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The S/VTOL lounge.

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This is for the craft which are may be to bulky to do a full stop, but which still utilise some alternative form of lift for takeoff and landing, instead of simply having wings*. They must be able to stop without engines running, and stop under 35 M/S.

*I think Magic Turbines are an exception.

This is my effort.


This thing is massive. It runs through its supply of RCS gas like a madman trying to drink as much diesel as possible in an effort to see if it will catch fire in his stomach.


At touchdown, it was moving at 33 m/s.


With payload.

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Sorry to chase you up, Tim, but can that land at less that 0.5 m/s?

Sure, if you use fine control and have above average piloting skills, you can land very slowly.

Yet I don\'t understand the importance of landing that slow if you are not carrying several passengers. The centaur can land at a maximum of about 35m/s with the help of the strut suspension-like system.

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Sure, if you use fine control and have above average piloting skills, you can land very slowly.

Yet I don\'t understand the importance of landing that slow if you are not carrying several passengers. The centaur can land at a maximum of about 35m/s with the help of the strut suspension-like system.

My point is that its being able to land that slowly means it could go in the VTOL Lounge instead. Not that I\'m asking you to remove it - VTOLs are included, with less restrictions.

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yes. could you please change the name of your thread please? because this one comes dangerously close to mine. the name not the actual thread. thanks

I did name it after your thread. I\'ll put up a subtitle describing what an S/VTOL is so we don\'t have this confusion.

But I don\'t think the title needs to be changed.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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