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Pteron Micro Shuttle and rescue vehicle Beta download available(9/9/2014)

Sage Sagan

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Update Beta Release 09/09/2014



Creative Commons License

Pteron Mini shuttle is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


I love Helldiver's KSO, but it got me thinking about the WEKA and the idea of a REALLY small lifting body shuttle(1.25m scale) for crew return and emergency returns from orbit. So after a few abortive attempts at Blender which resulted in the kind of design that should be drowned at birth, I decided to draw on a napkin at work(aren't those always the best designs?).czKnzF7.jpg

The idea would be to keep a very low part count, so ideally it will consist of only 6-8 parts i.e. Fuselage,right and left winglets ,docking port,two oms engines. The OMS engines would be R.C.S fueled so they can share the same internal R.C.S. tanks as the thrusters. The shuttle will seat 2 Kerbals in a tandem configuration with hopefully RPM displays(2), as a place holder the MK2 cockpit IVA could be used as config is similar.

The shuttle, when fueled would weigh in at around 1.8 tonnes and due to it's size will fit in a 2.5m fairing which makes it much easier to launch especially for FAR uses. I picture it as being slightly wider that a MK2 cockpit. This is not shown on the sketch but the docking collar will fit on the rear8fBtsgg.jpg The compact size means it should fit in a 2.5m cargo bay for carrying on larger ships etc.

So the thing is that I am so bad at 3-D modeling I thought that I would come on the boards and ask for the help of the best community in gaming, is there a 3-d modeler out there who can help me with this?

I also need a texture person, it has to have the right tiled look...think Kliper

The things I can do are: write all the descriptions and amusing notes, test like a demon and of course have the idea for a tiny teeny, oh so cute shuttle.

More inspiration



Edit: Some of the amazing modelling work of Daemoria:97s1p0O.png

and the texture and logo work of Blackheart:amouo8l.png

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  Horus said:

Yes there is but it is much larger and more complex and is difficult to launch(and it has no front window). This is all about smallness,low part count so multiples can be kept on a spacestation and it can be launched on a 1.5m stack.

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  blackheart612 said:
It's a real life Kliper.

What he plans to do is to make a Kerbin Mini Shuttle-like Kliper/Dream Chaser shuttle if I got it right.

Thank you Blackheart that is the point, it also draws on the Japanese egg planes for it's cuteness.

I realize that there is no landing gear shown, In my head it lands on a tricycle skid undercarriage (LLL has some). Wheels would be cool also either internal or for simplicity re-scaled stock landing gear

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  blackheart612 said:
Re-stock landing gears are too mainstream. Make your own! This'll be a great complement with KSO.

Maybe you could try integrating parts for use with theirs.

Did you have your concept in your mind already? Except the one drawn there of course.

Yup I do have a concept in mind, I just need to improve on the sketch in the OP. As to using KSO parts.. I think they would be too big (this is a 1.25m scale shuttle, really little).

I would love to have internal landing gear but that is all dependent on the kind souls that can help me with blender etc( Love Porkjets work for instance).

This is all about simplicity, ease of use and cuteness.

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Hello again, so I have been musing and sketching...I feel all of your pain at what is coming. So as i see it the Pteron looks like an artillery shell WgTXLyF.pngwith wings and windows pretty much, I know that it should probably look more lifting body if it is one but that's why it has winglets. :DThe fuselage would have a lift rating like porkjets MK2 cockpit and the winglets would mainly be for stability and yaw control.


The rear view is an attempt to show the winglet and lower fuselage shape, also the OMS postions....man I really suck at drawing. Hopefully this gives some idea of shape and length(2.2m ish).

Oh and a fuel cell/RTG built in. As stated previously this is really all about simplicity, I really like some of the shuttles on the forums but it seems like they are a little over designed for moving a couple of 1.2m tall green guys from orbit back to Kerbin.

So, in summation help from anyone with modelling, import or really any useful skills would be awesome.

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  Daemoria said:
I personally think the previous lifting body shape had more personality. The new shape is very basic, with nothing really going for it. I wouldn't mind throwing my effort at the original design.
To be honest I preferred the shape in the OP as well, I was floating the Shell idea in case I had to attempt the 3-D modelling myself...a shell shape being far easier to make. I always imagined the shuttle as a Kliper/Mig 105/Dreamchaser hybrid with a slightly more humped back to accommodate the clamp o tron. I also prefer the nose on my original sketch. all the other non visual comments, size,internal RTG and R.C.S OMS motors etc I stick by though.:)... edit: I just realized who you are Daemoria, I think your stuff has real visual style... I would be honoured if you can spare the time to take a pass at this, I will try to sketch a definitive design and post it up

edit: More sketching

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  SkyHook said:
I think that the shape on this page is very good. The round shape fits in easily with other parts already, and the design is original. I would certainly fly it as is :)

Thanks, I wanted it to look kerbally but now I'm torn...the shell shape has merits but so does the Klip/Chaser idea. Oh well I guess it boils down to whatever the person doing the 3-D model is most comfortable with.

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Yes keep it simple. Built-in or room for a Clamp O Tron at the rear is great, it will save headaches trying to rig something. Both shapes look good to me. Not sure if 'Rescue' means it's a rescue ship or that's an indication of where the hatch is. I'd use this ship as a regular ferry for a station.

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This looks great! I loved the Weka too, especially that it was very easy to fly and hard to crash land. A few things I think worth thinking about from it:

1. It didn't have landing gear. Many plans for "lifeboat" style mini-lifting bodies don't, because if its a lifeboat, it'll only be used once. It's up to you, obviously, but would cut your part count (and difficulty) substantially. Maybe at least while you get a test-version up for people to use?

2. The Weka was hard to integrate into other things. It couldn't be stack mounted, which means it doesn't fit in the subassembly manager... And for my money, any parts that can be mixed-and-matched with other mods are great. So I would say, make the body somewhat capsule-like. It can do double duty as a capsule for larger space planes, or a standard docking port on the back can complete your idea for a mini-shuttle. (Not necessarily needing to make a docking port saves you some effort too.)

3. The Weka was so easy to fly. Please, even if you're using a textureless, ugly, half finished model, start play testing soon, so that the engines fire in line with the center of mass, the RCS is balanced and manouvers correctly, etc... It just makes things so much nicer. :)

Of course, all that's just my opinion. Probably a lot of people will disagree. Ultimately, do whatever inspires you! :)

Best of luck

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Yup, I don't see anyone else taking up the modeling. I thought it'd be a nice break from my 'serious' modeling, and do something a bit more cartoony.

I was going off of the measurements on the drawing. ~1x3 meter, able to fit inside a 2 meter bay. As to the cuteness, I'll see if I can bring it back when i handle the low poly. The surfaces are a bit exagerated just to aide in Normalmap generation, the final vehicle will be much smoother/streamlined.

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Here are ideas to try:

A curvier wing profile, not the curve then straight.

Also, the heatshield looks a little bit rough to be cartoony.

Maybe making the body a little bit smooth (doesn't need much of a normal map maybe), makes a thing more cartoony.

I know it isn't easy to model, these are just ideas :)

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  blackheart612 said:
It looks so cute but it doesn't obey its original length anymore :( (but it looks like the pic)!

I really like it. Super. :D

WOW WOW WOW. That is so awesome...I love the model. Now I am going to risk offence...I love the shape but I really had a heat tile look in mind for the whole thing white upper black lower.Or in keeping with the rescue vibe perhaps black and yellow hazard stripes so when Kerbal search and rescue are looking for the shuttle...

I am so amazed with this model Daemoria, it is exactly what I had floating in my head.

Blackheart, the length is fine..the sketches were definitely a starting point but not iron clad designs.

I like the shorter proportions a lot more, it just feels right for the for the idiom of the thing and to be honest my maths may have been slightly off!

So to some up, AMAZING work thank you Daemoria

Texture time

Write config and description(yay I can actually do that)

Daemoria, landing gear? What do you think? I really am a fan of the landing skids idea. Skids are great for mechanical simplicity I.R.L, they are heat resistant and look cool. Everyone else s opinions more than welcome...what is the thinking wheels or skids?

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