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How do I decouple stages without using decouplers?

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I've seen videos and heard tales of many a space adventurer who can make a multistage rocket using only what's available at the start of a career mode game. I've tried to copy the methods but it doesn't seem to work for me, and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. When I have a rocket blast into a fuel tank, it doesn't do much. I can get the tank to pop, but only after a very long exposure which drains a large amount of rocket fuel and wastes a large amount of time. Solid rockets seem to work a bit faster, but it's nothing like the instant decoupling I've seen in one video somewhere.

Anyone have any tips on how to decouple rockets using engines or other things that aren't an actual decoupling device? It doesn't have to be starting parts only, I'm interested in all decoupling methods that use some special trick.

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Just stack tanks directly under engines. When you fire the upper engines, they explode the lower tanks.

this is taken from the OP by our original poster:

When I have a rocket blast into a fuel tank, it doesn't do much. I can get the tank to pop, but only after a very long exposure which drains a large amount of rocket fuel and wastes a large amount of time.

based on the above statement by our OP, he has tried this, meeting success but only after significant fuel burn and is seeking the answer to what is going wrong

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To make things explode faster, you need to stage early enough while the part is still heated up by its own action - i.e. while the engine of the stage to be destroyed is still burning last remains of fuel.

In general though, these things are unnecessary technical curiosities and in the realm of how the game was not meant to be played. No problem if you have fun exploring it but don't feel pressed to do so.

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You know, you don't need that much science to unlock the basic decoupler, and you don't need to leave the atmosphere to get that science, usually I start a career with a quick and dirty single stage launch, and don't worry about staging. You just want to make sure the vehicle isn't too heavy, but the basic parachute has plenty of strength to support a capsule and an SRB or a few small tanks and an engine.

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I'm just trying to learn advanced rocket control methods here.

The staging without decouplers you see in videos aren't advanced rocket control methods, they're stupid party tricks that allow the video maker to brag about how much science he gathered.

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The staging without decouplers you see in videos aren't advanced rocket control methods, they're stupid party tricks that allow the video maker to brag about how much science he gathered.

It's all in how you look at it. I like to enrich my skillset.

You can try using docking ports instead of decouplers, and assigning them to action groups, but that's not available to you from the start.

It's still using a decoupling mechanic, even if it's not using the name decoupler. In my mind, a docking port is a decoupler. I might consider a sepratron either way, depending how it's used.

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If alo you have is the support bracing and small radial (side-mount) decouplers you can easily do it.

All you have to do is tie the upper stage to the radial decoupler on the lower stage with support bracing. When the decoupler detaches so does the support bracing. On you go!


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If alo you have is the support bracing and small radial (side-mount) decouplers you can easily do it.

All you have to do is tie the upper stage to the radial decoupler on the lower stage with support bracing. When the decoupler detaches so does the support bracing. On you go!


You get radial decouplers and support bracing about the same time you get standard decouplers. So it's a thing for your toolbox, but it doesn't bring you any closer to zero-science staging.

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