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Kerbal Construction Time/StageRecovery Dev Thread


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The potentially good news is that it works fine for me with the latest development version of KCT. The bad news is that I don't know if that because I don't have the issues in the first place, or because I already fixed the issue. I'm going to switch back to the last released KCT version and see if I can force it to have a problem. If I can't then I will definitely need your output_log.txt file and hope that something's reported. Just to be clear, you did go to the VAB (or SPH) Storage tab and click the launch button after it finished?

Edit: Even with the old version I'm not having any issues. It built and launched just fine.

Good to hear. Might be a funny interaction with some of the mods I have. When I get home I'll try to reproduce and get a good log.
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Found a minor bug: If you accept a contract to test a part which you haven't unlocked, everything works as intended, you can use the part, its labeled as experimental, etc. But then if you start researching the node to unlock that part, you can't access it at all. It did let me load a save with the part in, run simulations and build (although I didn't actually test either). Tested with 32 bit.

Some suggestions:

Make simulations run on real time. If I pay for an hour, id like an hour of testing, whether the simulation is sped up or not shouldn't matter. Obviously dial back the times you can use a bit. Perhaps a config for it.

Make reverting to launch in simulations not revert the time you have left. You shouldn't be able to just keep restarting the simulation to get more time.

Add a way to pay for more time during the simulations, probably at the prompt when you've ran out of time. Make it slightly more expensive to do this though, to discourage people from always selecting the smallest time amount possible. Plus the owners of the simulator wouldn't like you staying longer than you said you would (i'm imagining the simulator isn't owned by the KSC). Perhaps even make the cost increase each time you extend the session.

As for upgrade points: Make the cost start of fairly low, but increase with each purchase for both science and funds. That way it'll balance itself, and let people get more upgrades earlier on.

Make each GUI remember where you last put them. Its annoying having to move each gui into place each time I start up KSP. Save it to a config file or something.

For the launch button, create a new gui piece that totally covers up the old launch button, which looks and works identically to the old one, or change it slightly to be a Build or Simulate button.

When you press Build, kick the user out of the VAB/SPH into the main overview. Perhaps another config.

For the future, perhaps some integration into Extraplanetary Launchpads, even just to configure the build times/cost to be balanced between both mods (or even better, make new, polished replacement for EL).

Loving the mod so far. I'm getting the occasional crash, but much less than I expected with the amount of mods i'm running.

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I'll look into that bug, but there's a chance I won't be able to do anything about it with the current system of unlocking nodes (since I have to wait until after the user tries unlocking a node). I do know of another similar bug that lets you build craft with parts you shouldn't have access to (because you finished a contract with that part). I may actually allow that, since I think you should still be allowed to use the part.

Simulations: I prefer using in-game time for the simulations and feel the benefit of restarting a simulation is mitigated by the fact that you can't make changes to the craft at all. I do like the idea of buying more time though, so I will likely add that in.

Upgrade Points: I had meant to change that to a setting like what you suggested (as it has been discussed before). You get upgrades from unlocking tech, but I'm finding that in my play through since the rebalance it is pretty difficult to upgrade both the VAB and the SPH (but I'm not very far into the tech tree and I turned my time settings up so I can only launch about once per "month").

GUIs: Good idea. It will take a little while to implement but shouldn't be difficult to do, at least for the main windows.

Launch button: Already done. I found out how to override the KSP launch button while rewriting the editor GUI. Pressing it opens a small window where you can choose to build or simulate. Building won't ever kick you out of the editor because you may want to build multiple copies of the same ship or continue working on other vessels. The point of KCT is multiple missions at once (and when you have multiple rates you may be building multiple ships for one launch window. Getting kicked out of the VAB each time you add a ship to the list, then having to reenter the editor over and over is not fun).

I may look into some integration with EL after release. I definitely won't be treading into EL's territory though with a replacement. I'd also be willing for EL to do some integration with KCT.

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I love this mod. This together with Mission Controller 2, and with reverts disabled, makes this into a completely different game. Planning is key, and mistakes are devestating. I love it.

Do you accept donations somewhere? I can't find anything about it.

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I love this mod. This together with Mission Controller 2, and with reverts disabled, makes this into a completely different game. Planning is key, and mistakes are devestating. I love it.

Do you accept donations somewhere? I can't find anything about it.

I couldn't agree more. I can't wait to use the simulation in orbit-feature when it becomes compatible with KJR, which I sadly need to make my rockets fly like a pencil instead of a wet noodle.

I second the notion about donations. Do you have a paypal? :P

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I was considering adding a donation option after I do the full release, so I'll try to setup a paypal thing for that. I'm getting tired of working on the update, so I'll probably be releasing it soon. I know there are a couple minor bugs that need tweaks done to fix them, but the tweaks required are large for small non game breaking bugs (mostly the tech related issues mentioned above, I also know of a way to get free simulations that I need to fix).

For version 1.0 I'm going to be making a new thread in Addon Releases. This thread will be repurposed to be a development thread and I'm considering having open betas. There will be a link to the absolute latest version on the front page and perhaps a changelog highlighting the changes between the last released version and the latest beta. Those will likely be unstable, but then more people can help with bug fixing and can hopefully catch things that we don't.

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While you are all waiting for the next update (soon! I promise! There's just a serious lag issue in the VAB that may or may not be directly related to KCT that we're trying to track down) I would like to point you in the direction of the OP and the mod spotlight which has been included there (mod spotlight done by PTTGRW).

For anyone new to KCT who isn't quite sure what a Build Point is or why new rates keep appearing in the upgrade window, I highly suggest checking it out. If you're a KCT veteran, feel free to check it out and let me know if there's things he missed or that need clarified more!

I want to personally thank PTTGRW for doing this. It will hopefully help out the newbies and may recruit new people who realize that KCT isn't as scary as it may seem.

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I'm quite surprised that someone found it scary, i confess that i still dont know why upgrade points pop up seemingly out of nowhere, but i've started playing it without documentation, and it seemed quite well done in terms of accessibility.

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Upgrade points come only from purchasing tech nodes (in which case a message pops up and alerts you) or from purchasing them (which is changed slightly for release. They are cheaper at first but double in price each time you purchase them). Some people can be intimidated or confused by what Build Points are and how they're "used" and why purchasing a second build rate causes a third one to appear (and what those even mean). The learning curve maybe isn't super steep, but having some proper documentation and some video examples can clarify a lot for those who are having trouble.

With the release there will likely be an influx of new users, many of which may be the kind that avoid the experimental in-development mods because they're not the type to figure things out through trial and error but instead want clear explanations of what everything is. I just want to make things as accessible as possible, which is why I'm currently updating the Getting Started Guide and have put together a quick video of my own to briefly cover everything. I may also do some videos that cover one or two specific aspects of KCT, such as the upgrade system or how Build Points are calculated (and how to adjust the time settings to exactly what you want for your play style).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Id like to start saying thanks for creating this incredible mod. but Ive been having a problem with the game locking up when I simulate a craft. the game doesn't stop running it just seems that it ignores the input from my mouse(partly) it puts the craft on the pad everything still works but I cant click on anything or move the view, nothing except the debug menu works if I bring that up. I can use the toolbar button to revert to the editor but that's where im stuck I cant do anything and I have to shut the game down. it did this once or twice with only some parts packs installed but now its doing it worse. im now using Tack life support remote tech and a few others . sorry if this has already been mentioned but ive looked for an hour or so and found nothing. il try to reproduce it and post a video if you need more info.

I really want to keep using this mod but atm its unplayable for me.

Thanks Joseph

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  • 1 month later...

All contract deleted, when launching ship from tracking station.

Way to reproduce:

1. Start new Campaign (I checked hard mode)

2. Build ship in VAB editor.

3. Click launch button, select "build ship" in appeared window.

4. Leave VAB editor, go into Mission Control.

5. Take all contracts.

6. Leave Mission Control, go into Tracking Station.

7. Open KCT window, click "warp to complete"

8. Select VAB Storage tab in KCT Window, click Launch button

9. Ship appears on launch pad. Click on contracts button at GUI - all contracts vanished.

Checked on fresh 0.25 version of the game with only Toolbar and KCT mods installed.

Bug appears only when launching craft while in tracking station.

Contracts of all types disappear, including taken and completed contracts.

New contracts appear in Mission Control. Unique contracts, that was completed, also appear in MC again.

Science and funds received from vanished contracts don't disappear.

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Thanks for the report. A couple things, in the future it's generally best to report these things on the main thread where it's more likely to be seen. Secondly, could you get me a copy of the output_log.txt file (this post has the location of the proper file for every operating system) from a session after this happened? It will allow me to see what's going on, especially since I may not be able to do my own tests anytime soon. Preferably turn on the "Debug Messages" setting in the KCT settings before creating the issue (it reports a lot more KCT-specific stuff in the log).

Otherwise a very nice bug report. Looks like it should be easily reproducible, which makes things much easier to debug.

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Hmm. The only error reported appears to be from the Stock game, but it could be caused by KCT. When you launch from the Tracking Station KCT first quickly changes to the Space Center before placing the rocket on the launchpad. This was to avoid another bug that caused the ship to start 50 meters in the air. It's possible that the really fast transition messes something up.

I'll look into this more this weekend. Thank you!

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I finally opened up the beta versions for testing and am redirecting the purpose of this thread to be about the discussion of these betas. If you want to help, please READ THE FIRST POST. Remember that these builds are going to be UNSTABLE so I HIGHLY advise backing up your saves.

I am not responsible for corrupted saves, you were plenty warned before testing these UNSTABLE builds.

With that said, let me know what you find :D

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Heads up the new build is not compatible with the prior beta build, the KCT window won't show up. This is not a concern for new saves so be sure to start a new one.

The new update detection for beta builds has a booboo, it is reporting a new version available yet have the latest version installed. It appears the version on the server is in error of the version reported by the build didn't get updated.

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The new update detection for beta builds has a booboo, it is reporting a new version available yet have the latest version installed. It appears the version on the server is in error of the version reported by the build didn't get updated.

I realized I'm an idiot and the internal version number is set manually while the external one is done by the build server. I wonder if I can write up some prebuild scripts to change that. The next commit might also break existing compatibility again since I'm adding rollout time and had to make some changes to how reconditioning works.

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Bug found, scrapping a built vessel does not function. The confirmation screen comes up but yes does not have any function, window remains as does the ship in the list. Subsequent clicks on the confirmation window pass though onto the spaceport buildings.


When things get into a more stable state I'll do an emphasis test on existing games to see if a new game will be required for update upon release. :)

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Ignore the latest commit (build 6), keep using 5. 6 is a half built rollout based update that I committed to test auto-versioning the file, which seems to have actually worked :D I'll take a look at that scrapping issue.

Likely found the bug causing that, so should be fixed in the next build :)

Edit: Go crazy with build 7! It's got the first iteration of the rollout and rollback mechanics and some GUI changes for the build list. I'm interested in what people think of them. I'll do some more work on this tomorrow before trying to add direct recovery into storages (which will be tied to rollout time).

Make sure to read the changelog for each build before downloading it by clicking the "recent changes" button. It will generally explain what changed and if the build is ok to be used.

Edited by magico13
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