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[1.0.5] Reflection Plugin Continued 2.0


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Is there any chance of adding fresnel to the shader? It basically means that the reflection increases the lower the viewing angle is to the surface. This would greatly increase the realism of "car paint" (or plane paint or rocket paint xD) coated surfaces.

Here is an example of it: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/38138/fresnelrim-reflective-shader.html

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  nothke said:
Is there any chance of adding fresnel to the shader? It basically means that the reflection increases the lower the viewing angle is to the surface. This would greatly increase the realism of "car paint" (or plane paint or rocket paint xD) coated surfaces.

Here is an example of it: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/38138/fresnelrim-reflective-shader.html

Yeah, there's a chance, but I can't say for sure when or if. I'll look into it though.

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  praise the suuun said:
does it work on ubiozur part welds?

I have never even tried that mod with or without the reflective plugin.

Given what I know about how it works and how the plugin works, I'm feeling safe in saying that it would work in the sense that it would apply reflection to everything. Everything, whether you want it to or not.

If you want to mask off some of the welded part then you would need to ensure that every single texture used by that part made proper use of the alpha channel to mask unwanted reflection


know the name of every mesh on the welded part that you want reflections applied to. (because the plugin allows you to apply to all or to specify by mesh name)

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  • 3 weeks later...

That doesn't answer anything. I'm a noob and I'm currently reading myself into module manager but barely understand anything. So I have the Spaceplaneplus mod and want to add a reflection effect to every part. How do I add this Reflectiveshadermodule to every part in the Spaceplaneplus mod, without haveing to go into the cfg of every part and adding the lines for the reflective plugin?

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  BombastixderTeutone said:
That doesn't answer anything. I'm a noob and I'm currently reading myself into module manager but barely understand anything. So I have the Spaceplaneplus mod and want to add a reflection effect to every part. How do I add this Reflectiveshadermodule to every part in the Spaceplaneplus mod, without haveing to go into the cfg of every part and adding the lines for the reflective plugin?

This is what you are asking for https://www.dropbox.com/s/354z1qid5eex6mz/Reflection_shader_SpaceplanePlus_All.cfg you have to have ModuleManager *.*.* and the ReflectionPlugin.dll and put this cfg any where in KSP/GameData it is all the parts in that mod.

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Thanks you very much for the effort Mecrip, but it does not work. I have module manager 2.1.5 and have the reflectionpluginsw1.0 in a folder called hubs. I put your cfg into the spaceplaneplus folder loaded the game and there are no reflections on the spaceplaneplus parts. When I write a reflectionplugin module directly into a part cfg it works.

Edited by BombastixderTeutone
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doesnt @PART require capitals? @part doesnt work i think.

also BombastixderTeutone, if i can understand and use module manager, so can you. put some effort in. look at what others have done, and read the manuals. yeah, its weird i know, that you have to put in some kind of effort if you want to play with fun toys.

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  Dirt_Merchant said:
doesnt @PART require capitals? @part doesnt work i think.

also BombastixderTeutone, if i can understand and use module manager, so can you. put some effort in. look at what others have done, and read the manuals. yeah, its weird i know, that you have to put in some kind of effort if you want to play with fun toys.

yeah it should be @PART

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  Dirt_Merchant said:
doesnt @PART require capitals? @part doesnt work i think.

also BombastixderTeutone, if i can understand and use module manager, so can you. put some effort in. look at what others have done, and read the manuals. yeah, its weird i know, that you have to put in some kind of effort if you want to play with fun toys.

O Man Brain Fart didn't see, I used lower case thanks that fixed it.

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  BombastixderTeutone said:
Thanks you very much for the effort Mecrip, but it does not work. I have module manager 2.1.5 and have the reflectionpluginsw1.0 in a folder called hubs. I put your cfg into the spaceplaneplus folder loaded the game and there are no reflections on the spaceplaneplus parts. When I write a reflectionplugin module directly into a part cfg it works.

Fixed it here are 2 files try 1 and see they both work just 1 don't show that good on white but less lag and 2 boy is it shiny.https://www.dropbox.com/s/354z1qid5eex6mz/Reflection_shader_SpaceplanePlus_All.cfg and 2 https://www.dropbox.com/s/e7tzhhb442qgiiw/Reflection_shader_SpaceplanePlus_All2.cfg

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  SolarLiner said:
Can you add reflections without having to tweak the alpha map? Because all my attempts at making reflections on parts have failed. Maybe I'm not using the right shader, I'm using the Bumped Specular shader.

post the config file you're using so I can take a look at it

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

has someone made a good stockalike texturepack yet?

I'm thinking shininess on the silver rockomax tanks, all gold foil, the orange tops of Kerbodyne tanks, slight reflection on LV-T and Skipper and Kerbodyne engine extension, and heavier reflection on the mainsail and Kerbodyne KR-2L engine bell above the pipe, which has a faint reflection. Windows would be glossy, and so would the Hitchhiker Storage and Science Lab.

Edited by GregroxMun
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As far as I can tell the shader does not like forced OpenGL. It works fine in the VAB and SPH but during flight it does not work.

And while forcing OpenGL is not what KSP was designed to use, I use it to lower my RAM usage by a ridiculous amount, so I'd rather just get rid of this awesome plugin than go to DriectX and crash every 5 minutes.

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  Monkthespy said:
As far as I can tell the shader does not like forced OpenGL. It works fine in the VAB and SPH but during flight it does not work.

And while forcing OpenGL is not what KSP was designed to use, I use it to lower my RAM usage by a ridiculous amount, so I'd rather just get rid of this awesome plugin than go to DriectX and crash every 5 minutes.

I'm on a Mac, OpenGL is all I have and it works the same as it did on my PC.... I have no idea why you're having trouble, sorry.

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  Starwaster said:
I'm on a Mac, OpenGL is all I have and it works the same as it did on my PC.... I have no idea why you're having trouble, sorry.

And then it just started working. Weird. Well, now that it works fine, I'll just assume I did something stupid.

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You have in your initial posts that Alpha Channel controls the reflective strength, with an accompanying screenshot that shows a cube with non-reflective portions.

Is the alpha channel from the texture, the shader, or the normal? Also, is it dependent on the image format. I believe I read somewhere in this thread that you need TGA, PNG doesn't work properly?

Also, is it more transparency in the alpha channel that equals more reflection or less transparency?

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  noonespecial said:
You have in your initial posts that Alpha Channel controls the reflective strength, with an accompanying screenshot that shows a cube with non-reflective portions.

Is the alpha channel from the texture, the shader, or the normal? Also, is it dependent on the image format. I believe I read somewhere in this thread that you need TGA, PNG doesn't work properly?

Also, is it more transparency in the alpha channel that equals more reflection or less transparency?

The cube has a texture in the diffuse channel. The inset image shows the RGB above and the alpha channel below. The black stripe corresponds to the yellow paint on the reflective surface. It is completely non-reflective there. The gray areas to either side are the reflective surfaces (0.5 in RGB if I remember correctly)

TGA was used. You can use PNG if you have a graphics program that can correctly handle the alpha. Photoshop does not. However, there is a SuperPNG plugin which is supposed to give control over the alpha channel. I haven't had a lot of luck with it myself, though others do use it.

I've heard conflicting stories about GIMP and its abilities to handle PNG with alpha.

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