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[cb_co] Raynos Zoid Mech (New kOS Walking/VTOL Video)


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My Raynos Zoid MRK V for KSP 1.x.  80% Stock, three mods required.


  • Adjustable Wings
  • Custom Cockpit with Radar
  • VTOL kOS Program
  • Walking Program
  • Transforming Legs




Infernal Robotics with Re-work

Tweak scale

BD Armory

Included cb_co folder

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Yea if I loaded it up with fuel/oxidizer. At the end of the video you can see the one with the aerospike afterburners, that one might be able to get into orbit. The legs make it heavy though, it might be hard. I guess technically that wouldn't be single stage then though

edit: In the updated video I just posted you can see I got to 50000m at 14000m/s. Thats not far from being in orbit

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  • 3 weeks later...

Raynos Zoid MRK IV (Discontinued)

Smaller, faster, and more maneuverable, the MRK III and IV have updated robotics, custom paint job, and less custom parts. As well as VTOL and walking capabilities. The MRK IV also includes a custom cockpit built by 3dRaptor, and animated, textured, and coded by myself






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I kind of don't get it. explanation?
right I did kinda leave that hanging. Solving inverse kinematic algorithms and writing code to get the limbs moving. Its used to make walk/run cycles and movements for robots and all that jazz.
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Wow, this has got to be the most epic think I have ever seen in Kerbal Space Program. Wow, just Wow. An absolutely fabulous job, I somehow don't think it is quite as maneuverable as an actual raynos, but when something like this is built, that doesn't matter Awesome Job :cool:

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I somehow don't think it is quite as maneuverable as an actual raynos, but when something like this is built, that doesn't matter Awesome Job :cool:

I'm sure you're right because it's based off a cartoon. But as you can see in the video, expecially coming out of the dive, by turning off the top or bottom engine it can perform super high g turns. And j didn't do any barrel rolls but it can whip those around.

Thanks a lot for the compliment. I'm beyond happy with how it turned out. Also checkout my gundam


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Yeah I would definitely want to see this thing walking. Although I would need to start small, to keep the first one stabilized a reaction wheel could be used before having to fiddle with 3d movements. To get that far you need some sort of intermediate controller to work the Infernal Robotics groups and individual servos. after that there is a whole laundry list of things depending on how complex you want make it. Ill try and get my simulator running some raptor walk cycles this weekend.

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  • 3 months later...

Hello Clown_baby,

I am here to ask you a question about your wonderlful ship creation the raynos zoid 2.0.

I recently downloaded the .craft and the zoid custom parts file along with the requied mods: MagicSmoke, Inferal Robitcs, B-9 parts pack and aviation lights [optional] . I took every precaution know to have a succesful installation. But when I went in to KSP I saw The zoid craft in an invalid part state (unable to load). I looked at the console and saw a few zoid parts that were highlighted in the failure to load the space plane. I am here to ask you what i need to do to fix this. I've seen you post links to the .craft fixes but everytime I click on them it just takes me to the home page of kerbal mods on Curse.com ;.;. I am really lost and don't know what to do, could you straighten out this catasphophy for me?

Sincerly, radmp41

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Raynos Zoid MRK IV[4.2]

Smaller, faster, and more maneuverable, the MRK III and IV have updated robotics, custom paint job, and less custom parts. As well as VTOL and walking capabilities. The MRK IV also includes a custom cockpit built by 3dRaptor, and animated, textured, and coded by myself


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Mods Needed:

-B9 & B9 .23.5 fix

-Infernal Robotics .16+


-Skillful & Laser weapons (only for the Armed ship, which is also included in the zip)


To Install:

-Unzip Download and move "custom zoid parts" into GameData

-If you want the tail to be green merge the "B9_Aerospace" folder with the one already in your GameData. The original color is there as well so you can change it back

-Move either armed or unarmed .craft into your sph folder.

Action Keys

1)VTOL Engine

2)All rear facing engines

3)Turn off two top engines(usefull for high g turns)

4)Turn off just basic engines(for high altitude flight)

5)Raise legs

6)Lower legs

7)Vtol Rockets

8)Open/Close Mouth

9)Move head/neck to center

Brakes)Opens flaps

- & = move both the head and the neck together

; & ' to walk(make sure RCS and SAS are on)

VTOL Instructions

The "cupcake vtol"

-Basic engine(1) to hover

-Rocket(7) for quick thrust/increase altitue

Known Issues:

-The 4.2 cockpit freaks out a little when opening and closing mouth, I'm working on it

-Not a lot of fuel. I put too little fuel in my custom parts, and to increase it I have to rebuild it. I'll do that eventually.

Download Link:

MRKIV 4.2(Replace "custom zoid parts")

-New larger head with lower poly count, for better fps

-Tweaked legs

-More fuel

-Cupcake... VTOL setup

Previous Versions

4.0 with two basic vtol engines


Please let me know you if have any problems with install

Raynos Zoid MRK III[4.0]

Smaller, faster, and more maneuverable, the MRK III and IV have updated robotics, custom paint job, and less custom parts. As well as VTOL and walking capabilities.


To Install:

-Unzip Download and move "custom zoid parts" into GameData

-If you want the tail to be green merge the "B9_Aerospace" folder with the one already in your GameData. The original color is there as well so you can change it back

-Move the .craft into your sph folder.

Mods Needed:

-B9 & B9 .23.5 fix

-Infernal Robotics .16+

Action Keys.

1)VTOL Engines

2)All rear facing engines

3)Turn off two top engines(usefull for high g turns)

4)Turn off just basic engines(for high altitude flight)

5)Raise legs

6)Lower legs

7)Lower wheels

9)Move head/neck to center

Brakes)Opens flaps

- & = move both the head and the neck together

; & ' to walk(make sure RCS and SAS are on)

Download Link

Please let me know if you have any problem installing

Raynos Zoid MRK II(Discontinued)


Raynos Zoid MRK I(Discontinued)


Thanks for checking it out. Please let me know what you think/if you can't get it to install.


Other clown_baby creations.


-The TurboKat(Swat Kats)

-Stock Dogfighter

-Custom Zoid Mod

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Yeah I'm rebuilding it right now. Less custom parts, IR update, other tweaks here and there. Looking into VTOL capabilities. Also using kerbpaint and coloring my custom parts to make it all green.


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Just a quick check I have the IR version 0.16.5a Is that compatible just making shure?

I'm on 5b or d or something. It should work though. It's done it just needs to be tweaked to make it fly better. The VTOL engines added a bunch of weight. I'll pm you with the craft in a second, you can test it out for me.

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Will do, just one more mod check, when you get the chance send me a link to the version of the b-9 parts if mine is different it might have this invisible parts glitch. I see different authors and versions of b-9 and I'm not shure which one is official or not.

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