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[SHOWCASE] What craft of yours killed, lost, or stranded the most Kerbals?


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Admit it. You have, at some point, killed a Kerbal. Even Scott Manley has killed a Kerbal or two.

Anyway, people like me have seemed to kill more Kerbals than Scott Manley. Yes, I have killed a Kerbal or two. *cough* Or three hundred.


I think the most Kerbals killed was the time I tried to launch a space station, with 4 hitchhikers and a cupola, in one go, with no struts. Do you see the problem yet?

The most Kerbals stranded was when I finally got that aforementioned space station into orbit, and I discovered that it would not be able to launch escape pods because I was an idiot and forgot that Mk3 fuel tanks have jet fuel, not rocket fuel.

Yeah, they were up there until they got eaten by the Kraken. (Sorry, no pics)

Poor Jeb.

So, how many kerbals have you managed to, erm, kill or strand on distant worlds or in orbits?

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Well, attaching 32 hitchhikers + 2m capsule to a jumbo and a mainsail and then rolling it down the runway is 32*4+3=131 at once. But anyone can attach a few more hitchhikers and beat it.

When it comes to accidents it's probably the time I forgot to remove the kerbals from my space station before deorbiting it. I think it was 27 kerbals at once.

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I have a pretty good safety rating for my rockets because I use probe control for launching the more dubious ones, and most of my planes tend to fare quite well too. However when it comes to making vtol jets I think around 40 of my brave kerbal test pilots have crashed and burned in individual accidents in these death traps alone.

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For me it would be my SP-314 design, I don't have any pictures of it, but it had a tendancy to flip backwards and lose all control on re-entry if you were off by as much as a degree from its optimal profile. It has killed to date, 9 kerbals, but it also has an excellent crash safety rating, out of the 10 crashes it has had before it was retired it only lost those 9 out of the 30 who had crashed in it.

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Does killing them on purpose count... If so I was having a bad day at work and devised a missile shooting contraption. Big platform covered in srbs and decouplers, each srb had an external command seat strapped to it. After placing a pilot in every srb I fired two off before realizing it be more fun to stage them all at once so I did. 32 kerbals lost their lives that day.

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the KSS Kestrel claimed the most lives without ever sinking. k-14s, k-18s, bomber vtols, didn't matter they'd all bounce/explode off in pieces along its invincible hull. the thought that i could land directly on the lower decks didn't help either.

though those lost didn't die in vein. they paved the way in flight techniques and advancements in design ( http://imgur.com/KFvdPTX http://imgur.com/VU3PwnI )


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Who can't handle imgur, forum or the users? Anyways, it often fixes itself after someone quotes it.

For me, it was mostly during a small PWC (personal water craft) testing. I lost around 20 pilots... And one has crashed into it's carrier. I never thought that I will need protection from the INSIDE, and it hit the main fuselage.

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