing since the part is there and the is no graphics.

Because if you picked the mod apart like I did to remove the phase I kso, I also had the white problem, you need to keep other files like, kerbin_orbiter_engines.tga, kerbin_orbiter_engines_emis.tga, kerbin_orbiter_engines_norm_NRM.tga, kerbin_space_station.tga and kerbin_space_station_norm_NRM.tga.

Edited by Woodstar
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i have found a problem/bug/conflict: if i use the last version von the Space-shuttle-engines Mod (i overrides the km_Gimbal_2.0.dll), then there is no action group for toggle the gimbal of the shuttle.

I have the same issue, try remaking the action groups. I have yet to try that though.

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Avalon check out the FASA launch towers. Drive up to the elevator entrance and your kerbals can enter it, then exit out the top walk way.

Ive seen them. (On helldivers stream) I dont have the space for more mods... I have enough for the rest of phase 4 and thats it (and Im even running ATM and running the textures at half-res in the Settings)

Edited by Avalon304
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Ive seen them. (On helldivers stream) I dont have the space for more mods... I have enough for the rest of phase 4 and thats it (and Im even running ATM and running the textures at half-res in the Settings)

You're really running half res? When I run half res and atm with the kso my iva is really grainy. Thats awesome!

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You're really running half res? When I run half res and atm with the kso my iva is really grainy. Thats awesome!

I'll have to check again... I may not have been when i took the pics above (which was earlier today), but Ive been doing some tweaking and I may be getting confused. Still the IVA in the pic above is pretty grainy too, but I dont fly in the IVA so it doesnt bother me.

EDIT: Turns out Im still running at full res in Settings, but my next step to save memory is to run half res.

Edited by Avalon304
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For anybody having issues modifying the blank texture using GIMP where they get random black pixels, here's how I got it to work:


Slide 4 shows the "Blank texture layer", without the "Ascention" showing. Where did this layer come from? Did you create it? Or was it included in one of the distributions you downloaded? I have looked in each of the versions since and including 3.06, and cannot find any file (KSO25blank_v306.tga). If you created it, could you please elaborate?

Thank you!

Edit: Nevermind. Re-read the OP. "Alternate christening names including Blank texture for the KSO EWBCL "Super 25" below on next post"..

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Do you have both the ssauxfuelkso.mu and .cfg both? And for the others as well because it looks like they could be missing since the part is there and the is no graphics.

Because if you picked the mod apart like I did to remove the phase I kso, I also had the white problem, you need to keep other files like, kerbin_orbiter_engines.tga, kerbin_orbiter_engines_emis.tga, kerbin_orbiter_engines_norm_NRM.tga, kerbin_space_station.tga and kerbin_space_station_norm_NRM.tga.

yes I have both the configuration file and the texture. I'll check it all in a bit today

Edit: yeah i have all the textures and nothings missing :( no idea?

Edit!: YES i was missing the kerbin_orbiter_docking_mod files!

Edited by montyben101
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Are you going to do launch towers and a Mobile Launch Platform for KSO someday? With all this ground equipment, it's be really fun to see a full launchpad with crew access hardware.

Also, Avalon304, I just found that stock 4x adapter fits quite well on the bottom of Super 25 fuel tank. Could you see if you could move the engines to it? My first tests indicate that it'd work as long as you manually disable fuel flow from KSO itself (and from any payload you might have). I'd imagine payload capacity could go up a bit with such a setup (though you might end up with a lower orbit due to lower dV).

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Also, Avalon304, I just found that stock 4x adapter fits quite well on the bottom of Super 25 fuel tank. Could you see if you could move the engines to it? My first tests indicate that it'd work as long as you manually disable fuel flow from KSO itself (and from any payload you might have). I'd imagine payload capacity could go up a bit with such a setup (though you might end up with a lower orbit due to lower dV).

I could, but I dont see any reason to. I doubt the Super 25 would fly that well with all the thrust coming from the Booster+EFT stack, although with the torque values what they are I guess it could fly decently.. Im not even sure how the Energia system flew in real life with off center thrust, I know NASA's solution to it (the massive gimbal on the SSMEs). Plus, quite frankly I dont like the look of engines on the center tank. You, of course, are free to do what ever you want.

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The 71st of my STS KSO Shuttle Missions! STS 171 is the first flight of the Super 25! The XS25 Experimental Tester! STS 171's objectives are to deliver a diplomatic treaty to the Rebels orbiting Kerbin and to deploy the Asteroid Hunter Probe on a mission to capture a Class E Asteroid! The KSO Super 25 is ready in the nick of time, as an existential crisis brings the Rebels and Loyalists closer, if only for a short while.

STS 171 will will deploy the Asteroid Wrangler Probe!
Most of the footage shown in 20x speed for quicker viewing.
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I still need help with the Standard shuttle uncontrollably nosing down after LRB seperation problem I have.

How does the shuttle react to LRB separation? Pointing at 90o to prograde, or pitching end-over-end repeatedly?

If the shuttle main engines are at full thrust, and have SAS and gimbal enabled, they should have enough torque to hold it back. You just have to keep it burning when the LRBs flame out.

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My space station after KCTS-009. KCTS-009's objective was to deploy the station's observation module. The solar panel truss has been undocked as Barwin Kerman, the 1st SST Pilot destroyed both panels as his suit drifted sideways towards them. KCTS-010 will deploy the replacement truss.

How does the shuttle react to LRB separation? Pointing at 90o to prograde, or pitching end-over-end repeatedly?

If the shuttle main engines are at full thrust, and have SAS and gimbal enabled, they should have enough torque to hold it back. You just have to keep it burning when the LRBs flame out.

KTS-001 had the LRB Seperation occur 1 or 2 seconds before they flamed out. After that the shuttle, with full gimbal and SAS started to flip end over end. Jeb mangaed to regain control of the shuttle and flew in the direction of KSC, ditched the EFT, and flided to the runway.

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KTS-001 had the LRB Seperation occur 1 or 2 seconds before they flamed out. After that the shuttle, with full gimbal and SAS started to flip end over end. Jeb mangaed to regain control of the shuttle and flew in the direction of KSC, ditched the EFT, and flided to the runway.

That's odd. I never had my standard KSO flip like that (except for that one time I attempted an RTLS abort). Though, I must note that I usually drop the LRBs after flameout. I'd suggest trying to hold it using RCS, and using a shallower ascent profile; there's a good chance that drag from the wings will help straighten it out.

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That's odd. I never had my standard KSO flip like that (except for that one time I attempted an RTLS abort). Though, I must note that I usually drop the LRBs after flameout. I'd suggest trying to hold it using RCS, and using a shallower ascent profile; there's a good chance that drag from the wings will help straighten it out.

I normally drop the LRBs as soon as they flameout, but I mis-timed it that launch. Also, is flying back towards the space center with the EFT then ditching it and landing an RTLS abort?

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I normally drop the LRBs as soon as they flameout, but I mis-timed it that launch. Also, is flying back towards the space center with the EFT then ditching it and landing an RTLS abort?

Yep... RTLS (return to launch site)

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