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Right click Problems

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Had a fine ship ready to land on Minmus. Right -Clicked on various parts to check status but those various parts would not "right click off", like they're supposed to. Had this "glob" of highlighted parts imposing on the screen that I did not want to be there! This resulted in a crash landing due to the obscured view! Is this a bug or, am I doing something wrong? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by SpacedCowboy
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I find the only way to get those info windows to close is to right click on empty space.

Unless you had them selected in the resource window in the upper right corner. If you select stuff there all instances on a ship stay visible till you unselect it. That can be a lot of info boxes on a complex ship.

If it is a bug you could try going to the IVA view and back and see if that clears it. (IVA is the C key by default)

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Yep, all the stuff Kerba Fett said. I have also experienced it as a bug, where I simply right clicked on a tank and then right clicked elsewhere and it wouldn't go away. Sometimes going to map view or back to the space center worked. Another time I did a quicksave and reload.

Most of the time when I see this bug, I've been messing with Alt-clicking on parts and it causes the pop-up screen to stick. I don't know if you were doing any of that, but might be something to avoid (or check if your keyboard is stuck).

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Thanks for quick reply, I will try the right clicking on empty space thing and the IVA next time it happens. It was not a complex ship, just in lander stage with kethane stuff on it. I was trying to right click on the Kethane detector which was shrouded underneath a (I don't recall what it is ;;; 1.25 to mini hexagonal strut), but couldn't bring it up, kept on clicking on stuff and voila, a big mess. Any way, I will try your suggestions when it happens again.

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