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Should Squad date the next update?


Should They  

  1. 1. Should They

    • Date all future updates.
    • Do not date all future updates
    • davie, why do you post this useless junk?

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Ok guys, as the title says.

Last time we had a dated update... things went horribly wrong, like the great 0.23 thread getting 1000 replies in under an hour and crashing the whole forum server so much squad asked us repeatedly to stop refreshing.

Hilarity? or Forum Crash?

You decide :)

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What they should do is to give us an time range estimate.

For example, Harvester could come out and say, "We're going to release 0.24 in the time range of around April 25th, 2014 at the earliest, and around November 21st at the latest.

Or, he could say "We might be able to release in anywhere from three to five months"

This gives them time to beta test and fix the bugs. Or, they could do the option of doing open Beta, which I would prefer than to an closed testing team.

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I've worked on other projects like this (game being updated on a regular basis to satisfy players).

Setting release dates before you have the patch ready is the absolute worst thing you can possibly ever do.

You will either

Miss the deadline, making the active community frustrated and impatient.

Rush the update with a strong possibility of it being riddled with game breaking bugs, making all players angry and frustrated.

Miss the deadline AND still have a rushed release, the worst possible scenario.

If you do get a rushed patch you are now forced to rush a hotfix patch full of hack fixes and you will be wasting the time of everyone that have to create these short term solutions when they could be doing more productive things.

Edited by maccollo
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They could always lie and add a month to whatever their best guess is so that if they miss it they got wiggle room but if they hit it then they release it 'early'. but they already tell us the phase its in so we can guess to ourselves and quit pestering them. they got a lot of work going into this one so they need to take their time.

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I've worked on other projects like this (game being updated on a regular basis to satisfy players).

Setting release dates before you have the patch ready is the absolute worst thing you can possibly ever do.

You will either

Miss the deadline, making the active community frustrated and impatient.

Rush the update with a strong possibility of it being riddled with game breaking bugs, making all players angry and frustrated.

Miss the deadline AND still have a rushed release, the worst possible scenario.

Sure, but if they finish the update, set the date (like 24 hours later or so) and take a break. They've earned it after all!

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Release date requests, speculation, begging, demands, hostage situations and mild ruminations are against the rules, because they cause so much trouble.

Please don't ask for, mull, consider, round-a-bout request, attempt to force responses or collude to try to ascertain any KSP update release dates ahead of official news from Squad ;)

Also, I better close this, sorry.

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