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Kerbal Construction Time/StageRecovery Dev Thread


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I'm pretty sure when you switch scenes or try to simulate again you'll be back at your normal funds level. ...

:) Ahh yes, I had missed that point. When I return to the 'Space Center' scene the gain is indeed cancelled out. Neat. I guess I got so immersed in the KCT game world that I didn't think about the fact that the launch pad must be clear to simulate a launch from it.

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I guess I got so immersed in the KCT game world that I didn't think about the fact that the launch pad must be clear to simulate a launch from it.

I've run into that issue a few times now. I bet I can find a way around it. Make the quicksave before any of the checks are made, manually clear any vessels off the pad, and maybe come up with a workaround for building limits. I might see if I can do that tonight ;)

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Did some fun changes regarding simulations and building vessels. You can now simulate any craft, even if you couldn't normally launch that craft. So you can simulate gigantic, thousand part craft, with tier 0 buildings. Additionally, you can BUILD those craft, but until you upgrade you cannot LAUNCH those craft (or roll them onto the pad). When you start building a craft that exceeds the limits you're warned that you'll need to upgrade. When you try to launch that craft you'll receive that same message and it will stop you from launching.

This way, if you've got an upgrade in progress you can still build a vessel that requires the upgraded facility. Additionally, simulations should be restriction free (you're no longer warned about vessels that are on the pad, either). The only limitation I'm thinking of adding is that you shouldn't be able to build ships that have too many parts (the Editor limitation rather than the launch site limitation).

Also, I'm really really tempted to add some form of landed simulation using the Contract Configurator SpawnVessel code. Either let the user plug coordinates in themselves, or force them to use coordinates based on planted flags and probes (requiring them to physically land something there first). Maybe first I should just start using that code for orbital simulations...

Also, wasn't I supposed to be making documentation?... I got distracted modding :P

Edit: Speaking of documentation, I wrote up some stuff for the new Presets system. If people could give it a quick read through (there's 3 pages total) and let me know if there was anything that needs explained more/better, that'd be great. Here's the link to the overview page (the longest one).

Edited by magico13
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Speaking of documentation, I wrote up some stuff for the new Presets system. If people could give it a quick read through (there's 3 pages total) and let me know if there was anything that needs explained more/better, that'd be great. Here's the link to the overview page (the longest one).

I have read your description; it seems fine to me. My only remark is that you mention the “BP formulaâ€Â. First time readers may well look like a big question mark at this point. Maybe you could put in that “BP formula†is the build point formula or maybe a link or something.

In a few days time I will upload the preset that I use. I don't really have a good name or description for it yet. So far it is called “Rodhern Low-tech v.1.0†(rlowtech10.cfg). The preset is fairly similar to the default preset, but most notably it is made faster (easier) in early career game. In particular the first few vital career contracts (gather some science, launch a vehicle, escape the atmosphere) are too difficult for me to get done in time with the default KCT preset.

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I have read your description; it seems fine to me. My only remark is that you mention the “BP formulaâ€Â. First time readers may well look like a big question mark at this point. Maybe you could put in that “BP formula†is the build point formula or maybe a link or something.

In a few days time I will upload the preset that I use. I don't really have a good name or description for it yet. So far it is called “Rodhern Low-tech v.1.0†(rlowtech10.cfg). The preset is fairly similar to the default preset, but most notably it is made faster (easier) in early career game. In particular the first few vital career contracts (gather some science, launch a vehicle, escape the atmosphere) are too difficult for me to get done in time with the default KCT preset.

I added a bit more of a description of what BP are and what the BP Formula does. I really should just rename that to Kerbal-hours or Kerbal-seconds and change the rates to Avg. # of Kerbals working on a ship.

As for your Preset, I highly recommend not including the version number in the filename and ESPECIALLY not in the short name. You can update Presets and have the changes take effect for anyone using it as long as the short name stays the same, so if you make a tweak later for balance it will automatically apply. If you change the short name, they'd have to pick the new Preset to see the changes. Do whatever you like with the Name and Description, as those are just for display purposes.

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I deselected "Must Visit Planets" using the default preset, thus making it 'custom'. I wanted to check the stock preset costs for simulation at other bodies.

When I select the sun the dialog screws up (and I had to restart KSP); does this happen to you as well?

When I select Eeloo the cost is 1000 Kerbucks (i.e. the bottom cap which is less than orbit at Kerbin with that particular craft). Some bodies did show a great costs while others showed 1000 Kerbucks. Does this happen to you as well?

If it does not happen in your end I can try to reproduce the results.

Edit1: My log shows this kind of error when calculating sim costs (but probably not originating from that particular formula?):

[ERR 14:23:33.855] [KCT] Tried to parse a non-double value:

Edit2: Ohh, it checks out that the formula with the given parameters fall below the thousand treshold. What is the [PM]/[KM]-ratio supposed to represent?

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I've run into similar issues before, so I'll look into that further next time I fire up KSP. Note that I changed the minimum for orbital simulations to 500 funds, but I'm not sure if that change uploaded to github or not (even if it did, you'd have to manually replace the default.cfg file).

PM/KM is Parent Mass / Kerbin Mass, where Parent is supposed to be the main not Sun parent for a body (Kerbin for Kerbin, Kerbin for Mun or Minmus, Jool for Jool or Laythe or any of those moons. For a Moon of a Moon it should still be the main planet).

I think I knew the Sun would have issues but forgot to fix it, so I'll get that fixed as well.

Edit: My server is down for an unknown amount of time. Got an email saying one of my disks had a failure event, so the RAID 5 is down to two drives out of three and I don't want to risk a total data loss. I haven't decided if I'm going to buy another 1 TB HDD and repair the array, or if I'll buy a couple 2 or 3 TB drives and make a new array.

I have been wanting to rebuild the server entirely...

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Motivation for new preset

The reason I like to use KCT is the immersion that it gives. In stock KSP I would slowly make my way through more and more complex vehicle constructions, testing things like propulsion, control and parachute systems as I went along. The result would be that time and money (say one or two Kerbin days and twenty thousand Kerbucks) was used for testing but then rather abruptly and sort of anticlimactic the final vessel is assembled from scratch and the mission is carried out in a matter of minutes.

KCT gives the impression of time flowing much more evenly. Also with the KCT simulation mode it seems more reasonable to play on “hard†difficulty. In the stock setup I had to choose between an easier difficulty or some kind of cheat-ish approach to avoid running out of Kerbucks and Kerbonauts. The KCT way is more fun.

While I like the necessity to plan ahead and the sense that time matters I am not looking for KCT build times to add to the overall difficulty of the game – even if simulation and stage recovery effects probably do cancel out the added difficulty.

The preset

The preset is called “Rodhern Low-tech†and is uploaded to here rlowtech.cfg .

Edit: The preset is updated (ver. 1.01) with a more sane simulation cost for simulation around Sun (which until recently was not possible with KCT).

Edit: The preset is updated (ver. 1.02) in response to the latest (RP-0 related) changes; the rollout reconditioning split is more explicitly put into the formulas.

The preset is fairly similar to the default preset. Most notably it is made faster (easier) in a number of situations with the most pronounced changes targeting the early game. In particular I feel the first few vital career contracts (gather some science, launch a vehicle, escape the atmosphere) are too difficult for me to get done in time with the default KCT preset.

The changes to the formulas, relative to the default preset, are listed below. The formulas come in three major difficulty varieties, “Decreased†cost or build time (career mode made easier), “Comparable†meaning small, negligible or no change to the default preset formula and “Increased†cost or build time (career mode made harder).

BuildRateFormula – Comparable =

sign([L]*2+1-) * (max(0,0.1-) + (+1*[N]*0.05))

The build rate formula is the same as in the default preset.

UpgradeFundsFormula – Comparable =

min(2^([N]+4), 1000) * 1000

Cap changed from 1'024'000 to 1'000'000; it's a round number.

UpgradeScienceFormula – Comparable =

min(2^([N]+2), 500)

Cap changed from 512 to 500; it's a round number.

InventorySaleFormula – Increased =

[V]+[P] ^0.5 / 200

The number of upgrade points gained from emptying the inventory is reduced to half. This is to some extend offset by the fact that vessel parts are now faster to build.

UpgradeResetFormula – Comparable =

min([N]+1*2, 12)

Currently every reset of upgrade points temporarily costs two points. Future KCT implementations may see the cost rising at each reset. This formula limits the cost to twelve points. In the future if you are willing to keep twelve points unassigned you can change around your priorities as much and as often as you like.

ResearchFormula – Increased =


The first upgrade point yields the same science output as in the default preset, but additional upgrade points yield progressively less.

NodeFormula – Decreased =

2^[N] / (1*6*3600)

New science nodes are unlocked twice as fast. Basically this allows you to put one less upgrade point into development.

KSCUpgradeFormula – Comparable =


The time it takes to upgrade KSC buildings is unchanged.

SimCostFormula – Decreased =

max( 144 + ([L]/10) + ([C]/20) ^0.5, max([L]^0.5, 10)*[C]/20000 )

* 25*(abs(l([PM]/[KM]))+1)*(/10+1)*([A]/10+1)

Simulations are made cheaper, especially those that were already cheap. Three examples of the costs (one is a Mk1 Command Pod landed at Kerbin for 6 minutes, one is a roughly 20'000 Kerbuck vessel in orbit for one hour at Minmus, and one is the roughly 20'000 Kerbuck vessel in orbit for one day around Sun) are shown in this table:

[TABLE=class: grid, width: 385]


[TD=width: 189] scenario / preset[/TD]

[TD=width: 82] default cost[/TD]

[TD=width: 88] rlowtech cost[/TD]



[TD=width: 189] Command pod at Kerbin[/TD]

[TD=width: 82] 100[/TD]

[TD=width: 88] 15[/TD]



[TD=width: 189] Vessel orbiting Minmus[/TD]

[TD=width: 82] 2646[/TD]

[TD=width: 88] 1654[/TD]



[TD=width: 189]Vessel in orbit of Sun[/TD]

[TD=width: 82] 519k[/TD]

[TD=width: 88] 56k[/TD]



All in all in most cases a decent discount.

KerbinSimCostFormula – Decreased =

max( 144 + ([L]/10) + ([C]/20) ^0.5, max([L]^0.5, 10)*[C]/20000 )

The same as SimCostFormula except for the last factor.

RolloutCostFormula – Comparable =


Roll out does not require Kerbucks (just time to complete) in the default preset.

ReconditioningFormula – Comparable =

min([M]/100*[E]*3600*[O], [X]*6*3600) * abs([RE]-)

Roll out and launch pad reconditioning times are unchanged.

ProceduralPartFormula – Increased =

max( 0-[A]*/(+1)+[C] /(*+1), [C]/(+1^2+(*)+1) )

The effects of experience and reusing parts from inventory do not kick in quite as early or as strongly as in the default preset. Some examples of the reduction in effective cost:

[TABLE=class: grid, width: 443]


[TD=width: 213] scenario / preset[/TD]

[TD=width: 104] default cost discount factor[/TD]

[TD=width: 100] rlowtech cost discount factor[/TD]



[TD=width: 213] First item[/TD]

[TD=width: 104] 1 : 1[/TD]

[TD=width: 100] 1 : 1[/TD]



[TD=width: 213] Third item (not in inventory)[/TD]

[TD=width: 104] 1 : 3[/TD]

[TD=width: 100] 1 : 2[/TD]



[TD=width: 213] Third item and in inventory[/TD]

[TD=width: 104] 1 : 103[/TD]

[TD=width: 100] 1 : 24[/TD]



[TD=width: 213] Tenth item (not in inventory)[/TD]

[TD=width: 104] 1 : 10[/TD]

[TD=width: 100] 1 : 6[/TD]



[TD=width: 213] Tenth item and inventory[/TD]

[TD=width: 104] 1 : 110[/TD]

[TD=width: 100] 1 : 68[/TD]



Most notably we see that the inventory effect needs to be combined with some experience before really getting pronounced.

EffectivePartFormula – Increased =

max( [C] /(+1) /(*+1), [C]/(+1^2+(*)+1) )

The same as ProceduralPartFormula, assuming [A]=[C].

BPFormula – Decreased =


A hefty discount – up to a factor of six – is applied for cheaper vessels. This change is the reason early vessels can now be build quickly.

One important property of the default preset is lost in rlowtech. The default preset is created so that if half a vessel is build first and the second half later then the combined cost (in build points) is always greater than if the entire vessel is build in one go. With the rlowtech discount to cheap vessels it may often be possible to save build points by splitting up medium sized vessels into multiple smaller sections. If you want to take advantage of this 'feature' you may have to jiggle around your construction orders.

The marginal cost in building points is depicted below.


Let us assume that we can build one build point every second. Eyeballing the chart now shows that adding monopropellant to the Mk1 Command Pod (which increases the part's effective cost from 588 to 600), we expect an additional build time of approximately 12*20 seconds (4 minutes) or 12*40 seconds (8 minutes) with the rlowtech and default presets respectively.

Edited by Rodhern
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Did some fun changes regarding simulations and building vessels. You can now simulate any craft, even if you couldn't normally launch that craft. So you can simulate gigantic, thousand part craft, with tier 0 buildings. Additionally, you can BUILD those craft, but until you upgrade you cannot LAUNCH those craft (or roll them onto the pad). When you start building a craft that exceeds the limits you're warned that you'll need to upgrade. When you try to launch that craft you'll receive that same message and it will stop you from launching.

This way, if you've got an upgrade in progress you can still build a vessel that requires the upgraded facility. Additionally, simulations should be restriction free (you're no longer warned about vessels that are on the pad, either). The only limitation I'm thinking of adding is that you shouldn't be able to build ships that have too many parts (the Editor limitation rather than the launch site limitation).

That sounds really nice. I haven't kept up on the dev thread so excuse the question if answered previously. Has anything been added for RT compatibility for the simulations? Also will your changes to the launch restriction be compatible with customBarnKit by sarbian that allows the user to change/remove the restrictions in career? Thanks :)!

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That sounds really nice. I haven't kept up on the dev thread so excuse the question if answered previously. Has anything been added for RT compatibility for the simulations? Also will your changes to the launch restriction be compatible with customBarnKit by sarbian that allows the user to change/remove the restrictions in career? Thanks :)!

I've looked into the RT API and there doesn't seem to be an easy way of telling it "make this vessel controllable" or "disable yourself, please". I really want to find a way around that, but it's a secondary objective. I used to play with RT all the time and simulations with it were sometimes unbearable because I just needed to turn on an antenna. kOS can do that now, so I could always write a boot script to do it, but that doesn't work for everyone else. I'll try to look into it some more.

I don't know if it will work with Custom Barn Kit. If KCT currently works properly with it, then yes it should, as all I did was make the checks not disable building the vessel in the editor, while the current implementation outright prevents construction of the craft. If it's working as it should right now, it should continue to work properly after the update. If you test that, please let me know, as right now I have no clue if it works properly.

I added this in an edit above, but I'll mention it again and bold it. The build server is down. It will probably be down for a week or more. It had a hard drive failure (need to get home to verify, I'm at work now). I've purchased three new 3TB drives to replace the three old 1TB drives that were in there before, but they won't get here until the middle of the week, and then I'll need to set everything up again.

Wow. That's gonna suck to do... And I JUST got ASP.NET applications running on it last weekend. I'll have to set up Jenkins again too. It'll be an all weekend project.

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I think the newest DLL gives you an upgrade point when you start researching a new tech node. Then the upgrade point is withdrawn (when loading the game) and then later reapplied once the research is done and the node is unlocked.

It might be easier to understand if the upgrade point is only awarded once the node is unlocked.

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If it was working properly you'd receive the point when you purchase the node, but I realize now that isn't going to work correctly with how I've got it coded. I'll have to tally up the in-progress nodes when I calculate the total number of upgrades.

Since that entire system was rewritten, there are bound to be a few glitches. Also, have you been having your global settings resetting? I'm pretty sure that's been happening to me and I'm not sure why.

I'm planning on spending some time today on fixing the reported bugs, and maybe playing around a bit more with simulations (to either disable RemoteTech, or to change how the code that puts the ship in orbit works, or both)

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Also, have you been having your global settings resetting? I'm pretty sure that's been happening to me and I'm not sure why.

If I start a new career it seems to suggest some default settings (only the message system on, the rest off) and it will then use those settings for my existing saves as well. Maybe there is a glitch in loading the global settings for freshly created careers?

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If I start a new career it seems to suggest some default settings (only the message system on, the rest off) and it will then use those settings for my existing saves as well. Maybe there is a glitch in loading the global settings for freshly created careers?

I think I've got that fixed now, along with a couple other bugs.

I also added two new (relatively simple) Presets and slightly modified the default one (the simulation cost formula was ridiculous for the Sun because of the mass difference). I've posted a dropbox link to the .dll, but the Presets can be downloaded from github.

I also have added a half-working attempt to override RemoteTech. It seems to work fine when there are no antenna, but when there are antenna on the craft it only half-works. You regain the ability to move, but not to enable SAS or stage. With no antenna it works perfectly. My attempt to unregister any antenna it finds apparently wasn't good enough to fix that issue, but thankfully the SPU has a public OnDestroy function I can call through Reflection (the antenna's is private, but doesn't seem to help much anyway when I replicate it manually).

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I can now select 'Sun'. Seems stable enough (caution: Sun is hot).

If I type a simulation duration of zero I get an unlimited simulation; just as before. But now I only pay for 'zero seconds' (i.e. almost free). Didn't it use to be that unlimited simulation time was short hand for some large number of seconds?

I think it should be so that whether you type zero or type an abnormally huge number, in both cases the value should be treated as 'unlimited' and billed as 'unlimited'.

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It should be treating zero as 1000 earth years for cost, and infinity for the actual time limit. I'll have to double check that. I spoke with NathanKell earlier and he asked for a way to charge funds for rollout, so I'm gonna try to add a formula for that tonight as well (default of 0)

Also, if you type in more than 1000 years it should still only charge you for 1000 years.

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Maybe I have just messed up my mods (unrelated to KCT). Then again I think it happened when I updated KCT.

I resume one career, then exit to the main menu, then resume another career. In this case I get the KCT icon in the toolbar mod as usual but can't open the main KCT window. If I quit KSP and restart KSP it works just fine again.

The log file is here KSP.log .

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There was a KCT related issue logged, but KCT itself seemed to be working properly. Maybe an issue with assigning the function to be called when the button is pressed. Let me know if you see it again.

[LOG 01:30:27.868] [KCT] Adding Toolbar Button
[EXC 01:30:27.870] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
KerbalConstructionTime.KerbalConstructionTime..ctor ()
KerbalConstructionTime.KCT_SpaceCenter..ctor ()
AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup)

E: Could be because it tried to access the loaded preset prior to the preset being loaded. I've added an extra check to make sure that can't happen.

E2: Should hopefully be fixed now. Additionally, just added a new Formula for the RP-0 devs. It makes it so it costs funds to rollout a vessel and takes the funds in 10% increments of both time and funds. So if it costs 10k funds to rollout and takes 2000 seconds, then every 200 seconds you'll be charged 1000 funds. If you can't afford it, the rollout pauses at the next 10% increment until you can afford it. NathanKell wanted it so they could use it for the final integration costs, while the normal costs are just the raw materials.

Edited by magico13
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It should be treating zero as 1000 earth years for cost, and infinity for the actual time limit.

Now I know what is changed in my example.

My zero string is not literally "0" it is "00:00:00:00:00".

I think the fix is to change this 'less than' to 'less than or equal'

if (length [B]<[/B] 0)
length = 31536000000.0;

otherwise a zero value can make it through the cost calculation.

At the same time this check (or some of it)

if (simulationLength == "" || simulationLength == "0" || simulationLength == "-1")
simulationLength = "31536000000"; //1000 Earth years

could probably move to the "ParseColonFormattedTime" function.

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... . Let me know if you see it again.

For some reason "KCT_PresetManager.Instance" is null when reentering my career.

The KCT_PresetManager is initially created in "KerbalConstructionTime.Start()".

The presets and manager are cleared in "KCT_Events.gameSceneEvent()" when exiting to Main Menu.

I guess the manager is not reinitialized when going from the Main Menu to the Space Center(?).

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Now I know what is changed in my example.

My zero string is not literally "0" it is "00:00:00:00:00".

I think the fix is to change this 'less than' to 'less than or equal'

if (length [B]<[/B] 0)
length = 31536000000.0;

otherwise a zero value can make it through the cost calculation.

At the same time this check (or some of it)

if (simulationLength == "" || simulationLength == "0" || simulationLength == "-1")
simulationLength = "31536000000"; //1000 Earth years

could probably move to the "ParseColonFormattedTime" function.

Ah, I knew I was forgetting to fix something. I'll get that fixed tonight. You are correct, it should be less than or equal to zero is treated as 1000 years. As for the rest of that check, it should stay in the function that's specific to calculating simulation costs, as it's simulation cost specific and the ParseColonFormattedTime is used elsewhere (most notably in determining the UT to start the simulation at, which was the reason it was originally written).

For some reason "KCT_PresetManager.Instance" is null when reentering my career.

The KCT_PresetManager is initially created in "KerbalConstructionTime.Start()".

The presets and manager are cleared in "KCT_Events.gameSceneEvent()" when exiting to Main Menu.

I guess the manager is not reinitialized when going from the Main Menu to the Space Center(?).

It should be set null when switching to the MainMenu, but it should be reinitialized right away in Start once the Space Center starts loading... I'll look into it further, but I don't remember having issues with it in my testing. Might be related to using the toolbar mod?

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I am at day 13. I simulate a vessel for 30 seconds at UT 05:55:00. I let the 30 seconds pass and go back to the editor via the KCT dialog that shows when the time is up. The time is now day 1 05:55:31. My conclusion is that the UT somehow got into the 'revert'.

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I am at day 13. I simulate a vessel for 30 seconds at UT 05:55:00. I let the 30 seconds pass and go back to the editor via the KCT dialog that shows when the time is up. The time is now day 1 05:55:31. My conclusion is that the UT somehow got into the 'revert'.

What if you simulate for, say, 3 hours and go back to the Space Center instead of reverting? What does the save made by KCT have as the UT= string (you'd have to check when the simulation is running) and then what does the persistence.sfs UT= string say after revert? I did change how the backup save gets made, but that's still made before the simulation even starts.

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What if you simulate for, say, 3 hours and go back to the Space Center instead of reverting? What does the save made by KCT have as the UT= string (you'd have to check when the simulation is running) and then what does the persistence.sfs UT= string say after revert? I did change how the backup save gets made, but that's still made before the simulation even starts.

First, the "KCT_simulation_backup.sfs":

version = 1.0.4
UT = 273524.287048403

persistent.sfs while simulating:

version = 1.0.4
UT = 21840.0800000118

persistent.sfs after going back to the Space Center:

version = 1.0.4
UT = 32312.8747973766

[LOG 19:27:30.017] ------------------- initializing flight mode... ------------------
[LOG 19:27:30.063] Vessel EPRC, A-4 recovered
[LOG 19:27:30.063] [KCT] OnLoad Started
[LOG 19:27:30.065] Loading ship from file: H:/Spil/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_Data/../saves/Rodbob Kerman/Ships/temp.craft
[LOG 19:27:30.177] EPRC, A-4 loaded!
[LOG 19:27:32.176] putting ship to ground: 1.625424
[LOG 19:27:32.177] [EPRC, A-4]: Ready to Launch - waiting to start physics...
[LOG 19:27:32.180] Crewmember Jebediah Kerman assigned to Mk1 Command Pod, seat # 0 (crew seat index: 0)
[LOG 19:27:32.180] [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel EPRC, A-4 ----------------------
[LOG 19:27:32.181] setting new dominant body: Kerbin
[LOG 19:27:32.182] Reference Frame: Rotating
[LOG 19:27:32.187] stage manager resuming...
[LOG 19:27:32.187] Vessel assembly complete!
[LOG 19:27:32.188] stage manager starting...
[LOG 19:27:32.188] all systems started
[LOG 19:27:32.205] [KCT] Loading a preset from H:/Spil/Steam/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_Data/..//saves/Rodbob Kerman/KCT_Settings.cfg
[LOG 19:27:32.207] [KCT] Loading saved settings.
[LOG 19:27:32.222] [KCT] OnLoad Started
[LOG 19:27:32.258] :OnStart
[LOG 19:27:32.340] [KCT] Reading from persistence.
[LOG 19:27:32.341] [KCT] Setting active site to Stock
[LOG 19:27:32.342] [KCT] Simulation started
[LOG 19:27:32.343] [KCT] OnLoad Completed
[LOG 19:27:33.382] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: EPRC, A-4
[LOG 19:27:33.515] Flight State Captured
[WRN 19:27:33.515] [ProtoCrewMember Warning]: Crewmember Bill Kerman found assigned but no vessels reference him. Bill Kerman set as missing.
[LOG 19:27:33.533] [KCT] Writing to persistence.
[LOG 19:27:33.534] [KCT] Saving KSC Stock
[LOG 19:27:33.563] Game State Saved as persistent
[LOG 19:27:34.348] [EPRC, A-4]: ground contact! - error: -0.171m
[LOG 19:27:34.348] Unpacking EPRC, A-4
[LOG 19:29:34.039] activating stage 2 - current stage: 3
[LOG 19:29:34.039] [solidBooster]: Activated
[LOG 19:29:34.040] [solidBooster]: Activated
[LOG 19:29:34.041] [solidBooster]: Activated
[LOG 19:29:34.041] [solidBooster]: Activated
[LOG 19:29:34.042] [00:00:00]: Liftoff!!
[LOG 19:29:34.444] [KCT] Removing funds: 0, New total: 223146.419830083
[LOG 19:29:37.546] activating stage 1 - current stage: 2
[LOG 19:29:37.547] [solidBooster]: Activated
[LOG 19:30:49.172] [Progress Node Reached]: RecordsAltitude
[LOG 19:32:12.524] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: EPRC, A-4
[LOG 19:32:12.533] [PlanetariumCamera]: Focus: EPRC, A-4
[LOG 19:32:32.504] Camera Mode: AUTO
[LOG 19:32:36.176] Active Vessel is in atmosphere. Cannot save.
[LOG 19:33:06.520] Active Vessel is in atmosphere. Cannot save.
[LOG 19:33:36.722] Active Vessel is in atmosphere. Cannot save.
[LOG 19:34:06.921] Active Vessel is in atmosphere. Cannot save.
[LOG 19:34:37.284] Active Vessel is in atmosphere. Cannot save.
[LOG 19:34:43.644] activating stage 0 - current stage: 1
[LOG 19:34:43.644] [mk1pod]: Activated
[LOG 19:34:43.645] [parachuteSingle]: Activated
[LOG 19:34:43.646] [basicFin]: Activated
[LOG 19:34:43.647] [parachuteSingle]: Activated
[LOG 19:34:43.647] [basicFin]: Activated
[LOG 19:34:43.649] [parachuteSingle]: Activated
[LOG 19:34:43.649] [basicFin]: Activated
[LOG 19:34:43.650] [parachuteSingle]: Activated
[LOG 19:34:43.651] [basicFin]: Activated
[LOG 19:35:07.482] Active Vessel is in atmosphere. Cannot save.
[LOG 19:35:37.801] Active Vessel is in atmosphere. Cannot save.
[LOG 19:36:07.964] Active Vessel is in atmosphere. Cannot save.
[LOG 19:36:15.097] [00:06:36]: Basic Fin splashed down hard and was destroyed.
[LOG 19:36:15.099] [basicFin]: Deactivated
[LOG 19:36:15.103] [basicFin]: Deactivated
[LOG 19:36:15.106] [basicFin]: Deactivated
[LOG 19:36:15.111] [basicFin]: Deactivated
[LOG 19:36:15.117] [CHATR] Capsule starts the exchange...
[LOG 19:36:38.126] Flight State Captured
[LOG 19:36:38.306] [KCT] Writing to persistence.
[LOG 19:36:38.307] [KCT] Saving KSC Stock
[LOG 19:36:38.339] Game State Saved to saves/Rodbob Kerman/persistent
[LOG 19:36:38.340] [AutoSave]: Game Saved
[LOG 19:37:49.654] Packing EPRC, A-4 for orbit
[LOG 19:37:51.949] Game Paused!
[LOG 19:41:34.022] [KCT] Swapping persistent.sfs with simulation backup file.
[LOG 19:41:34.027] Flight State Captured
[LOG 19:41:34.153] [KCT] Writing to persistence.
[LOG 19:41:34.154] [KCT] Saving KSC Stock
[LOG 19:41:34.186] Game State Saved to saves/Rodbob Kerman/persistent
[LOG 19:41:34.203] [RodhernF] Going from 'FLIGHT' to 'SPACECENTER'.

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For some reason it looks like it's swapping in the KCT save and then the game is saving. That's definitely not right. If I get a chance I'll try to take a look at it myself tonight. Thanks for testing that for me. If I weren't at work I'd test it myself right now.

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