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[0.23] [PLUGIN] RoverScience ALPHA 4.0 - Upgrades! - Open for Playtesting!


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Pre-Release 4.0 complete!

Now features:

- Upgrade system to upgrade maximum science spot radii and prediction accuracy.

- Prediction: attempts to predict the potential of the science spot you've discovered. Based on a percentage chance that can be upgraded.

- Can now set maximum science spot distance. This way you can try and get those really far distances for your science spots; but there's also a reason! The farther your science spot spawns, the more science you'll get.

- I've learned how to properly draft releases in GitHub. No need to download the entire source-code now, d'oh!

This should be the last pre-release with concerns to new features. I want to push for full release and I'll do the rest of the features and stuff post-release.

Bug testing and issues is the major concern, but any feedback is always welcome. :) Thanks guys!

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Nice to see you are moving along theSpeare. :)

Saw your post in MCE thread, not sure what you would like to do.. Put give me a PM. Currently working on getting MCE updated for 23.5 when it comes out. Pretty much have things done.. Just need to bug test it all forever since I added a few more things. And rewrote the random Contract Gen A little bit.

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Very much thanks to you that I'm moving on my feet with plugin work :)

Yeah, I'd like to give MCE a shot again (uninstalled it due to a different playstyle I wanted to do), but it's always been a great plugin and I've had some ideas that I would have loved to pitch to you for it.

I was thinking perhaps if there was some way I can signal to MCE when RoverScience has analyzed a spot of some sort. Maybe the MCE contract can ask for a specific "potential" science and minimum distance and once that's been achieved, it'll send the message over to MCE that the goal has been completed.

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Awesome! I'll give it awhile and i* no one reports anything wrong I'll probably release by *riday or so so I have the ability to respond to any major issues i* something's wrong.

Let me know i* the upgrade system is working okay (or i* the values are ridiculous). Balancing should be alright, I think. Hope*ully.

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I gave myself a ton of science points to give the upgrades a whirl, and they seemed to work, but with randomly generated science sites its hard to say with much certainty.

I am still looking forward to a config file so people can alter the upgrade teirs and science payouts. As is, I dont have the patience to ever see a ROI on the rover upgades.

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I made a commitment to do this after release, so that'll be my first priority after any bug fixing.

Do you think those costs for science are a little much? I might halve them. I'm doing the whole config file thing but I'd also like a good balanced default set of values.

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Finally made it - full release is now in the showcase forum.


Thank you all so much for your help; there's no way I would've gotten to this point without you guys. Cheers.

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