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The edge of Kerbol's soi ?


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I know the soi of Kerbol is infinite, however there is still an escape velocity, and with the help of the kraken its possible to easily travel in a straight line away from it.

So I was wondering, what would be the highest possible orbit for a probe/ship/station etc. before you would get some form of kraken or you leave kerbol ?

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I think you'll just travel at escape velocity infinitely, never to escape Kerbol's grasp as you fly further and further, with all the five planets and two dwarf planets and everything you know and care about being left behind, in the empty vacuum that is space, never to be seen again as you keep venturing into the unknown... :confused:

Or maybe you just get Kraken'd as soon as you get out of the reach of the map view from Kerbol's view point. Bummer. :(

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ok lets rephrase this, I want to make a station that has an incredibly high circular orbit, but I don't want to go to "deepspace"... what is the highest circular orbit possible before your orbit line is no longer a circle/oval but a straight line into nothingness.

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Kerbol has an infinite sphere of influence

He alterady said he knew it.

ok lets rephrase this, I want to make a station that has an incredibly high circular orbit, but I don't want to go to "deepspace"... what is the highest circular orbit possible before your orbit line is no longer a circle/oval but a straight line into nothingness.


I'm actually not sure. The only advice I can give you here is to install HyperEdit and figure it out(with a 'fake' craft if you don't want to cheat your station into orbit)

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I did read a thread about max distance from which solar panels would pick up charge from Kerbol, and that distance is probably our best defination of the border of the hypothetical SOI of the Sun (Seriously, "Kerbol" and the K-Syndrome annoys me). From there on, I consider my ships to be in interstellar space, going far away but still with a marker pointing to their home system.

I'll search it up for you.

EDIT: I dug up this image


It may give you a idea of the edge and where to put your station.

Edited by NASAFanboy
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