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A reason to have a base

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As of now, there isn't really a need to have a base on a celestial body, other than a place to clean out science experiments from rovers. What I was thinking is that long use science modules can be made that need to take a long time as well as maintenance to operate, but the science you would get would be very rewarding. It would provide a reason to keep some sort of base on another planet or moon in order to maintain this science module.

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more than one location = rover, not base.

Temperature and seismic activity over time makes sense as valuable data, but that can be done with a (small) probe.

A (manned) base would be required if you are doing something there that takes a lot of time and room. Having your crew sit around for a year to wait for a launch window for the trip back, mining for resources in significant amounts, a permanent military presence because the other guy is also doing that.

Of these items the need for life support to keep a group of people alive and well for a longer period of time seems to make the most sense to me but Kerbals have no such requirements at the moment. So that leaves mining for resources (either as fuel for the trip back home or for profit.) For the fuel part there already is a popular mod. Making a profit from mining would be tricky in real life and currently in KSP everything is free.

But yeah, after building several bases on Mun, Duna and Dress, it would be nice if there was a reason to do so.

My bases on Duna and Dress had one functional reason and that was that each part contained a little bit of fuel. So in the end all that fuel was used to refeul the rocket for the return trip. But I could have solved that more efficiently than with a huge base.

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what about long term experiments in general. growing plants etc. but something that takes care and attention so you cant just time-warp to the completion of the experiment. maybe you have to water/tend to the plants/experiment?

what about measuring seismic/temp data daily or over the coarse of a rotation? (not orbit, too long)

off-kerbin propellant production still seems to be the best reason for long term bases. but I think that the combination of data from other experiments, sensors and data gathering should lead to the discovery of off-kerbin propellant production. so large scale base building takes place later in game.

Edited by Capt Snuggler
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what about long term experiments in general. growing plants etc. but something that takes care and attention so you cant just time-warp to the completion of the experiment. maybe you have to water/tend to the plants/experiment?

what about measuring seismic/temp data daily or over the coarse of a rotation? (not orbit, too long)

off-kerbin propellant production still seems to be the best reason for long term bases. but I think that the combination of data from other experiments, sensors and data gathering should lead to the discovery of off-kerbin propellant production. so large scale base building takes place later in game.

I think what could keep your attention is a minigame of some sort. Or, the reason you should make a base is you get more funding via Kongress or Incentives. (Medals, Trophies, or even as you said, fuel production.) I think they should have automatic contracts, or permanent contracts, that say, "Every time you land here, stay for a certain time, and maybe get back to kerbin, we will give you a flat rate monetary reward." or If you accomplish missions, you get trophies or medals, and you have a trophy room, filled with your trophies. I also think there should be a "reputation" meter, and it goes up and down with every success, trophy, and failure. The reputation effects how many kerbals want to be recruited, making it harder to get kerbals if you kill everyone. So, in conclusion, I think there should be some incentives for bases.

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Not just bases, but also stations, rovers and probes. I think one way to make bases more interesting is tie them to earning science. Maybe come up with some more long term science experiments, such as gathering core samples, or servicing, IE repairing, and restocking rovers while they gather science.

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I think what could keep your attention is a minigame of some sort. Or, the reason you should make a base is you get more funding via Kongress or Incentives. (Medals, Trophies, or even as you said, fuel production.) I think they should have automatic contracts, or permanent contracts, that say, "Every time you land here, stay for a certain time, and maybe get back to kerbin, we will give you a flat rate monetary reward." or If you accomplish missions, you get trophies or medals, and you have a trophy room, filled with your trophies. I also think there should be a "reputation" meter, and it goes up and down with every success, trophy, and failure. The reputation effects how many kerbals want to be recruited, making it harder to get kerbals if you kill everyone. So, in conclusion, I think there should be some incentives for bases.

This is one of those things that would make weather and seasons more than just superficial eye-candy. Having to wait a certain amount of time to record something. Perhaps even chasing after a dust storm, or dare I say, a tornado? Waiting for a volcanic eruption? Events on some worlds should be dynamic, meaning that if you want to take readings, you can't just do the stereotypical 'hop and go home' strategy, but would actually have to land and spend some time planning it out.

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The simplest solution in my mind would be to have the manned lab be able to produce science on the order of .01 per day.

The rate would vary based on the location of the base (so mun base would be better than an LKO space station, etc).

Thus permanent bases would be very valuable. Of course, without a limiting factor like life support, this would be grossly unbalanced.

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