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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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  Jaxx said:
Is there any clarification of ".24.2 64x not fully supported"? Is that code for "none of it works and we're not sure why, so don't try", or "you'll get one random crash every once in a blue moon, but we still don't know why"?

I've used the KSO system on x64 without ATM and it ran fine, just without ATM it does use quite a bit of memory.

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  Woodstar said:
Tweakscale FTW!

I was talking more about the code that makes the mouse tracking spotlight work, and how it might be possible to adapt it for the phase 4 helicopter spotlight.

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  Jaxx said:
Is there any clarification of ".24.2 64x not fully supported"? Is that code for "none of it works and we're not sure why, so don't try", or "you'll get one random crash every once in a blue moon, but we still don't know why"?

It is code for "Everything basically works, but you are on your own, don't expect support." This is because for many many people, the x64 on windows client is so unstable that it crashes in vanilla, or with more than a few mods, or just at random while playing, or whenever their burrito is ready, or once tehy're halfway down their Pepsi, or.... and there is no way when someone reports a crash to know whether it is a bug in KSO, a bug in some other mod, or just x64 doing what it does.

So if you currently have a stable x64 install that you are happy with, go ahead and install this into it, but if it suddenly becomes unstable, be aware that it is likely not this mod specifically that caused it.

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  Crater said:
It is code for "Everything basically works, but you are on your own, don't expect support." This is because for many many people, the x64 on windows client is so unstable that it crashes in vanilla, or with more than a few mods, or just at random while playing, or whenever their burrito is ready, or once tehy're halfway down their Pepsi, or.... and there is no way when someone reports a crash to know whether it is a bug in KSO, a bug in some other mod, or just x64 doing what it does.

So if you currently have a stable x64 install that you are happy with, go ahead and install this into it, but if it suddenly becomes unstable, be aware that it is likely not this mod specifically that caused it.

Well I planned on having a burrito and a pepsi for lunch today but now...............................

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Helldiver, here's my attempt at a fully monoprop rover lander. It can land the rover from low mun orbit (I tested it at a 20km Mun orbit). It uses a radial decoupler to attach the rover chassis to the lander.

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It can also return one kerbal to mun orbit.

Edited by qnistNAMEERF
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  Crater said:
It is code for "Everything basically works, but you are on your own, don't expect support." This is because for many many people, the x64 on windows client is so unstable that it crashes in vanilla, or with more than a few mods, or just at random while playing, or whenever their burrito is ready, or once tehy're halfway down their Pepsi, or.... and there is no way when someone reports a crash to know whether it is a bug in KSO, a bug in some other mod, or just x64 doing what it does.

So if you currently have a stable x64 install that you are happy with, go ahead and install this into it, but if it suddenly becomes unstable, be aware that it is likely not this mod specifically that caused it.

..... So basically the latter. OK. Could've just said that.

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Miguel (Maxmaps): Organizing stuff for adding new sounds and overall effects to the game. Looking great so far. Also, our art team is currently sequestered in what is the largest 3D asset endeavor that we have overtaken so far. So much so you won’t see it in .25, so forgive them if they’re not really sharing a lot of info on the matter. We are talking dozens of high quality models that must be made. Oh, I also wrapped up a deal with Porkjet to add a modified version of Spaceplane Plus to the base game. This mod not only fits the aesthetic of the game perfectly but tackles parts that needed to be remade and did so in the best way possible.

Is there any chance that KSO is part of this endeavor? I started playing with KSO last week when I realized that KSO would fit nicely into making spaceflights cost effective in .24.2. Helldiver and Nazari, your mod's quality is stunning! It's clear that the two of you put a great deal of effort and thought into creating the shuttle system. Having multiple nodes on the KSO's engine block, for instance, really makes alternate configurations possible, and the cockpit of the KSO can easily be used as a command module for an interplanetary spaceship. I could easily see you making a version of the KSO that replaced the cockpit and cargo bay to make a Shuttle-C type spacecraft. I also like the Super 25 and its ability to fit 2.5m components in its bay. The OKS/MKS system fits nicely inside, for instance.

I rather like the space station components you made for the craft as well. Among other things, the station parts enable me to make a KSP version of Mars One from the Mars One Crew Manual by Kerry Mark Joels.

I have no videos to share, so here are a couple of screen grabs. First is Duna One, my analogue to the Mars One craft. The lander on the nose is a placeholder. The probe-sized airplanes aren't shown. While a few components like the core module and lander and propulsion system will have to be brought up with a conventional rocket, the rest will be launched via shuttle.


This is the X-18. In my playthrough, KSP needed to test the S25's components and validate the whole shuttle concept. Hence, they built a smaller version of the S25, the X-18. And in order to cut launch costs, engineers built modules small enough to fit into the X-18's payload bay.


Finally, some fan fiction. I'm writing a story as I play career mode in .24.2:

Bill looked past the gantry and marveled at the brand new spacecraft residing in High Bay 4. Unlike the Kapollo capsule that took Jeb, Bob, and himself to Kerbin’s moons, this new bird did the avian name proud; it had wings. Perched on its external fuel tank like a woodpecker clinging to a tree and rivaling the size of an airliner, the X-18 Freedom looked part rocket and part airplane. It had a pug nose that hid a small docking port, a cockpit and crew deck that seated six- though quarters were tight- a sizeable payload bay, a graceful double-delta swept wing, and a single vertical rudder that the engineers wanted to double. An array of engines sprouted from her tail, ranging from a mini turbojet to orbital maneuvering engines, and she even had a pair of brand new Thrustmax main engines. All this new technology amounted to a vehicle that could make many trips into space, unlike Kapollo’s one and done approach.

A veteran of a half-dozen spaceflights including two Pioneer missions and four Kapollo flights (three of them included walks on the Mun and Minmus), Bill saw potential in this technology demonstrator. Current boosters like the Duna II and the Duna IV Heavy took weeks to build, only to throw away all their hardware after one mission. Only the Mk1-2 Kapollo command capsule returned. With Kerbal Space Program forced to continue to rely upon contracts to get funding, each mission’s cost quickly added up. Kapollo 6, for instance cost just north of 240,000 in funds for the D4H booster, Kapollo command module, and MK II ALCOR lander. A simpler Kapollo mission to Starlab set the space agency back sixty grand. With the Kerbal Shuttle Orbiter (KSO) program, launch costs and time between launches could easily be cut in half. And if KSC recovered the boosters and external fuel tank that the orbiter clung to, then they could recoup nearly all of the launch vehicle costs.

Freedom actually cost more than a Kapollo/Duna II launch and was a little underpowered, but she was a prototype, after all. Her Thrustmax 300s were designed to fit the jumbo-sized S25 in development, as were her OA-900 liquid rocket boosters, and thus weren’t optimized for the X-18. But given enough development time, appropriately sized boosters and a remodeled tail section, the X-18 would make a cost effective launch vehicle. The problem is, KSP didn’t have the time right now.

The President wanted kerbonauts on Duna soonest before the Eastern Bloc or the Babylon Corporation or some other billionaire’s private space agency got the chance. While some use of the Duna series of launch vehicles was inevitable, the gold-plated version of Duna One, based on Starlab, would require its components to fly on the D4H and that would break the bank. With the S25 still on the drawing board, Duna One’s components had to fit inside the X-18 whenever possible.

KSP’s engineers envisioned a line of 1.8-meter diameter octagonal modules as a compromise between converting 1.25-meter fuel tanks into living space and using the 2.5-meter Starlab modules that were too big for the X-18. But to get them into orbit on the X-18, engineers had to add an auxiliary fuel module in the shuttle’s payload bay as well as bolt on auxiliary fuel tanks to the external fuel tank. It was a kludge for a prototype not really intended to carry payloads, but simulations showed that it should work.

Bill took a moment, taking in the sight before going into the payload briefing. He couldn’t help but grin as he read the letter again:

To: Bill S. Kerman

From: Gene Kerman

Hi Bill, I hope you’re sitting down before you read this. On behalf of the Kerbal Space Program, I want to extend an offer to you to become Mission Commander for KOM-1. Both you and Bob are the most experienced kerbonauts we have, and we can’t think of anybody else we’d like commanding the first shuttle mission. Bob has already accepted our offer to be your navigator...

Thanks for taking the time to create such a high quality mod and sharing it with the community. :)

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  tygoo7 said:
Why are the cabin lights on the KSO not working? I right click on it but I don't see a tab to turn them on. It doesn't show it in the Action Group editor either.

The cabin lights are turned on from IVA, there's a switch up and right of the first Kerbal you go to when you press C to enter IVA.

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  G said:
How would I make the EFT from the normal KSO compatible with the Super25? I like the look of the regular EFT better' date=' but I can't seem to figure out how to get it to attach to the Super25 fuselage.[/quote']

Asking this question again. Obviously I could just use other tanks (like from KM's SSME's), but then you dont' get the nice looking fuel feeds and clamps that the KSO tanks have.

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  G said:
Asking this question again. Obviously I could just use other tanks (like from KM's SSME's)' date=' but then you dont' get the nice looking fuel feeds and clamps that the KSO tanks have.[/quote']

I do not think that is possible.

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  Lekke said:
I do not think that is possible.

Getting the orange EFT to work with the Super 25 is just a matter of changing around the nodes on either the EFT or the Super 25 itself to match the ones on the other part. It's possible, it just needs a little bit of tweaking to work.

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  tygoo7 said:
When I do that the light only stays for a few seconds?

No, once you flip the switch the cabin lights stay on until you flip the switch again and turn them off. I believe you're confused with the old bugged siren lights, which are no longer bugged either.

  Angel-125 said:
Is there any chance that KSO is part of this endeavor? I started playing with KSO last week when I realized that KSO would fit nicely into making spaceflights cost effective in .24.2. Helldiver and Nazari, your mod's quality is stunning! It's clear that the two of you put a great deal of effort and thought into creating the shuttle system. Having multiple nodes on the KSO's engine block, for instance, really makes alternate configurations possible, and the cockpit of the KSO can easily be used as a command module for an interplanetary spaceship. I could easily see you making a version of the KSO that replaced the cockpit and cargo bay to make a Shuttle-C type spacecraft. I also like the Super 25 and its ability to fit 2.5m components in its bay. The OKS/MKS system fits nicely inside, for instance.

I get asked this quite often, both on the stream and on this thread so I'll try and answer as best I can;

No, the KSOS mod is not part of the goals or content that Squad wants for their game. I don't believe it really has ever been (as far back as when I started the first 1.8 Standard shuttle). Squad's goal are generic, sterile, standalone parts (think Legos). Although KSOS contains some standalone parts, most of the main components are organic components meant to assemble together as one and/or parts that incorporate multiple parts.

If they would like a part for their game, I would charge my normal contracting fee and require the concepts for the component they wish made (in FBX format).

Making sure that is clarified since we get quite a few people complaining how KSOS shuttles don't let them freely assemble what ever they want.

  Chadley123 said:
I have questions for the near future of KSOS: Will the installer work on macs and is that the only place to get the alternate textures?

-The installer is currently for Windows only. However we still have to do testing and we should be able to test it on Mac, but I can't promise that. You can get the alternate textures on the second post right below the OP or by downloading the desired pack individually once phase 4 is out.

Edited by helldiver
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  OrbitusII said:
Getting the orange EFT to work with the Super 25 is just a matter of changing around the nodes on either the EFT or the Super 25 itself to match the ones on the other part. It's possible, it just needs a little bit of tweaking to work.

Figured it out. You have to match the nodes of the EFT and the super25 EFT. Not a snug fit (There's an infinitely small gap between the clamp and the fuselage), but it works.

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  Chadley123 said:
I have questions for the near future of KSOS: Will the installer work on macs and is that the only place to get the alternate textures?

The installer works under the program WINE in linux. I understand WINE is also available on the Mac OS so it stands to reason it might work there as well, but this has not been tested yet. I have a phase 3 KSO VesselView installer linked in my signature where I posted the VesselView patches for the KSO. If you have WINE installed on your system, try downloading that installer and see if it works for you. If that one works, then the KSOS installer will too.

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helldiver and the rest of the KSO team, I just wanted to say that after a year or so of KSP, KSO is my favorite mod pack of all time. I've been salivating over the Phase IV vehicles on Westi's videos and your preview posts for a couple weeks now. Thanks much for all the time and care you put into these parts. They're beautiful, and an absolute joy to use.

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