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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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Does this mod use its own version of the included mods, like a modified Firespitter or can I use the latest dependencies from the original mod maker and just install KSOS on its own?

You should be able to update firespitter (and other dependancies) to their latest versions. But you do need to make sure you keep all the folders that originally came with the KSOS.

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Any advice on changing fuel levels to counteract the FAR, perhaps a .cfg? Still going end over end just before I lose the LRBS.

After many test flights I've got this thing figured out pretty well now, I'm still curious about when to dump the EFT. Does it stay in orbit?

Edited by RandyRawgust
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Any advice on changing fuel levels to counteract the FAR, perhaps a .cfg? Still going end over end just before I lose the LRBS.

After many test flights I've got this thing figured out pretty well now, I'm still curious about when to dump the EFT. Does it stay in orbit?

If you're launching with a partially filled EFT, you could lower the max thrust on the boosters, or move them a little closer to the shuttle. Also, make sure the Thrustmax engines are trimmed to 14 before launch.

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Any advice on changing fuel levels to counteract the FAR, perhaps a .cfg? Still going end over end just before I lose the LRBS.

After many test flights I've got this thing figured out pretty well now, I'm still curious about when to dump the EFT. Does it stay in orbit?

I normally dump the tank right before the circularization burn, and use Stage Recovery to recoup some of the expense. I have plenty of fuel in the orbiter to reach a space station thanks to a variant of Avalon's quad booster design.

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Its gotten quiet in here. Im currently working on finishing up the second mission of my new save in .90 so I can put it on youtube, just need to find the time to sit down and record it... anyone else doing interesting things with the KSOS?

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Its gotten quiet in here. Im currently working on finishing up the second mission of my new save in .90 so I can put it on youtube, just need to find the time to sit down and record it... anyone else doing interesting things with the KSOS?

My missions are on hold while I finish up some mods.

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@Avalon304: Thanks for the update, can't wait to watch it.

As for me, not right now. I got a paused WIP station on LKO, and I'll surely use shuttles to continue to build it. Maybe I'll even record something. But right now, Bob is stranded on the Mun, and Jeb is awesomely going to rescue him. :)

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So I finally landed this bad boy like 2 days ago lol. I've only flown the Super-25 once and it was just screwing around, I did notice it handles smoother, another reason I wanted to perfect and get to know the smaller KSO. I might even slap together a video tutorial to help condense all this loose info. Tips on use with FAR and DRE and whatnot.

I was also interested in making one on KSO cargo design, if anyone has on tips or links on that, as always its much appreciated.

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I was also interested in making one on KSO cargo design, if anyone has on tips or links on that, as always its much appreciated.

KSO Cargo Design 101:

Step 1: Does it fit in the cargo hold?

If Yes: Move to step 2.

If No: Redesign your cargo until it does.

Step 2: Is it light enough for your orbiter to make it to orbit in your chosen orbiter?

If Yes: Launch.

If No: Reduce the weight until its under 15-20tons.

This concludes KSO Cargo Design 101. There are no other classes.

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Is this mod Ckan compatible? I cant find it on Ckan, and you don't want to see me install mods...:wink:

It is on CKAN, under "Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System," its full name. Unfortunately, it's all as one pack, which would be nice if it were divided up, but it's on there.

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I hope that this mod comes out with a version where you don't need active texture management:rolleyes:

For that to be possible Squad would have to either:

A. Have a 64-bit version that works


B. Have an asset management system that isnt bad.

The likelihood of either of these things occurring is close to 0. But my question is what have you got against ATM?

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For that to be possible Squad would have to either:

A. Have a 64-bit version that works


B. Have an asset management system that isnt bad.

The likelihood of either of these things occurring is close to 0. But my question is what have you got against ATM?

Who knows now that Unity 5 has come out. From what I've heard 64-bit should be alot more stable with that version.

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I'm still having serious compatibility issues with FAR and DRE. With SAS on, the feedback from the control surfaces on the wings is so intense I am usually propelled to supersonic speeds without even turning on the throttle, making reentrys and landings all but impossible. Additionally, cargo in the cargo bay does not seem at all protected from aerodynamic forces, with cargo in the bays always burning up or detaching due to aerodynamic forces on reentry. Most frustrating with the EWCB is the constant overheating that seems to mysteriously affect nothing else but the top right control surface, which usually explodes around 40 km before I even encounter significant heating on anything else. Are there any fixes for the considerable bugs I am encountering, or should I consider not using KSOS on my save?

I tried using these configs - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/1770-FAR-NEAR-DRE-etc-Support-for-KSOS-by-helldiver, but they have only made the problems worse, resulting in a complete lack of control from control surfaces. This is obviously terrible during reentries.

Edited by Javascap
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