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[1.8.x-1.10.x] SmokeScreen 2.8.14 - Extended FX plugin (18 April 2020)


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Of course that is a fair point to make still I wish he would prioritize differently. He seems to be busy with MechJeb right now, which as far as I know is a stand-alone mod. By comparison smokescreen is a dependency for other mods to be updated like B9 Aerospace which I help maintain as well as at least RealPlume, but I bet there are more.

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The Unity update (to 5.4) involved significant changes to the particle system, as well as exposing new features (some of which I think Smokescreen had custom implementations for already?) for the system, so any update for Smokescreen may end up being quite "deep" to flex/hook the changes.

After the debacle in the MJ thread, yesh, I'll just be extremely glad if there is an update, on whatever terms and on whatever timeline Sarbian feels like

Edited by NoMrBond
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5 hours ago, NoMrBond said:

The Unity update (to 5.4) involved significant changes to the particle system, as well as exposing new features (some of which I think Smokescreen had custom implementations for already?) for the system, so any update for Smokescreen may end up being quite "deep" to flex/hook the changes.

as a matter of fact Sarbian already said he planned to properly leverage the new particle system in the v1.2 release for smokescreen. So I would say we def have a longer-than-usual wait for an update but it will certainly be worth it. Let's just all sit back and be patient

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@sarbian I'm not sure if this is the right place, but I've got a bit of a problem with FX plugins (including smokescreen). You seem quite versed with KSP's particle systems:

Basically, when I'm starting a rocket with an FX plugin for the plumes, then KSP's applies mach effects to the engine fx. Seen it with SpaceY's plugin, and also now with realplume stock (which is ofc based on smokescreen) that just got updated:



Mod-Plumes below are just fine. The aero fx looks buggy, the closer I am, the uglier and bigger are the effects, but at a medium distance they just vanish (when plumes+correct aero fx is still visible). These are my settings, happens both with normal and low aero fx setting.



I also checked it in a non-modded install with only realplume, same result.

Config is: KSP1.2/Win 10 home/I5 4570/GTX660 (driver 372.70)

Trying a reinstall, just for the sake of things, but it happened on 2 KSP's. No clue what's happening. :/


EDIT: Didn't have those issues in earlier versions. Also, did a clean KSP download with no settings changed and only rp mod, same effect (this time liquid hydrogen engine).




Edited by Temeter
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On 16/10/2016 at 1:20 AM, Temeter said:

Basically, when I'm starting a rocket with an FX plugin for the plumes, then KSP's applies mach effects to the engine fx. Seen it with SpaceY's plugin, and also now with realplume stock (which is ofc based on smokescreen) that just got updated:

It s most likely a layer problem. The effect may use the wrong one. I could add a settings to force it...

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@sarbianHi an update to contract Configurator has broken the icon in smokescreen, its an issue with blizzy toolbar wrapper:

NotSupportedException: The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic module.
  at System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetExportedTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at SmokeScreen.ToolbarTypes+<>c.<getType>b__5_0 (.LoadedAssembly a) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateSelectManyIterator>c__Iterator12`2[AssemblyLoader+LoadedAssembly,System.Type].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[Type] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate, Fallback fallback) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault[Type] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at SmokeScreen.ToolbarTypes.getType (System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at SmokeScreen.ToolbarManager.get_Instance () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at SmokeScreen.ToolbarManager.get_ToolbarAvailable () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at SmokeScreen.SmokeScreenUI..ctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 


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i have the effect that a landed vessel, when switched or reloaded via f9, starts a few meters above the ground in a tilted attitude. I un- and reinstalled my mods and this effect seems to be connected with RealPlume/SmokeScreen, on the SmokeScreen-side.

Can this be confirmed or rejected :-) ?




Edited by Green Baron
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On 23/10/2016 at 1:43 PM, Torih said:

@sarbianHi an update to contract Configurator has broken the icon in smokescreen, its an issue with blizzy toolbar wrapper:

There :  Download : SmokeScreen-


4 hours ago, Green Baron said:


i have the effect that a landed vessel, when switched or reloaded via f9, starts a few meters above the ground in a tilted attitude. I un- and reinstalled my mods and this effect seems to be connected with RealPlume/SmokeScreen, on the SmokeScreen-side.

Can this be confirmed or rejected :-) ?




Err. Seems strange and I don't see what could do that. I ll need a simple save to dupe it.

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On 24.10.2016 at 6:01 PM, sarbian said:

Err. Seems strange and I don't see what could do that. I ll need a simple save to dupe it.


i've sent a save via a forum message (i don't have dropbox etc.). I've read in the RealPlume thread that others encounter the same thing. I'm not pushing you, just catching your attention because tzhe forum tells me that my message hasn't been read yet ....



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  • 3 weeks later...

Sarbian, I don't mean to be a nuisance but I was curious to see if you've had any progress looking into the layer issue and the vessel moving issue when it's loaded. If there's anything I can do to help you out on either issue just let me know and I will do my best :) 

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Unfortunately, I can confirm that this patch doesn't fix the bug where vessels will be teleported above ground when selected from the tracking station or loaded from a quick-save.
Entering or exiting time-warp does not seem to trigger the bug.

I posted some info in the RealPlume-Stock thread that I think may be helpful regarding where to look for the bug.
Here's the essentials of my post in that thread, paraphrased and cut-down to the essentials:



Another user posted a GIF of the problem, and I saw something VERY odd in the debug log that is visible on the right side of that GIF.
These two debug log entries may link to what exactly the problem is.

The line related to the craft that experienced the bug:
"(Minmus Skycrane): Ground Contact! Error -7.993m"
I'd expect the thing to jump ~8m in the air with a result like that!

The base right next to it shows up with a much more sane result:
"(Minmus Base(core): Ground Contact! Error -0.002m"
As expected, this one didn't jump any noticeable amount.



Hopefully this points at what the bug is, or at least helps figure out where to look for it.

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17 hours ago, SciMan said:

Hopefully this points at what the bug is, or at least helps figure out where to look for it.

I can't duplicate it. I built a ship with the same engine (I guess) and it does not jump when loaded on Minmus. So unless you can provide a save (with stock parts) that dupe it I can hardly debug it.

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