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Advanced graphics settings

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Hello SQUAD!

Is there any plans to implement more transparent advanced render settings but not just "simple", "good", "fantastic" etc? It would be great to have an options to use "low settings" but with shadows/anisotropic filtering enabled for integrated graphics. Is there any plans to implement FXAA in game? I use injector currently and it works great. But I'm not very happy with the fact that FXAA injector also applies to UI. I would be superb to use FXAA with everything except UI layer... is that possible?

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Do we have a config file? If we do, it should give you enough of what you ask for.

We do, but it doesn't address the FXAA issues and it isn't really a good alternative to a more complete settings menu. Most people probably don't know about, or want to hassle with, the settings.cfg file (most people probably won't even be able to open it).

And having a specific setting for ocean terrain would make a world of difference in how well the game runs for many people. Most computers can handle the solid-ground terrain settings at default or high, but the ocean terrain levels screw everything up and require a work-around to get good performance at high terrain settings.

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I do know about config file. And I already made custom terrain setting which is a mix of "default" poly count and "low" view range. It resulted in quite good performance boost on Intel HD Graphics 3000 and same terrain details as on default settings with the shorter range of view.

I was talking about this settings http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Components/class-QualitySettings.html Is there any way to create my own quality preset and use it in game?

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