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Flying blind, the ultimate KSP hard mode!


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I've pretty much got the hang of orbital missions using just IVA with my current setup... does anyone else ever fly this way? POst you hints and tips on IVA mode flying here!...


I used to.

Then I got tired of the suspense everytime I launched.

Anyways, I got a lot of surplus computer stuff nowadays

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I've done a few IVA landings on Mun and I enjoy landing aircraft in IVA. I once assembled a station using mostly IVA mode, but that was using the high visibility B9 cockpit. That was great fun and very immersing.

But all that extra gear you have!!! Amazing!! I've got dual screens and a joystick but your setup looks wicked!

How are you running it across two screens? Have you just set the res to be wide and then running it windowed over both?

Also what are the gauges running on your tablet. That's very cool.

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o.0 :0.0: how what..... why! I play on an asus laptop...you....you...you got all the goodies!..... im jealous :(

ps whats that control panel on the right for? does it work. and no I have never flown an IVA only mission.

The panel is work in progress, but yes, it works I use it to control almost all of the ships systems. Eventually it will be part of an enclosed simulator.

More info here.... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66742-Custom-hardware-control-switch-panel-simpit-WIP

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Ive been using iva only the last week alongside the real solar system mod. Although I do have the mod that puts usefull screens in the iva so I can see all my various read outs and has a screen to use with external cameras which is nice. It certainly adds suspense...especially if something goea wrong (usually a staging error. Now before a launch I do a staging check before hitting the space bar. I normally have telematry displayed on my tablet

Heres a cockpit view of my mun flyby ship that I slapped together.


Edit: Rasterprobmoniter is the mod that makes the iva useable. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57603-0-23-RasterPropMonitor-make-your-IVA-a-glass-cockpit-%28v0-14%29-24-Jan

Edited by vetrox
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I watch these forums all the time , sometimes with wonder, sometimes with mirth, sometimes with a "yupp been that, done that", but now a different kind of question is forming in my mind

"How long before someone builds a real rocket just so they can use KSP to control it?" :D


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I've done a few using RasterPropMonitor modified capsules, but I still need the map view for maneuver nodes and such. I just consider that "mission control" and call it good. Love your control panel, BTW.

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I'm sort of afraid to ask at the possibility of it being a stupid question, but how do you change the resolution of KSP's windowed mode? I only have two choices, neither of which are very high.

You need to open the file called settings.cfg in the main game folder and change the resolution in there...

find the line that looks something like this (your resolution may be different but you get the idea)




Set the width to at least the total width of your combined monitors - so if you have three monitors each at 1280x1024 you set the width to at least 3840. Although you can actually just set it much higher (I set mine to 10000) and it will automaticall shrink to fit.

Set the height to the height of a single monitor as usual.

Change FULLSCREEN from true to false.

So I generally just set mine to..




...and it shrinks it to fit the width of the monitors (I think windows wont allow a window to be bigger than your resolution)

Edited by Mulbin
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It's a good trick without KE or something along those lines. I got into orbit, but it was a pretty awful orbit. I messed my gravity turn up something fierce. To be fair that's at least half because I wasn't using KE, which I usual rely on heavily.

Definitely an interesting challenge.

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I've done a rendevous and dock entirely in IVA and map views, stock ksp. I didn't look out the window all that much either, just from a few km out eyeball the range. That was in a perfectly circular equatorial orbit though. I think it might be possible with inclined orbits with a lot of head scratching but I'm not about to try it :) I'm not sure I could handle getting onto the orbit normal just via the navball, probably end up docking sideways or something. Then again, if you look out the window it might be possible.. I was glued to the navball for my docking.

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