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Ability to store experiments on probes

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The ability to store experiments on probes is a small change that would impact hugely on game play.

The objective here is, while on a far away manned mission, send all the experiments you gathered back to Kerbin, on a much smaller and lighter craft.

An alternative to storing science on probes is to provide a small, light-weight science storage unit that can be attached to a probe. The unit would draw a constant amount of electricity, to preserve the experiments.

This option would open the possibility to go a very long exploration mission carrying a bunch of small probes, which could be sent back periodically as you gathered science.

Wouldn't it be fun to be on the ground of Eve and watch you little science-filled probe shoot up to the sky, relatively effortlessly, on it's merry way back to Kebin?

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In a sense this can already be done, you just have to pretend that a mk1 lander can is your storage container... and that you also put a probe command module on it so you don't have to send a Kerbal home...

step 1 : rendezvous with the probe you want to send home

2 : send a kerbal on eva from the main vessel

3 : now on eva, right click the science things + the main module and click take data

4 : now right click on the mk1 lander can on your probe and click "store data"

5: send your probe on its way and put the kerbal back in the main vessel...

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In a sense this can already be done, you just have to pretend that a mk1 lander can is your storage container[...]

No we can't, but probes IRL theoretically could store digital data, if not samples. OPs argument is for realism, not game mechanic - at least that's how I see it. And I support it.

One thing for balance sake:

1) probe bodies CAN'T store actual physical samples, only digital ones like instrument readings;

2) they CAN'T analyze the samples (and data) like the mobile lab does (this is so that there is a valid reason for sending manned missions);

3) and last they CAN'T "take in" experiments - automated craft have to either transmit experiments, or physically return it to Kerbin.

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No we can't, but probes IRL theoretically could store digital data, if not samples. OPs argument is for realism, not game mechanic - at least that's how I see it. And I support it.

One thing for balance sake:

1) probe bodies CAN'T store actual physical samples, only digital ones like instrument readings;

2) they CAN'T analyze the samples (and data) like the mobile lab does (this is so that there is a valid reason for sending manned missions);

3) and last they CAN'T "take in" experiments - automated craft have to either transmit experiments, or physically return it to Kerbin.

It would be interesting to have a "Sample Return Canister" part that could store a set number of experiments, similar to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luna_16.

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I don't see any reason to add many of the suggested features to currently existing probes, but I think new probes should be added with these functionalities. A probe that can handle experiments could also be one that has other storage space for small equipment and such, and it would take up more space than a normal probe of its power.

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