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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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Has anyone noticed a Right-Click bug on the KerbLab Module? Fresh-install with a simple LanderCan+Lab ship. Right Click the Lab and it kills Right clicking untill exiting AND restarting flight (not just revert from launchpad).

Yes I noticed that glitch aswell.

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Helldiver, if you don't mind me asking, what is the mounting spot on the bottom of the KSO's ET for, exactly?
I put a "Mission Marker" on it. A little empty fuel tank with a different color each time.
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KSP Station Construction... So many options to consider. I'll post some thoughts on station construction after I get home from work, but in the meantime, a few pics from testing in stock KSP plus KSO plus MechJeb:

Your station is coming along very nicely!

Now... fix that blur issue :D

Are you using the SST to maneuver module into place? Any difficulties with it currently? And could you give us a difficulty rating? (1 being near impossible, 7 is the KSO, 10 being Kindergarten easy).

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Helldiver, I'm curious, but did the ET see a decrease in fuel capacity in Phase II? It seems like I'm reaching orbit with less remaining fuel in Phase II than I was in Phase I.

Additionally, I tried a few different scenarios today, here are the results. A note, all tests were flown by MechJeb (since it has this magical ability to fly while I do work-things on the company computer... Plus it also means the I don't screw up the trajectory and negate the test results).

Target Orbit: 75km

Flight Path: As recommended by the manual

Payload: Extra fuel module

Remaining ÃŽâ€v: 260 m/s

Target Orbit: 75km

Flight Path: MechJeb default

Payload: Extra fuel module

Remaining ÃŽâ€v: 300 m/s

Target Orbit: 75km

Flight Path: MechJeb default

Payload: No payload

Remaining ÃŽâ€v: 355 m/s

As you can see, carrying that extra payload into orbit actually resulted in me achieving orbit with dramatically less fuel remaining than taking the KSO up stock. I was wondering if this was your intention (obviously carrying up 6 tons of extra propellant will mean more fuel burned to get to orbit) and you meant for players to tank-off in orbit, or if the ET capacity might need a little tweaking. The STS for example didn't always fly with the ET 100% full; they had the ability to load more propellant onboard for high-orbit missions to service Hubble, as compared to LEO missions to the ISS.

If that's something you'd consider, I'd greatly appreciate it. I tend to orbit my space stations between 200-250 km, so being able to take the KSO to that altitude with the space station components onboard and not having to de-orbit with RCS would be most welcome. :)

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Helldiver, I'm curious, but did the ET see a decrease in fuel capacity in Phase II? It seems like I'm reaching orbit with less remaining fuel in Phase II than I was in Phase I.

Additionally, I tried a few different scenarios today, here are the results. A note, all tests were flown by MechJeb (since it has this magical ability to fly while I do work-things on the company computer... Plus it also means the I don't screw up the trajectory and negate the test results).

Target Orbit: 75km

Flight Path: As recommended by the manual

Payload: Extra fuel module

Remaining ÃŽâ€v: 260 m/s

Target Orbit: 75km

Flight Path: MechJeb default

Payload: Extra fuel module

Remaining ÃŽâ€v: 300 m/s

Target Orbit: 75km

Flight Path: MechJeb default

Payload: No payload

Remaining ÃŽâ€v: 355 m/s

As you can see, carrying that extra payload into orbit actually resulted in me achieving orbit with dramatically less fuel remaining than taking the KSO up stock. I was wondering if this was your intention (obviously carrying up 6 tons of extra propellant will mean more fuel burned to get to orbit) and you meant for players to tank-off in orbit, or if the ET capacity might need a little tweaking. The STS for example didn't always fly with the ET 100% full; they had the ability to load more propellant onboard for high-orbit missions to service Hubble, as compared to LEO missions to the ISS.

If that's something you'd consider, I'd greatly appreciate it. I tend to orbit my space stations between 200-250 km, so being able to take the KSO to that altitude with the space station components onboard and not having to de-orbit with RCS would be most welcome. :)

Interesting observations. One thing to remember is that MechJeb is going to give you a better launch than my basic guide.

I think right now the KSO itself is balanced to a 75-80km orbit, maybe as far out as a 100km for the average operation using the Thrustmax. Did you switch to the OMS engines after achieving circularization?

I had similar issues I brought up to Naz as well as reports from Westi. My report was mostly having to do with my own pilot error and eccentric orbits. We'll do more tests and keep in mind that like the KSO, it can be a while for us to get the numbers spot on.

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I Cant seem to get this mod to work. I had Phase 1 and that worked fine, but now after I deleted it and downloaded the new file, none of the parts show up. I don't know what's wrong. I extracted the file and copied the Gamedata folder into the gamedata folder of ksp. But the parts don't show up.

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KSOS has never been FAR compatible, never will be. You need to post on that thread for customized configuration files.

Should I put that in bold in the OP?

Nothing against FAR, just that it requires customized exclusive versions of all the cfg files. Either the KSOS runs Stock or FAR, we're not doing both. We're not spending the time to balance both, we have enough issues as it is getting this to work in Stock KSP.

I don't care how popular FAR or DRE is. If they become part of KSP Stock installation, then the KSOS will be 100% FAR compatible.

I hope that answers that.

+1 Well said Helldiver

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Helldiver, I'm curious, but did the ET see a decrease in fuel capacity in Phase II? It seems like I'm reaching orbit with less remaining fuel in Phase II than I was in Phase I.

Additionally, I tried a few different scenarios today, here are the results. A note, all tests were flown by MechJeb (since it has this magical ability to fly while I do work-things on the company computer... Plus it also means the I don't screw up the trajectory and negate the test results).

Target Orbit: 75km

Flight Path: As recommended by the manual

Payload: Extra fuel module

Remaining ÃŽâ€v: 260 m/s

Target Orbit: 75km

Flight Path: MechJeb default

Payload: Extra fuel module

Remaining ÃŽâ€v: 300 m/s

Target Orbit: 75km

Flight Path: MechJeb default

Payload: No payload

Remaining ÃŽâ€v: 355 m/s

As you can see, carrying that extra payload into orbit actually resulted in me achieving orbit with dramatically less fuel remaining than taking the KSO up stock...

Something screwy is going on with your results. I just flew the new Block 7 to a stable orbit of 120km, with a ~3 ton payload (small satellite). After delivery, I had 561, 754 m/s ÃŽâ€v (atmo, vac) remaining - almost twice what you're reporting - and had expended 4210 m/s ÃŽâ€v. And that's using MechJeb without any additional fuel.

On a lighter note, creative re-purposing of the SST: :)


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I suggest deleting the KSO folder that is located in GameData and re-installing the mod adampeay.

I tried that it still doesn't work. Where can I extract the file to for it to work. I usually extract it to a new folder, then copy its contents into the gamedata folder of ksp. Is there anything else I can try?

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Your station is coming along very nicely!

Now... fix that blur issue :D

Are you using the SST to maneuver module into place? Any difficulties with it currently? And could you give us a difficulty rating? (1 being near impossible, 7 is the KSO, 10 being Kindergarten easy).

Blur? What Blur? Jeb says it's just a little smoke in the cockpit :D

I experimented w/ the SST but ended up re-using a stock-built tug that I put together last Fall. My challenge with the SST is coordinating the visual with the nav ball display. The SST's RCS jets don't visually fire in agreement with the expected visual display (i.e.: let's yaw to the right... the left one in front should fire and the right one in back should fire. Instead both fire on one side). This isn't as big a deal w/o a payload - but I'm consistently spinning when there's a payload and the RCS boom is extended. It's more difficult than the KSO - which I'd rate a 5 - but it could be operator error...

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So I spent an hour downloading this and then if finishes and then says that the folder is invalid. Doesn't even save the rest of it so I can start from before it decided to break the download.

Edit: Apparently steam drains the interwebs in the background.

Edited by Legendary Emu
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I tried that it still doesn't work. Where can I extract the file to for it to work. I usually extract it to a new folder, then copy its contents into the gamedata folder of ksp. Is there anything else I can try?

The problem is I can't really help you. Everyone gets exactly what I have installed minus RBR (Chatterer) and Squad. Every time I put up an update you guys get my exact GameData folder.

If parts aren't showing up, it means you don't have any parts in Kerbal Space Program/GameData/KSO/Parts

So try this:

Download the latest build from the mirror http://www./download/1ryxdln51584bsr/KSOS_v204.zip. It could be the SpacePort is truncating it again?

By the way, the distributable I keep mentioning is the exact same files Nazari, I and our testers are using. I simply grab everything and put it in a Zip and then upload. That one gets tested and then I update the download links to it. So you can see that if someone has a Visual, Graphical, Missing Parts errors, we're at a loss since none of that happens on our end. Data bugs, and config file issues is something we can deal with since we can reproduce that. Any other bugs such as missing parts, RPM bugs, etcetera is literally impossible for us to figure out since none of that happens on our end. Neither of us are programmers or know what goes on in the background of the various PC/MAC/Linux installations.

Also, if you'll notice, there are already numerous users using the parts successfully. So common sense should tell you that something is wrong on your end.

Once you download KSOS_v204.zip, extract it somewhere you will remember. You should get two folders; GameData and Ships.

Navigate to your KSP installation (should be Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/

Navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData

Delete everything in there exceptSquad. Squad should be the only folder found in that directory.

Drag and drop all of the folders you got from KSOS_v204.zip found in GameData including ModuleManager_1_5_6.dll into Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData. Alternatively you can just drag and drop the GameData folder you got from the archive you downloaded and Overwrite the GameData folder found in Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/

When you're done, your GameData folder (Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData) should look like this:

Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/










If you navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/KSO you will see:





If you navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/KSO/Parts you will see:










You get the idea.

If for some reason you don't see those files or that directory structure, then you didn't install right or something else is going on. If you see that directory structure and see the files but when you start KSP don't see the parts, then I'm afraid I can't help you.

At that point I'd have to recommend uninstalling KSO completely and using another mod that magically seems to work where as this one seems to be being hijacked by the illuminati to prevent it from working on some folks PCs properly... :P

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The problem is I can't really help you. Everyone gets exactly what I have installed minus RBR (Chatterer) and Squad. Every time I put up an update you guys get my exact GameData folder.

If parts aren't showing up, it means you don't have any parts in Kerbal Space Program/GameData/KSO/Parts

So try this:

Download the latest build from the mirror http://www./download/1ryxdln51584bsr/KSOS_v204.zip. It could be the SpacePort is truncating it again?

By the way, the distributable I keep mentioning is the exact same files Nazari, I and our testers are using. I simply grab everything and put it in a Zip and then upload. That one gets tested and then I update the download links to it. So you can see that if someone has a Visual, Graphical, Missing Parts errors, we're at a loss since none of that happens on our end. Data bugs, and config file issues is something we can deal with since we can reproduce that. Any other bugs such as missing parts, RPM bugs, etcetera is literally impossible for us to figure out since none of that happens on our end. Neither of us are programmers or know what goes on in the background of the various PC/MAC/Linux installations.

Also, if you'll notice, there are already numerous users using the parts successfully. So common sense should tell you that something is wrong on your end.

Once you download KSOS_v204.zip, extract it somewhere you will remember. You should get two folders; GameData and Ships.

Navigate to your KSP installation (should be Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/

Navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData

Delete everything in there exceptSquad. Squad should be the only folder found in that directory.

Drag and drop all of the folders you got from KSOS_v204.zip found in GameData including ModuleManager_1_5_6.dll into Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData. Alternatively you can just drag and drop the GameData folder you got from the archive you downloaded and Overwrite the GameData folder found in Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/

When you're done, your GameData folder (Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData) should look like this:

Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/










If you navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/KSO you will see:





If you navigate to Steam/SteamApps/Common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/KSO/Parts you will see:










You get the idea.

If for some reason you don't see those files or that directory structure, then you didn't install right or something else is going on. If you see that directory structure and see the files but when you start KSP don't see the parts, then I'm afraid I can't help you.

At that point I'd have to recommend uninstalling KSO completely and using another mod that magically seems to work where as this one seems to be being hijacked by the illuminati to prevent it from working on some folks PCs properly... :P

I'm sorry if you took my question the wrong way. I in no way was saying that's there was a problem on your end, its just Im not that familiar with with installing programs on a computer. I have never done it before. I admire the work you guys put in to these mods and I couldn't ask for more. I knew it was something I was doing wrong, I just didn't make that clear. Sorry if you were offended.

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Interesting Size Comparison. Here're two quick pics of Sumghai's Habitat Module from his Fustek-Inspired Station Modules (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35043-0-21-FusTek-Station-Parts-Expansion-(R0-03-5a) and the Destiny Module from the community project's ISS mod (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24728-International-construction-ISS-in-Kerbal-orbit).

Forward view looking aft:


Aft looking forward:


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Interesting Size Comparison. Here're two quick pics of Sumghai's Habitat Module from his Fustek-Inspired Station Modules (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35043-0-21-FusTek-Station-Parts-Expansion-(R0-03-5a) and the Destiny Module from the community project's ISS mod (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24728-International-construction-ISS-in-Kerbal-orbit).

Forward view looking aft:

Aft looking forward:

Yup, that's about right. KSOS, Kerbal sizes. ISS, Human being sizes.

The massive problem with this: You can't carry anything in the cargo bay if you want to be able to dock.

I don't see an issue.


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