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Kerbal Construction Time/StageRecovery Dev Thread


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One small issue: when you go from VAB to SPH or vice versa, the KCT editor window doesn't build rates. So, e.g. if you've used VAB with a certain build rate, then quit it and entered SPH, you will see VAB's build rate in the window. If you press *, it displays the correct rate.

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  On 4/30/2016 at 11:31 PM, JeffreyCor said:

It's looking like 1.1.2 update has caused problems with KCT. :( It seems the way windows are addressed in the UI has changed. Included notes in the log of actions taken generating errors as well





I think  a recompile was all that was necessary as it doesn't seem to be having any issues now. New pre-release up. I'll probably go ahead and do the full release tomorrow evening.

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Downloading to check it out right away. Will get you feedback ASAP. Tonight for sure :)

Prerelease on Github is showing 7 days ago, 1.3.3. pre 2. Is it hiding from me? :P


Edit, ok just showed up for pre 3, but says 2 days ago. You're a time traveler! :0.0:


Edit2: So far looking good :D no problems yet. Looks like you were spot on with the recompile. Continuing to check to make sure everything looks good for release tomorrow

Edit3: KCT window does stay open when it shouldn't, such as if opened on space center screen it carries over to the science building as shown:


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  On 5/1/2016 at 3:41 AM, JeffreyCor said:

Downloading to check it out right away. Will get you feedback ASAP. Tonight for sure :)

Prerelease on Github is showing 7 days ago, 1.3.3. pre 2. Is it hiding from me? :P


Edit, ok just showed up for pre 3, but says 2 days ago. You're a time traveler! :0.0:


Edit2: So far looking good :D no problems yet. Looks like you were spot on with the recompile. Continuing to check to make sure everything looks good for release tomorrow

Edit3: KCT window does stay open when it shouldn't, such as if opened on space center screen it carries over to the science building as shown:



Science isn't a different scene (neither is astronaut complex or the contracts one) so it'll stay open (in all versions of KCT and KSP). I can probably fix that by listening to the right events. I know at least the R&D one is already being listened to, so I can add the code in there and add listeners for the others.

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As reported by Garwel previously used building screen construction speed is used in the opposite building unless * is pressed. Minor issue that may just warrant a mention rather than digging into code changes.

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  On 5/1/2016 at 4:41 AM, JeffreyCor said:

As reported by Garwel previously used building screen construction speed is used in the opposite building unless * is pressed. Minor issue that may just warrant a mention rather than digging into code changes.


Changed that and a few other things in another pre-release. https://github.com/magico13/KCT/releases

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Had a crash attempting to launch aircraft from an alternate location with Kerbal Konstructs in the 1.1.2 release using Pre 3. Wondering if something went goofy over on that end to cause things to be bonkers. Will try with Pre 4 now that you have that up too :)


Also noticed not all "open" facilities are recognized for selecting locations on the "select launchsite" menu option. May be connected.

EDIT: Launch problem presists in pre 4. Launch sights missing seems inconsistant, sometimes they are missing sometimes they are not. Did find trying to select from the select launchsite did not list all, but going into the SPH, reviewing all launch site options, then selecting the select launchsite option again does have them all showing up.


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@JeffreyCor I finally got around to looking into KK. It seems you must load the launch site (through a simulation for instance) before it will let you launch from there with KCT without totally going nuts. KK must be setting something, but I haven't figured out what yet. I'll have a new preview ready in a bit, still not happy enough with it to do a full release. Probably tomorrow. I'm staying up for the SpaceX launch tomorrow night so I may as well do something productive while I wait!


Edit: PR5 up. Nothing too exciting.

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I knew when something went goofy right after they released an update it was about to be bad times ahead between them. I love watching those launches too!  :D Hopefully they get their livestream fixed or have it on a youtube feed. :)

Off to get pre5 and see what goes phhht :wink:

So far so good, nothing has gone cu-put as of yet. Will get in a bit more tonight before turning in.

Update: Simulating a KK base prior to launch does allow it to launch property. The simulating workaround does not remain in save. Example, simulating then launching in the same play works. But simulating, exiting (properly with save), then reloading does not work unless simulating of the base is done again. Don't know if this might help track down what is going on but any bit of info helps. :)

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New Pre-release. I think it'll be the last one before the full release (semi-intentionally this is PR6 and the next would be PR7, which makes the version number for release :wink:). Fixed some of the GUI issues reported here. Biggest change is adding what I call Part Variables to the Preset spec. These let you change the Effective Cost formulas based on specific parts or specific modules. Example usage would be making command pods take longer through:

  ModuleCommand = 10

and adding the following to the EffectiveCostFormula:



The default Preset has some skeleton code for the Part Variables already in it as a reference.

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Had a very strange thing happen where stage recovery seems to have just tried to recover parts over 9000 times :o log does have KIS errors due to version issue with Kerbal Krash System that the author known of and working on. Haven't had this issue till now so letting you know in case something went wacky between SR and KCT in the new build.




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I see in the default EffectivePartFormula you added a new multiplier: [MV]*[PV].

I understand [MV] is the total part complexity (multiplication of Module_Variables). What is [PV] then?

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  On 5/8/2016 at 9:16 AM, garwel said:

I see in the default EffectivePartFormula you added a new multiplier: [MV]*[PV].

I understand [MV] is the total part complexity (multiplication of Module_Variables). What is [PV] then?


I guess I didn't actually explain the differences anywhere did I? MV is all the appropriate Module_Variables multiplied together, as you mentioned. PV is the Part_Variable which is the same thing but instead of being module based is part based. The Preset might have something like



    mk1pod = 0.75


Which would make the first command pod take less time than normal.

Basically PV is for modifying specific parts and MV is for modifying specific modules.

  On 5/8/2016 at 8:12 AM, JeffreyCor said:

Had a very strange thing happen where stage recovery seems to have just tried to recover parts over 9000 times :o log does have KIS errors due to version issue with Kerbal Krash System that the author known of and working on. Haven't had this issue till now so letting you know in case something went wacky between SR and KCT in the new build.





I've seen that happen when there's an error during the deletion. I've got a planned fix but haven't gotten it implemented yet.

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  • 4 months later...
  On 9/14/2016 at 2:10 AM, JeffreyCor said:

Well I see 1.2 pre-release is available and I know what that means. Setting us a separate install for the fun filled world of bug detecting :)


I was hoping they'd take longer since I was going to try to rewrite StageRecovery before the 1.2 release, but they seem to be moving quickly. I'll see if I can get recompiles up today and might start implementing my plan for SR2.

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Well, StageRecovery just needed a reference change and a recompile. No other build errors. About to test it. Haven't looked at KCT yet. Reading through the updates for modders made me realize that at least one modlet won't be needed anymore (FieldExperience) since that's apparently a stock setting now, and one of the mods I had attempted to work on called FlightSchool basically got half-integrated into Stock so I wonder if someone's going to be building that themselves (ie, NathanKell).

I'll get builds up of SR and KCT soon.


Edit: Maybe not KCT. Things changed a bit more on that front, so I need to track down some errors.

Edit2: Got the errors figured out. Didn't get a chance to actually test, but got them packaged up and on Github. Just recompiles.


Kerbal Construction Time

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KCT is having errors all over the place, which isn't surprising :) Other then and GUI it looks like nothing is actually working with it. For example, trying to build a ship clicking the launch button gives the KCT build menu, but also launches the ship per stock. Getting you the log on this before digging more into testing SR so won't have overlapping errors.


EDIT: SR seems to be working pretty well, though I think it might be having some conflict with the new stock communication system. I'll do some more poking to see if I can narrow it down more just what is going on.


EDIT2: stock comm system problem is unrelated. It's a bug in KSP. The joys of prerelease :wink:

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Shock and awe about KCT not working at all :P I'll focus on that then. SR2 might need to be put on the back burner unfortunately, the ramifications of part upgrades being stock is trouble for the part inventory; there's no way the current implementation is going to work. I think I'm going to have to write a new part inventory system from scratch, which is way past due.

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  • 1 month later...

@magico13 So I'm really sure where else to ask this question so I'll do it here. I am mostly just looking for thoughts.

I'm trying to help the Trajectories mod add funtionality to predict the trajectory for future stages. This is pretty important as most return vehicles do not have engines and fuel on board so all maneuvers have to be made before separating, but your aero properites are way different after. So we are discussing how to implement it and I have been looking at how other mods deal with similar issues.

My idea right now is to basically take the current vessel, make a copy variable of it without loading it, then parse the partlist, removing anything that is in a later stage than one specified in the GUI by the user. Then stick that reduced vessel into either the FAR or stock aero model simulation.

I'm super new to C# so just looking for guidance. I have been looking through the kerbal API and I think this might be possible with the protovessel, protopartsnapshot and other proto stuff classes. And after looking through the SR code it seems that is sort of how it does it too. I think the problem comes will come when I try to change the partlist and stick it back into the vessel struct. From what I see in the API, the part lists are all only "get" and not settable, so maybe I can't actually reduced the partlist like I expect. Is that the case or do you think it is possible to make a modified unloaded vessel that I can run through a simulation model?

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@ScootsMcGoots If you have access to a loaded Vessel, that will make your life much easier, but it sounds like you won't really since you need a copy. Proto* don't really let you run physics on them, it's been a huge headache for me with StageRecovery. My not so great workaround when I can't use a ProtoPartSnapshot is to grab a partPrefab from the partInfo to get a version of the part that I can use, but it's not fully representative of the actual part. I'm not sure what would be the best thing to do for you, the Proto*s are nice in that they rarely if ever are null, but the full Vessel/Parts allow much more (but are null almost always when unloaded). I've also been pretty absent from the modding scene for a while, so I'm not the most familiar with what's currently available. Good luck!


Other unrelated business:

Regarding KCT for 1.2: If anyone wants to start testing things, I'm going to periodically drop a build into this folder: http://magico13.net/files/KSP/KCT_dev
As of right now (2016.10.22 - 3:52pm EST) basic testing is working with the exception of recovering to storage with file "_ksp1.2_0.dll"

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  On 10/22/2016 at 9:04 PM, JeffreyCor said:

listed build came up with "serious error" along with GUI not loading. At least the toolbar button is there :wink:

Maybe an install error? (fingers crossed) Used the previous dev build for all but the new build dll.

log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8uqnya9v1jzmcpr/output_log.txt?dl=0


You need MagiCore as well, or at least an updated version. I put one in that folder. Either toss it into GameData/MagiCore/MagiCore.dll or just right into GameData. Doesn't matter too much where it goes.

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