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The Fan Works Challenge: Australia


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Ever wonder why Bob Kerman always seems like such a wimp? Many assume that it's because he is a wimp, but that just isn't true. He's really just as brave as any other kerbal, and loves an Eve Ascent Vehicle just as much as Jeb does.

I think about this as I look on at the capsule slowly descending back to Kerbin. Bob is coming back from Laythe, the first ship to do so. Normally, Bob wouldn't go on such a mission. It's far too dangerous. It involved a lot of equipment that had never been tested before.

But you know why he did it? Not because he had to. The KSP had given him the choice to stay. Not because he wanted to see Jeb or Bill. Jeb and Bill were still stranded on Moho. Not because of the fame. Bob cared little for fame.

So what was the reason?

It's Jane's favorite celestial body.

That is why Bob seems so cowardly. He wants to come home to his girl, his love, Jane. He would quit the space program, stay home with her forever, but she wouldn't want that. She wants to see him walk across the universe.

The capsule lands softly on the ground. I drive the truck into a meadow and park. As it stops, Jane immediately runs out and toward the capsule. As Bob opens the hatch and steps out, Jane hugs him, and they enter a loving embrace. I chuckle, and look away.

I want you to think about this next time you consider putting Bob on your brand-new experimental SRB-covered spaceship. Think about Jane, and how Bob so desperately wants to come home to her.

Think about Bob.

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A bittersweet entry.

If this had alt text it would say "Seriously, we're the only ones left now." I wanted the image to be more open to interpretation, so left it as is.

If you need a breakup image, just change the text to "You meant the world to me."

You're welcome.

This is awesome! You'd get my vote.

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Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Thanks for all of your efforts in this week's challenge. I've already featured some of your work on our Facebook and Twitter pages and will continue doing so throughout the day. Watch for the start of a new challenge this Monday!

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Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Thanks for all of your efforts in this week's challenge. I've already featured some of your work on our Facebook and Twitter pages and will continue doing so throughout the day. Watch for the start of a new challenge this Monday!

Happy Valentines to you all as well!

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