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How did find this game?


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A friend on Roblox told me about this game. I quit roblox for this game afterwards, the community is MUCH BETTER, as is the gameplay.

I played Roblox too. I agree. Much better community here!

The game was turning from 'free' to 'your importance and awesomeness is directly related to the amount of real life money you spend on pixels - hats and gear'

MegaTim sound familiar? (Highly doubt it)

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We can\'t get away fast enough.

Seriously though, the reason why we don\'t like the yogscast is because the influx of people downloading the game lead to some very poor server issues (mainly that you almost crashed our forums for 5-6 days. Also a large percentage of us see most Yognaughts as the people who have the louder voices and opinions that differ from the original community. Nova has a graph (probably 2-3) explaining it in more detail.


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Which is, IMO, rather overwrought, but that\'s neither here nor there.

For myself, I came across a thread on Spacebattles.com\'s Games & Gaming forum, just before symmetry was added to the game. It\'s amazing how much the game and ship design (and mod-making!) has evolved since then.

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Which is, IMO, rather overwrought, but that\'s neither here nor there.

For myself, I came across a thread on Spacebattles.com\'s Games & Gaming forum, just before symmetry was added to the game. It\'s amazing how much the game and ship design (and mod-making!) has evolved since then.

It\'s a worst-case scenario, which we thankfully avoided.

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i helped invent it....

then my brother (HarvesteR) went ahead and started actually making it.... to which my first reaction was 'c\'mon! - i was gonna...' but then i just let him do the work while i nagged incessantly at him provided invaluable technical consulting and concept advice ::)

i wcould have helped code it, but he lives in Mexico while i live in Brazil - and that\'s one hell of a tough commute :cheers:

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i helped invent it....

then my brother (HarvesteR) went ahead and started actually making it.... to which my first reaction was 'c\'mon! - i was gonna...' but then i just let him do the work while i nagged incessantly at him provided invaluable technical consulting and concept advice ::)

i wcould have helped code it, but he lives in Mexico while i live in Brazil - and that\'s one hell of a tough commute :cheers:

Thinking without portals.....

Can you just share the codes and sent it through you for revisions?

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Someone posted a thread about it on the BF2 mod forum I spend most of my time on in the annoying week between announcement of a new patch and delivery of said patch. I think I\'m probably the only guy still playing from there though.

You aren\'t... though I am probably the only one from here still playing BF1942

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There is a grammar mistake that has been bugging me in the title, can you please fix it?

I learned about this game because of Runescape

First I learned about Runescape from my brother at 3

Then learned about Roblox from my friend in runescape at like 6

Then learned about youtube, and looked up Roblox videos on youtube.

I then found a minecraft video on youtube, looking around for more LP\'s of it I found a channel called Atomaround , then he posted a video of KSP.

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