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Zippy de Doodah: Kerbal Dynamics Light Aircraft Division


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yeah you have to at least pass over the "27" mark on your way out, like the BAT-VTOL run, and *around* the buildings on the first lap, *around* the hangar on the second. In fact, the BAT-VTOL flight is just about perfect.

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nice plane, but...

1. you cut on the outlap, both the runway and part of the major complex.

2. you cut over the research complex after you passed under the bridge.

3. you cut on the inlap, the same bit of complex you cut on the outlap.

so, DQ'd.

Will redo, possibly with a different plane.

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My somewhat failed attempt.

FAR makes my helos super twitchy, probably have to check for it and tone down their control values.

And I'm aware I should have gone around the tower properly :/
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One other thing: if we count the MET as the official time, then you can cheat by waiting to take off until the end of the runway since the MET doesn't start until you're wheels up. It could account for several seconds difference, especially if we are comparing a VTOL and an HTOL vehicle.

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Can anyone link me to the easiest to set up and use video recorder (that isn't my smartphone)? I got it in 1:42 without cutting corners and I can do better. Stock aero.

I use Camstudio, usually... but my CPU has to be like, Arctic cold for it to work properly for a QHD capture...

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One other thing: if we count the MET as the official time, then you can cheat by waiting to take off until the end of the runway since the MET doesn't start until you're wheels up. It could account for several seconds difference, especially if we are comparing a VTOL and an HTOL vehicle.

dunno, if you're airborne you're not worrying about ground friction hence clear the end of the runway at a higher speed. Easily an advantage. The shorter your takeoff run, the better I reckon.

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After quite a few failed attempts I made it around in 1.29 :) Ended the video before the F3 screenshot and had to stitch it on the end but it shouldn't matter, the radar altitude is visible in the HUD for the whole lap. Uses Sceppies mini-pack, TV Pizza, Firespitter and the high visibility Cappa pod.

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So in the description it says you have to fly around the west end of the runway, but the drawing (and some attempts) don't do that, they just indicate flying behind the buildings and crossing over the runway. Can we cut over the west end of the runway? If so, I'm going to try again.

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^Hahahahahaahah I love the ion attempt. You should allow a separate category for him. It's too cool to be last.

Also, I did it again with airbrakes instead of the parachutes (B9 mod) to much effect. (1:11) I was way too quick on the brakes at the end. I think maybe 1 minute is possible!

Call it: the Gnat Mk. II

Edited by Horn Brain
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I had to have another go after seeing that Horn Brain. Quite possibly overstretching the limits of where the course is but I crossed the runway by a fair margin before the run through the bridge. Had to add another engine and upgrade to FireSpitter bi-plane wings (and exploit the weightless/drag-less stock landing gears). 59 seconds and a landing I'll never successfully pull off again :)

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Since we have utterly dispensed with going around the west end of the runway, I hope it's ok if I buzz the tower. 0:53, same vehicle. If I would have gotten off the throttle earlier I could have probably done in the 40's, but darn that spool-down time! This is fun. I hope you beat me again! (PS, if I need to do it again and go past the runway, that's fine. I think the tower might be more fun to turn around, though. That shot was so cool!)

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