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Hello everyone, I just discovered KSP a few years ago but never bought it. Now, I got the game, and I'm gonna muck around with the game.

Well, I had a space station from the Space Station Core craft from stock, but my apoapsis has droppped by some reason, I don't know why.

Also, I tried going to the Mün, but failed and I was orbiting Kerbol or something :)

I also made a space probe with the ROUND-8 fuel tank (8 of them) and with the Rockomax 24-77 and I made a sub-orbital trajectory :)

Well, that was it, and why was my apoapsis dropping?

Bye guys.

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KSP does not simulate gravity drag, solar wind, or anything else that might affect an object's orbit other than atmosphere. If your peripasis is below 69,100 (or so) meters, you are dipping into the upper atmosphere and being slowed by drag. Because of the nature of orbital motion, though, it would barely show at the periapsis, and the affect would be most noticeable at the other side of the orbit, the apoapsis. Another but less likely possibility is that the game does round off some of its calculations, which can cause very tiny variations in the exact numbers. Those can build up over time, but remain quite small.

Anyway, welcome to the forum, and feel free to ask any additional or follow up questions you might have.

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Another possibility is that you nudged the space station core when you were docking another craft to it, which affects the speed of the core and thus the orbit :)

I did not docked a craft to it, it was stock. I used the mauever node to make the orbit but my periapsis was at th atmosphere or something. But thanks for the help.


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