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intermediate (dev) releases

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What dev team may thought about releasing more often and "smaller" KSP ? (sorry if it was already asked)

I mean, instead of a giant leap with tons of new features, perhaps a few bugs, releasing kind of 0.23.xyz which will just include for example 2 small fixes and nothing more. Then 0.23.xyz+1 with another fix.

The benefit of this could allow people to check the fixes work as expected and make the few people really concerned by those bugs to be happier and enjoy KSP more, instead of perhaps make them just leaving because this small issue, which not occur for everyone, is a great annoyance to them.

In order to don't bother dev team to much, it can be kindda "unofficial release", not pushed on steam or other game provider, but only on official website, with just the relevant changelog.

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This is exactly what we used to do back when the game was small and the community manageable, but after a certain point it become more trouble than it was worth and the responsibility of testing experimental releases was instead given to dedicated testing and QA teams.

The teams occasionally switch out people who have left and whatnot, when the next recruitment drive opens it will be well announced on the forum, so keep an eye out for that.

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One of the key tenets that Harv has stuck to is that if each release was the last, is it a completely playable and workable game, in so far as had already been achieved? Because of that, they are highly focussed on providing as stable and complete a release as possible. Unfortunately, whilst your idea has good merit, the QA/Experimentals testing has a very fixed cycle length of around 2 weeks, so even if they were to produce only a small update, it would not come out much faster than what's currently available. As the game grows, this will become more and more of the case. In this sense, I think it's better they spend a little more time on getting bigger projects started and followed through than released half-baked stuff which might break.

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Like DYJ says, I've seen announcements on the forums before asking people to be on the beta, beta testing team (as opposed to the normal beta that we all play).

I might even look out for them myself next time it happens. I will warn though, that you might get incredibly frustrated watching the latest nightly release crashing hard on a regular basis. That and I'm pretty sure you'd have a list of things to do to test every release, and you'd almost certainly be running totally stock to be useful, so no mods at all.

From the words of (paid) game testers I've known, you might get so damned sick of testing and re-testing, that by the time the full game (or next public release) comes out, you'll be bored to tears with it. Just a warning.

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I just wish to add one thing supporting my point: the docking bug(s). If Squad just release a fix for this/these issue(s), it would be great I guess

(fortunately for me, I'm not in the "danger zone" where the issue(s) occured yet, but if I were in, waiting months could be seriously annoying)

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