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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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Helldiver could you make optional landing drogues that use RealChutes because I'm having issues on landing.
Why not just put landing drogues from RealChutes on the shuttle yourself?
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Helldiver could you make optional landing drogues that use RealChutes because I'm having issues on landing.

Can't you simply stick a couple of RC drag chutes to the side? I don't see that helldiver needs to do anything for what you're asking.

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also is there any bloody way to stop station parts/ docking ports acting like they're connected to each other by a rubber band!?

i mean to say that if i conect two (lets say) crew pods to each other via docking ports it seems that (if i wiggle em around or try to manover them to where i want em or put sas on) it seems that the docking ports are like jelly holding them together. they bend really badly whichj usually ends up with me shooting off the main reentry capable pod back down to kerbin while the station rips it's self to pieces.

Hi antimatter, I find there are two things that help immensely with this problem.

The first is to ensure that only reaction wheel is active on your space station, two or more tend to start fighting each other and it introduces divergent oscillations that progressively worsen until things fall off.

The second is to install a mod called Kerbal Joint Reinforcement. You'll have to google it, I can't link it as I'm typing this on my phone.

Anyway I've found that since having the combination of these two things, I've never had any problems with any part connections, docking ports or otherwise. I hope this helps.

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Can't you simply stick a couple of RC drag chutes to the side? I don't see that helldiver needs to do anything for what you're asking.

It might help if there was an official parachute attach point. Based on the way that things flip about in KSP when parachutes deploy, I can only imagine what the KSO would do.

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Can't you simply stick a couple of RC drag chutes to the side? I don't see that helldiver needs to do anything for what you're asking.


I put two RC drag chutes (one on either side) on the aft of the airframe, immediately below the vertical fins as far back as you can attach them on the side of the integral fuel tank (just in front of the OMS engines). In this position, they will survive when using Deadly Reentry if you maintain the usual ~10 deg AoA during atmospheric reentry. I haven't tried zero AoA to see if they still survive as I never do atmospheric reentry with zero AoA.

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It might help if there was an official parachute attach point. Based on the way that things flip about in KSP when parachutes deploy, I can only imagine what the KSO would do.
Then just try it with surface mounted ones. I slapped mine on at random on the sides and it worked just fine. You do realise that the purpose of RealChute is to fix the flipping, no?
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Is it possible to get all four christening names for the shuttles to coexist at the same time? For instance can I have four shuttles docked in orbit to the same station at once, each having a different name? I'm hoping to get a screenshot shot of the family of shuttles on station in orbit at once, but haven't worked out how to do this. I apologise if it's been discussed, I've searched but turned up nothing.

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Is it possible to get all four christening names for the shuttles to coexist at the same time? For instance can I have four shuttles docked in orbit to the same station at once, each having a different name? I'm hoping to get a screenshot shot of the family of shuttles on station in orbit at once, but haven't worked out how to do this. I apologise if it's been discussed, I've searched but turned up nothing.
Using whatever tweakable feature mods like Firespitter use for the switcheable nose-art/ground colour, certainly.
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Using whatever tweakable feature mods like Firespitter use for the switcheable nose-art/ground colour, certainly.

Mmm ok thanks. I have no idea what a tweakable feature mod is, it sounds like it's beyond my limited confuser using abilities. No matter, I will just continue to use this awesome Shuttle as it was intended. Thanks for your help.

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Hi antimatter, I find there are two things that help immensely with this problem.

The first is to ensure that only reaction wheel is active on your space station, two or more tend to start fighting each other and it introduces divergent oscillations that progressively worsen until things fall off.

The second is to install a mod called Kerbal Joint Reinforcement. You'll have to google it, I can't link it as I'm typing this on my phone.

Anyway I've found that since having the combination of these two things, I've never had any problems with any part connections, docking ports or otherwise. I hope this helps.

"i'm sorry jeb but i can'tlet you do that"

i'm running both those mods but instead of reaction wheels i'm using mechjeb on induvidual parts so i can dock them automaticly... no luck though. what i've found is i can use KAS and quantum struts to re-enfoce the parts just enough to get em to stay stright... but my space station is less than 100 parts and laggy as hell.

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Is it possible to get all four christening names for the shuttles to coexist at the same time? For instance can I have four shuttles docked in orbit to the same station at once, each having a different name? I'm hoping to get a screenshot shot of the family of shuttles on station in orbit at once, but haven't worked out how to do this. I apologise if it's been discussed, I've searched but turned up nothing.

Here's my post from earlier in the thread:

1) duplicate the cockpit to a new folder (cfg file + model to be sure)

2) change the part name inside the cfg to something unique. change the model path in the MODEL {} module under that.

3) Put the version of the kerbin_orbiter texture you want with that version of the part.

Repeat for additional copies. Keep in mind you are duplicating a large texture, and ksp will be using a significant amount of extra resources if you have large duplicates of textures being used.

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Is it possible to get all four christening names for the shuttles to coexist at the same time? For instance can I have four shuttles docked in orbit to the same station at once, each having a different name? I'm hoping to get a screenshot shot of the family of shuttles on station in orbit at once, but haven't worked out how to do this. I apologise if it's been discussed, I've searched but turned up nothing.

I can help you with that. It is possible and it has been discussed, however I have found it's easier to use the "texture =" feature in the part.cfg files. After you have downloaded the additional names, extract them into your KSP installation directory under a new subfolder called "textures" in your KSP\Parts folder without the folder structure from the zip file and give them each unique names (such as ksoadamant.tga, ksodauntless.tga, ksotenacious.tga you get the idea). It has to be called "textures" without the quotes or it won't work. So, to be clear, you should now have KSP\Parts\textures with four uniquely named .tga texture files in there. No other folders or files.

Ok, moving on: under the KSP\GameData\KSO\Parts folder you'll find a .cfg file called commandkso.cfg. Copy that into your KSP\Parts directory. Make as many copies as you have textures and again, give them unique names (such as ksocommand_adamant.cfg, ksocommand_dauntless.cfg, yada yada).

Lastly, we have to modify a few lines in each .cfg file so that they call on the proper texture at load. Open the .cfg files. There are two lines we have to modify and we have to add one line. Modify both lines that say

name = KSO_Cabin


title = KSO Cockpit

so that they are unique (such as... you know the drill by now). Now, under "// --- asset parameters ---" add the following line


and make sure to put in the filename of the texture you want to go to that part. Save and repeat for all the other .cfg files. Reload KSP, research them to gain access to them, and enjoy.


.CFG files in "Parts" folder and .TGA files in "textures" folder. Folder structure should look like this:


You can put all the .cfg and "textures" folder with the .tga files for this into another subdirectory under the KSP\Parts folder so that it's a bit more organized if you have other parts in there. Like so:


In all their glory:


If this occurs:


Then a mistake has been made. Please double check that everything is labeled and referenced correctly and that the folder structure is correct.

### SOURCEs: KSP Part Modelling Guidelines - The File System and KSP Part.cfg Wiki - Asset Parameters ###

Edited by qnistNAMEERF
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Nazari and FREEMAN, wow thank you for your very detailed posts. Nazari I apologise you've had to repost, I did search but wasn't able to find it. I'll refine my search skills.

I'm not so concerned about duplication of an intensive texture. With the number of mods I've got installed I'm already running 1/4 res, low res textures and texture compression just to keep out of memory CTDs at bay. But all this helped, I went from running at 3.9Gb RAM down to 2.4Gb. It runs smooth, just not pretty.

This is an awesome mod, KSP is all the better for it existing.

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Phase II Progress Update

-Some 21-22 parts.

-All 3D Geometry, and textures done for externals.

-Animations and such done.

-Centering.. done.

To do:

-IVA for the three different labs and for SST, shouldn't take too long (about a quarter of the time it took to make this).

-A few simple colliders to help Nazari.

-Unity (Nazari's side).


I know this is going to add a week or more onto the mod evolution, but will those components have IVA's?

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I know this is going to add a week or more onto the mod evolution, but will those components have IVA's?

It says right there that they are going to.

To do:

-IVA for the three different labs and for SST, shouldn't take too long (about a quarter of the time it took to make this).

-A few simple colliders to help Nazari.

-Unity (Nazari's side).

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I've made a space station for parking shuttles. I look forward to phase 2 and those sweet station parts.


Hey FREEMANtsinq, just out of interest what sort of orbit do you have your space station in? As far as getting 6 kerbals and a payload into orbit, this shuttle has excellent fuel efficiency, but this means I little room for error when it comes to fuel management. I have an orbital Gas 'n' Go in a 102 km x 98 km equatorial orbit, and by the time I dock with it I've got about 30 - 50 m/s delta V remaining which is not enough for a deorbit burn. This is why I dock and take on more gas. I'm just wondering what sort of orbits and remaining delta Vs other people are achieving?

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I can get to a 300 Km equatorial orbit with half a tank of fuel left to go home on

Are you stacking the shuttle on top of a very big rocket? Prior to launch with 6 kerbals and a payload, I'm sitting on the launch pad with approximately 4000 m/s atmospheric delta v, definitely not enough for my mad piloting skillz to get me to 300 Km orbit. Flying manual, the best I can achieve is out of gas in a 121 km x 56 km orbit. Using MJ gets me to my 102 x 98 orbital gas station with 50 delta v to spare.

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Are you stacking the shuttle on top of a very big rocket? Prior to launch with 6 kerbals and a payload, I'm sitting on the launch pad with approximately 4000 m/s atmospheric delta v, definitely not enough for my mad piloting skillz to get me to 300 Km orbit. Flying manual, the best I can achieve is out of gas in a 121 km x 56 km orbit. Using MJ gets me to my 102 x 98 orbital gas station with 50 delta v to spare.

He probably uses FAR. FAR makes it easier require less delta-v to go to orbit.

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*Sees update for phase 2. Stares in disbelief. Picks up jaw.*

O.M.G. Wow. That. Is. Awesome! Even if I don't use the shuttle, this mod is going to be installed and used for EVERYTHING!

EDIT: Helldiver, would it be possible to turn the triple engines into a single, new part? (As in, there would be the current part, along with a triple version.) I like this stuff, but my machine is fairly low end. Every part counts! I can't remember, but if it is or you can't, correct me. Also, could this be done for the OME too?

Edited by Deathsoul097
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The tug looks nice, like every (planned) part in this mod.

But why is it yellow? It makes it look like a 1 man submarine.

I guess it's to add some diversity, instead of having only gray/white parts.

Maybe it would look less like a (yellow) submarine if it's main colour was gray/white and have well placed yellow and black warning lines.


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oh helldiver, can you produce a robotic arm for the cargo-bay until the release of the phase II? it is better, if you want to construct an space station like the ISS. maybe you can ask bobcat or romfahrer for something like a mini-canadarm for the KSO-shuttle

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Are you stacking the shuttle on top of a very big rocket? Prior to launch with 6 kerbals and a payload, I'm sitting on the launch pad with approximately 4000 m/s atmospheric delta v, definitely not enough for my mad piloting skillz to get me to 300 Km orbit. Flying manual, the best I can achieve is out of gas in a 121 km x 56 km orbit. Using MJ gets me to my 102 x 98 orbital gas station with 50 delta v to spare.

Nope using the orange tank and boosters also using mechjeb with 6.9km start turn end turn 69km at 40 degree angle no FAR the shuttle has 171 LF and 210 OX when its finished reaching orbit

Edited by Virtualgenius
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The tug looks nice, like every (planned) part in this mod.

But why is it yellow? It makes it look like a 1 man submarine.

I guess it's to add some diversity, instead of having only gray/white parts.

Maybe it would look less like a (yellow) submarine if it's main colour was gray/white and have well placed yellow and black warning lines.


Go to the VAB.... look at those little vehicles that scurry to and fro.

If you still don't understand why the tug looks that way, watch the VAB scenery some more.

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oh helldiver, can you produce a robotic arm for the cargo-bay until the release of the phase II? it is better, if you want to construct an space station like the ISS. maybe you can ask bobcat or romfahrer for something like a mini-canadarm for the KSO-shuttle

Hi Picard98, there is probably no reason for helldiver to create a manipulator arm, there are already several available.

I use romfarer's Buran Robotic Arm but modify it's config file slightly to apply a rescale factor = 0.7. As soon as you do that, it fits neatly inside the cargo bay. Here's an example of something I've been playing around with:



Edited by Martin_Baker
Trying to figure out how to post images
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