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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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yes. what is your problem and what VERSION of linux are you using? i may be able to help

I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with Kubuntu GUI. If you want to see a crash log, I can produce that.

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The 51st of my STS KSO Shuttle Missions and 7th flight of the Rebellious! STS 151's objective is to deploy the Laythe Colony Propulsion Module! Jeb and the Rebels aren't happy about being phased out in favor of the KSO Super 25 EWBCL and have succeeded in lobbying Kongress to move the KSO mini shuttle program permanently to Laythe!

The Rebel Colony on Laythe will initially house 12 kerbals and contain a micro smelter, micro 3d printer, two fuel generators, two nuclear power generators, two ore drills, and a mini EPL Launchpad2.

Thanks to Green Skull Industries (forum user: Green Skull) for his custom space suits and ships and to forum user Doc Shaftoe for his flags!!

Most of the footage shown in 8x speed for quicker viewing.

STS 152 will deploy the Laythe Colony Habitat Module #1!

The Colony Deployment and Transfer to Laythe missions will run STS 150 through STS 157.
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The 51st of my STS KSO Shuttle Missions and 7th flight of the Rebellious! STS 151's objective is to deploy the Laythe Colony Propulsion Module! Jeb and the Rebels aren't happy about being phased out in favor of the KSO Super 25 EWBCL and have succeeded in lobbying Kongress to move the KSO mini shuttle program permanently to Laythe!

The Rebel Colony on Laythe will initially house 12 kerbals and contain a micro smelter, micro 3d printer, two fuel generators, two nuclear power generators, two ore drills, and a mini EPL Launchpad2.


Have you ever thought of doing military missions, such as putting up more reconnaissance satellites ( like in STS 102), and sabotaging enemy satellites? (and maybe put tenacious back into temporary service with the kerbal states air force) Theres so much possibilities

Edited by gooddog15
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Have you ever thought of doing military missions, such as putting up more reconnaissance satellites ( like in STS 102), and sabotaging enemy satellites? (and maybe put tenacious back into temporary service with the kerbal states air force) Theres so much possibilities

Ooooh For sure! I'm hoping that the Super 25 can come along and start to reclaim the Rebel held stations and bases, get some sort of war going on between them. The EPL mod is so cool I might just have a long war on Laythe lol.

I also have thought about a x-37 style mission where I would release a smaller payload that could then disrupt a satellite and return to the bay.

I've tried for the last week to get Burn Together dual launches but it hasn't worked out so I left Tenacious on the sidelines (for now).

I also haven't gotten around to filming any of the stage two station parts and that's the first thing I want to do around Laythe. So much! Haha thanks!

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The 52nd of my STS KSO Shuttle Missions and 8th flight of the Rebellious! STS 152's objective is to deploy the Laythe Colony Habitat Module #1! Jeb and the Rebels aren't happy about being phased out in favor of the KSO Super 25 EWBCL and have succeeded in lobbying Kongress to move the KSO mini shuttle program permanently to Laythe!

The Rebel Colony on Laythe will initially house 12 kerbals and contain a micro smelter, micro 3d printer, two fuel generators, two nuclear power generators, two ore drills, and a mini EPL Launchpad2.

Thanks to Green Skull Industries (forum user: Green Skull) for his custom space suits and ships and to forum user Doc Shaftoe for his flags!!

Most of the footage shown in 8x speed for quicker viewing.

STS 153 will deploy the Laythe Colony Habitat Module #2!

The Colony Deployment and Transfer to Laythe missions will run STS 150 through STS 157.
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I'm conflicted about this. I mean, the orbiter looks really cool, but... I don't know, I suppose I wish it were more stock-friendly and less self-contained, so to speak. Like, say, B9, it feels isolated from the rest of the parts and nigh-unusable with them. And while the shuttle's made of several parts, they're all almost exclusively designed to work with each other in a very specific fashion, making the group a self-contained jigsaw puzzle that might as well just be three parts (shuttle, main tank and booster). Is there any significant design leeway or does it all just break apart if the parts aren't assembled in 90% the 'correct' way?

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I agree that this isn't a versatile pack. But there is an attachment node on the bottom of the external orange tank. I fiddled around with it and made one of the shuttle designs during the real shuttle development. You can also stick the LRB's somewhere else and get rid of the external tank altogether.

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Fixed the problem with KSO not working on Linux.

After some derping around I pinpointed the issue to Module Manager being an older version. Updating to version 2.0.5 solved it. Also other mods that were not working are now fine.

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Self contained? Limited?

I've always thought that the KSOS and its related components meshed quite well with other parts. Sure it only hauls up a limited size range but all the rest I've just put into LKO by other means.

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Self contained? Limited?

I've always thought that the KSOS and its related components meshed quite well with other parts. Sure it only hauls up a limited size range but all the rest I've just put into LKO by other means.

What I mean is that the shuttle parts can't really be used for anything else.

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You can build your own boosters from scratch, like I do. And, of course, you configure the payloads using stock parts or subassemblies in many cases. My stock station tug and rover fit the payload bay perfectly, for example.

You also have the option of upgrading the KSO in small ways if you don't mind a few minor clipping shenanigans. There's an unused centreline attachment node on the rear section that makes a great anchor for something like additional reaction wheels. And if you feel the RCS isn't powerful enough, add a few linear thrusters facing forward and back. You can also add all kinds of chutes for less than ideal landing conditions.


Edited by Bomoo
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The same can be said for lots of other mods as well, who really uses the stock parts anyway. Most of the stuff I use are mod parts better looking more functional having said that the new SRB's from the Nasa pack are quite nice to strap on to stuff.

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I keep having trouble habitat module for the station parts for this mod. I have nothing on the hab but it keeps saying hatch obstructed?

You possibly have a corrupted spaceport download. Try re-downloading and re-installing.

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The same can be said for lots of other mods as well, who really uses the stock parts anyway. Most of the stuff I use are mod parts better looking more functional having said that the new SRB's from the Nasa pack are quite nice to strap on to stuff.

Yes, the same can be said about other mods, and I don't consider it a positive trait. I don't mod my game to hell and back, and when it comes to parts, if I want them at all, I prefer packs which expand the selection of combinable components as opposed to those that simply add their own isolated group of things which only work well with themselves.

Anyway, thanks for the customization tips and all. But it's a shame the shuttle itself is such an inflexible design, regardless of how much you can tweak its boosters. The pack looks great, though, so I might give it a spin sometime.

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Yes, the same can be said about other mods, and I don't consider it a positive trait. I don't mod my game to hell and back, and when it comes to parts, if I want them at all, I prefer packs which expand the selection of combinable components as opposed to those that simply add their own isolated group of things which only work well with themselves.

Anyway, thanks for the customization tips and all. But it's a shame the shuttle itself is such an inflexible design, regardless of how much you can tweak its boosters. The pack looks great, though, so I might give it a spin sometime.

The problem, in your opinion, is actually a solution. Component space shuttles are ridiculously hard to create and employ, often needing numerous action groups and counter measures just to make stable orbit. The KSO should be a single craft, but I think KSP makes it easier to organize and create part functions as separate parts. There are a ton of mods that add wings and fuselages to the game. You can make your own shuttle with those. The point of this mod is to make launching a shuttle simple and aesthetically pleasing. Besides, the shuttle is your pick-up truck, it's what you haul up in it that make the mod filled with challenges and creativity.

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I hate to make a request...but, what about a hydroponics greenhouse for the base and/or space station? There are a couple throughout the forums, but your modules are "most excellent." Looking forward to the supper shuttle.

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I hate to make a request...but, what about a hydroponics greenhouse for the base and/or space station? There are a couple throughout the forums, but your modules are "most excellent." Looking forward to the supper shuttle.

There is 1 did you look at all the parts ?

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The 53rd of my STS KSO Shuttle Missions and 9th flight of the Rebellious! STS 153's objective is to deploy the Laythe Colony Habitat Module #2! Jeb and the Rebels aren't happy about being phased out in favor of the KSO Super 25 EWBCL and have succeeded in lobbying Kongress to move the KSO mini shuttle program permanently to Laythe!

The Rebel Colony on Laythe will initially house 12 kerbals and contain a micro smelter, micro 3d printer, two fuel generators, two nuclear power generators, two ore drills, and a mini EPL Launchpad2.

Thanks to Green Skull Industries (forum user: Green Skull) for his custom space suits and ships and to forum user Doc Shaftoe for his flags!!

Most of the footage shown in 8x speed for quicker viewing.

STS 154 will deploy the Laythe Colony 3D Rocket Parts Printer!

The Colony Deployment and Transfer to Laythe missions will run STS 150 through STS 157.
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I absolutely love this mod, but I do have one critic. The shuttle has soooo much lift. I read that the space shuttle'a speed at touchdown was roughly 100-110 m/s, and the kso can hold altitude gliding at. 35 m/s. I was really looking forward to a shuttle type descent where you pull up kinda hard and barely slow down in time and land with the nose up to a degree. But if I do that with kso I end up overshooting the runway entirely. Even if I'm only going 60 m/s. With the air rakes it slows down to stall speed and it still looks awesome, but I would prefer a high speed landing.

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I absolutely love this mod, but I do have one critic. The shuttle has soooo much lift. I read that the space shuttle'a speed at touchdown was roughly 100-110 m/s, and the kso can hold altitude gliding at. 35 m/s. I was really looking forward to a shuttle type descent where you pull up kinda hard and barely slow down in time and land with the nose up to a degree. But if I do that with kso I end up overshooting the runway entirely. Even if I'm only going 60 m/s. With the air rakes it slows down to stall speed and it still looks awesome, but I would prefer a high speed landing.

Are you using FAR? Without FAR, the descent you're describing would be very hard to model in KSP. With FAR, well, the shuttle is not designed for FAR.

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Are you using FAR? Without FAR, the descent you're describing would be very hard to model in KSP. With FAR, well, the shuttle is not designed for FAR.

No i don't have far in this save, but couldn't reduced lift make the descent more like that? And sorry if i didn't describe it very well, here this is right from nasa.gov

"Landing-5 minutes

The orbiter's velocity eases below the speed of sound about 25 statute miles from the runway. As the orbiter nears the Shuttle Landing Facility, the commander takes manual control, piloting the vehicle to touchdown on one of two ends of the SLF.

As it aligns with the runway, the orbiter begins a steep descent with the nose angled as much as 19 degrees down from horizontal. This glide slope is seven times steeper than the average commercial airliner landing. During the final approach, the vehicle drops toward the runway 20 times faster than a commercial airliner as its rate of descent and airspeed increase. At less than 2,000 feet above the ground, the commander raises the nose and slows the rate of descent in preparation for touchdown.

Landing-15 seconds

The main and nose landing gear are deployed and locked in place.


The orbiter's main landing gear touches down on the runway at 214 to 226 miles per hour, followed by the nose gear. The drag chute is deployed, and the orbiter coasts to a stop."

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Stock drag isn't good enough for you to flare the nose up to slow down properly. You need FAR for that. (not sure if to this day any decent FAR configs exist for the wings for proper compatibility)

However, there's also Real Chute and there's a small stack point nestled in with the main engines that you could mount a cone or stack chute on. Configure the chute as a drag chute set to deploy on ground contact.

With the chute thus configured there is no need for you to arm it or deploy it; it will go off as soon as you touch down so you can concentrate on flying and landing.

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