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Naten Technologies v0.5.0 and Glider Pre-Alpha v0.1


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Included in the pack:

- High-Subsonic Podded Jet

- Reaction Engines Limited's A2 Scimitar engine

- ScRAM-7 Scramjet

- Fuselage Midsection Piece

- Fuselage Adapter (1.25--Advanced Airframe Fuselage adapter)

- APU (Auxillary Power Unit)

- Tapered Wing

- Linear Aerospike (wif emissivs! :3)

- SRB from Naten Technologies

- SuperDraco LES thingy from SpaceX

(With custom propellants for realism! :D)




Glider pre-alpha

Glider pre-alpha: DOWNLOAD (You really don't want this. No, really, don't disappoint yourself. Stop. STAHP! STAPAAAPAPAPHPP!!!!1

Please note that glider mod is in infancy, and part.cfg files probably need a LOT of refining work done :P

Thanks for your patience! :)

Download Naten Technologies v0.5.0

Download Naten Technologies v0.4.2

Download Naten Technologies v0.4.1

Download Naten Technologies v0.3

Download Naten Technologies v0.2

Download Naten Technologies v0.1


All rights reserved

Thanks, and please tell me what you think. :)

Edited by Naten
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Aesthetically, a little too stockalike for me; I'm not a fan of the stock plane parts. However having said that I love the idea of engines acting how they're supposed to. Will there be proper SCRAMjets and precoolers and new fancy intakes and stuff? Cause KSP really needs more and better jet engines.

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Aesthetically, a little too stockalike for me; I'm not a fan of the stock plane parts. However having said that I love the idea of engines acting how they're supposed to. Will there be proper SCRAMjets and precoolers and new fancy intakes and stuff? Cause KSP really needs more and better jet engines.


Plugins = Naten Sucks At



Wait, hmmm


Heck no

Wait, hmmm





Precooler = engine that produces ~100 thrust in the .cfg, but guess what? There'll be no thrust transform! :D

So then ModuleGenerator can produce a resource like "NatenCooledAir" out of stock "IntakeAir" and that's what the engines will use. I'll have ModuleEngines create heat so it can explohedhehdhedhehuehuehue if it's too hot, and I wouldn't need ModuleAlternator, as if you throttled down your engines, you'd just be killing off thrust, which is a huge sacrifice to make for a cold precooler! :D

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Installed right away. Glad to see you've figured out the shock cone symmetry issue, Naten. You're quite good at this! Say, I've been writing some custom config files; I've made realistic thermal ramjets that work on Eve and Duna, as well as some simple fission generators to power them. I can't make parts, though (yet). Would you be interested in me contributing to your projects? I also have this dream of bridging the gap between Near Future Propulsion and the Interstellar mod... Near Future does reactors better, and Interstellar has that Open Resource System that's a treasure trove of possibilities. What do you think?

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Thank you, all of you. I've got a few things already, so it may be a while before a release, so I'm quite sorry. :(

I'll make a thermal ramjet, of course: I hate configs! I hate them so much! It's such a pain, such a huge pain getting them nice D:

I'm going to redo my WIP afterburning turbojet's model I have been talking about. It's... crap. :P

Also, scramjets are on the plate. Stay tuned! :D

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Excellent: happy flying! Don't crash too, too hard. :)

-Naten ;)

I couldn't resist; tested already XD I love those Scramjets. I managed, after a lot of fiddling about, to get a plane going quickly enough to use the Scramjets, and the result was fantastic! I got it up to 1,412m/s before the engines exploded, and I reckon if I redesign the plane so that it's not forced into a nose dive when I engage them I could get it much faster :)

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Yep, here it is! :D

That's the download link for ya right thaar. Thanks for all the support for now! :)

Thanks, I'll take a look! You know, I could hypothetically do textures as well; I'm all right with raster graphics, though it's been a while.

The way it is right now, my engine configs are dependent on KSP Interstellar because it introduces the IntakeAtm resource, found in any planet with an atmosphere (IntakeAir is only on Kerbin and Laythe). Furthermore, Open Resource System introduces different atmo chemicals in correct proportions (!), so I'm also working on a magnesium powder ramjet for Duna and Eve now. The problem there is that EveCarbonDioxide and DunaCarbonDioxide are two different resources. I wonder if it's possible to write an engine config that can take either one or the other. The easiest exit is to write a .dll that gives you engines with switching propellants, just like the engines in KSP Interstellar. It makes sense anyway because Duna and Eve have different proportions of CO2, meaning that they necessitate slightly different fuel/air mixtures. Duna has something like 94% CO2, and Eve is 60-something, so a flight on Duna is actually going to eat less magnesium for the same amount of thrust (as though Eve wasn't hard enough).

I got it up to 1,412m/s before the engines exploded, and I reckon if I redesign the plane so that it's not forced into a nose dive when I engage them I could get it much faster :)

Wait a second! That was it? Less than 1.5 kps? That's not right, that's barely Mach 5 or something, scramjets are supposed to be for higher speeds than that... Look: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scramjet

theoretical projections place the top speed of a scramjet between Mach 12 (8,400 mph; 14,000 km/h) and Mach 24 (16,000 mph; 25,000 km/h)

Look at Taverio's mod, he has a couple of realistic ramjets (not scramjets); those things have virtually no thrust below Mach 2, and REALLY start to shine between Mach 2 and 4.

Anyway, for my nuclear thermal ramjet, the power curve is like this: very low thrust below ~300 mps, peak thrust between 400-800, and after that it starts to go down slowly, to nothing at over 2 kps (the heat exchanger can't heat the air fast enough before it exits the engine). I tried to model it after the Project Pluto SLAM, it needed SRBs to get it supersonic. The SLAM engine was barely capable of Mach 4.

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Wow. Following up right now. That's a very interesting config! You have it working at 140% when it's at 1.4 kps airspeed, huh? And it maintains 100% out through 2.5 kps... This is pretty nuts. I'm going to try to tweak it to have a smoother power curve, and see what can come of it. Thanks again!

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Ok, Naten. I've nerfed your scramjet. ^_^ The velocity curve is a lot less jagged now, too. By the way, 260 kN is way, way OP for a scramjet. This thing can probably circularize a 70+ ton spaceplane monstrosity into thermospheric orbit. The thrust should be nerfed somehow, to less than 100 kN or so (60-80 maybe?)



key = 0 0 0 0

key = 200 0.01 0 0

key = 400 0.04 0 0

key = 600 0.1 0 0

key = 800 0.19 0 0

key = 1000 0.3 0 0

key = 1100 0.4 0 0

key = 1200 0.6 0 0

key = 1350 1 0 0

key = 1400 1.05 0 0

key = 1500 1.08 0 0

key = 1600 1.05 0 0

key = 1700 1 0 0

key = 1800 0.95 0 0

key = 1900 0.88 0 0

key = 2000 0.7 0 0

key = 2100 0.3 0 0

key = 2200 0.1 0 0

key = 2300 0 0 0


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Ok, Naten. I've nerfed your scramjet. ^_^ The velocity curve is a lot less jagged now, too. By the way, 260 kN is way, way OP for a scramjet. This thing can probably circularize a 70+ ton spaceplane monstrosity into thermospheric orbit. The thrust should be nerfed somehow, to less than 100 kN or so (60-80 maybe?)

That's not a "curve."

That's a "updownupdownweeeupdownupdownaaaahweeeeeeeupdownupdown-urve..." :P

So, with your permission, I'm going to use your curve, OK? Thanks! :)

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Gladly, Naten. If you'd like, I can rework the configs for your LHO engines as well (in the clusterable clusterengine pack, I've changed some things on my copy, for example).

I've just come back from KSP, flight-testing your scramjet with my curve config. It works pretty well! Together with a couple of Sceppie's Minipack turbojets, I got a plane into the low thermosphere, until my control surfaces couldn't stabilize me anymore. Fills a niche past the Taverio ramjets. This scramjet starts to get really efficient right when the Taverio ramjets are coming down off the other side of their curve, which is consistent with real life.

As far as what the scramjet is supposed to look like, take a look at this image. It doesn't need to have a flared nozzle, but the key feature of a scramjet is a cone inside the jetstream. This cone is also supposed to move back and forth; its purpose is to focus the exhaust for specific speeds. It only moves during the peak efficiency stretch of the curve. Basically, you know what the B9 Aerospace shock cone intakes look like? It looks almost exactly like that, except facing backwards.

Say! Could you also make a radial-attachable rectangular scramjet, like what the NASA X-43 uses?

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Naten, I've performed another test flight, this time with the RT2 flight computer to fly the thing steady. Take a look at the instant of flameout:


Look at those numbers. My word. Nearly Mach 7, in orbit within the thermosphere, 154 units of liquid fuel used up. If I had some battery capacity, a fission reactor, and an arcjet that runs on LiquidFuel (which as a matter of fact I've made several of), I'd be interplanetary after a few minutes of burn.

Few notes: keep the engine mass at 1.8 tons, nerf the thrust to 78, and something needs to be done about that fuel consumption, it kind of feels too low. Isp of ~700-800 looks about right, though. I'll test some more. But ultimately, this thing is gold! Give it a model that looks like the end of your pod jets (make the sharp cone thinner and longer though), and you've got yourself a niche engine that no one else has made yet! It needs some flame effects... Maybe a size small yellow flame. HotRockets would be just the thing, but that eats memory and is nothing but eye candy...

Edit: Nevermind the fuel consumption, I've thought about it just now and I guess it's correct. Why the deuce don't they make scramjet passenger liners... Oh well, I guess it's the same reason the Concorde doesn't fly anymore...

Edited by DracovaXIV
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