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[0.90WIP] Procedural Parts - Parts the way you want 'em 0.9.21, Dec 19


Would you prefer decouplers to:  

118 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you prefer decouplers to:

    • Closely as possible follow stock behaviour
    • Have a sensible relation between size, decoupler force, and mass

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Node sizes are only ever even integers. But what would be great--swamp_ig, unless you've already added this and I missed it--is if you could determine whether the divisor for node size is 1.25m or 1m....

Also, another question. Looked through cfgs and didn't see a way to do ellipsoidal-cross-section tanks. Is this possible? I thought it was, but couldn't find a way...

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Node sizes are only ever even integers. But what would be great--swamp_ig, unless you've already added this and I missed it--is if you could determine whether the divisor for node size is 1.25m or 1m....

You can just set diameterLargeStep and diameterSmallStep as properties to the ProceduralPart module in the config file and it will do all that. No change to the source code required :)

I did intend to do that for RF, but clearly forgot.

Raised a bug here: https://github.com/Swamp-Ig/ProceduralParts/issues/34

Also, another question. Looked through cfgs and didn't see a way to do ellipsoidal-cross-section tanks. Is this possible? I thought it was, but couldn't find a way...

Not at the moment. You mean in vertical cross-section or horizontal? Vertical wouldn't be too hard to code up - it's just a surface of revolution. Horizontal would need to wait for extrudes, but that's next on my list.

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swamp_ig: yeah, I mean to extrude an ellipse (and in particular, do so with the bezier curve to allow for curving *sides* as well). Basically this is for making fuselages, since I'm currently kind of addicted to Kerbal Flight Simulator (RSS/FAR/AJE/RF) right now.

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This version seems to be felled by Interstellar mod. The parts show up, but they won't rescale. If I take out all the Interstellar Stuff (Warpplugin, OpenResourceSystem, Treeloader), all the parts work perfectly.

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The parts aren't rescaling for me either. I've checked and I only have one ModuleManger.dll in GameData and I don't have Interstellar installed. I've tried using both ModuleManger 1.5.7 and 2.0.1 and neither seemed to work. The previous versions of the mod worked fine.

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The parts aren't rescaling for me either. I've checked and I only have one ModuleManger.dll in GameData and I don't have Interstellar installed. I've tried using both ModuleManger 1.5.7 and 2.0.1 and neither seemed to work. The previous versions of the mod worked fine.

Can someone with the rescaling bug please post their debug log: https://github.com/Swamp-Ig/ProceduralParts/issues/32

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I had this issue as well when first trying to us the mod and KSP interstellar is not part of my mod setup on this current install. After removing all installed mods except procedural parts it started working correctly, and when going back and installing the exact same mods over again to find the conflict, it never reoccured. This would have been with MM 1.5.7. Since I wasn't able to get it to reoccur after trying to figure out which mod was causing the conflict I unfortunately do not have a log for you, but hopefully that helps give some extra clue as to what might be going on.

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I think this may solve the issues that have been reported (slider problems, problems with interop with other mods)

If anyone is keen to do some testing for me, please download the two dll files and replace the ones in ProceduralParts/Plugins

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swamp_ig: I applied the hotfix, and now my non-textures sliders do something again. Also, scaling up the tank and then scaling it back down has the correct volume. However, a there is a very minor issue: the fuel in the tank drops to lower than 100% of the volume when scaling down, but always jumps back to 100% when scaling back up. This is with real fuels, not sure about stock.

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Not a complaint, so much as just wondering about a couple design decisions...

Why is the nose cone limited to such short and stubby dimensions? Why not have the option for a long and pointy cone, like with the structural part? There doesn't seem to be any reason to use the nose cone, since you can be more aerodynamic and less draggy with the structural part.

Why is the stack decoupler limited to only one thickness and rounded edges? Often a much thinner decoupler would be useful, and having squared off edges would blend more smoothly with the sides of your rocket, for all those who care about how it looks. Frankly, I think the decoupler should have all the same shape options as the structural part, just to open up more design options.

I hate to sound like I'm complaining. I love this mod; it has quickly become indispensable to my builds! Just a few features could use some tweaking, IMO.

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Why is the nose cone limited to such short and stubby dimensions? Why not have the option for a long and pointy cone, like with the structural part? There doesn't seem to be any reason to use the nose cone, since you can be more aerodynamic and less draggy with the structural part.

Essentially because that's the approximate range of aspect ratios in stock, much like all the other limits :)

If you want longer nose-cones then have a look in the config file and change aspectMax and aspectMin, these are the ratio of the width to the length (or it might be the other way round, can't quite remember).

In any case, as with all the design limits they're all malleable if you do a bit of config tweaking, and if you've built with different limits then once you've saved or launched the ship the dimensions won't get messed with even if you play with the config file again.

Why is the stack decoupler limited to only one thickness and rounded edges? Often a much thinner decoupler would be useful, and having squared off edges would blend more smoothly with the sides of your rocket, for all those who care about how it looks. Frankly, I think the decoupler should have all the same shape options as the structural part, just to open up more design options.

Again, more or less to try to keep with stock. As for the rounded edges... it is because it is?? Dunno, I just threw that together as a proof of concept more than anything.

You could also play with the config file for that one too, maybe apply some of the modules for decouplers to the standard structural part. Do name it something unique however, as otherwise you'll end up getting a name collide with an 'official' part and bad things will happen. All my parts will be called proceduralXXX

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