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Space telescopes

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This may have been suggested previously, and if so I apologise. I thought it would be a fun idea to have space telescope functionality, to either look at the planets more closely before attempting missions, or ideally to be able to see long range objects such as other stars, systems and nebulas etc. Think this would be great functionality to the game, as i'd love to have on orbiting my home planet :) many thanks

Jeb: "i'm not crazy, iv'e been to the Mun!"

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Looking at the replies, I can see that mods allow this. That's great, but I'd like it to be in stock KSP. Maybe implement it into the science research (eg: 25 science for "telescopic view of Duna from Kerbin Orbit" and 10 science for "telescopic view of Duna from Kerbin's surface").

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