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Ever just.. quit the game?


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Too much time in configuration files. Too much time sitting through the load screen only to get reverted back to the main menu. Too many instances where things should work, but they just dont. I played stock for a good year and after started modding my game. I found out I could craft different experiences and would make a whole new game with every update. But after spending hours today trying to get a mod to work ( theres no need to say which ) ive decided enough. And I quit. I deleted every trace of the game without a second thought. And I gotta say it almost feels liberating. Kinda strange really...

Ive no intention on playing again until Unity matures. The game is not expandable enough. So for my final post for a long time I ask. Has anyone ever done the same? Hit a complete brick wall with this game and its limits? Or Unity's I should say?

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Shame you've deleted it. You will be back, I know you will. When the game is updated more, maybe 0.28 or something, you'll regret deleting it at 0.23. Much more is to come. Many good things.

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Sometimes a long break is warranted for any kind of endeavor that consumes a lot of time and mental energy. Nothings wrong with moving on to other things for a while, and when you feel like coming back, KSP will still be around for ya.

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  Motokid600 said:
Too much time in configuration files. Too much time sitting through the load screen only to get reverted back to the main menu. Too many instances where things should work, but they just dont. I played stock for a good year and after started modding my game. I found out I could craft different experiences and would make a whole new game with every update. But after spending hours today trying to get a mod to work ( theres no need to say which ) ive decided enough. And I quit. I deleted every trace of the game without a second thought. And I gotta say it almost feels liberating. Kinda strange really...

Ive no intention on playing again until Unity matures. The game is not expandable enough. So for my final post for a long time I ask. Has anyone ever done the same? Hit a complete brick wall with this game and its limits? Or Unity's I should say?

1. ever try just deleting the mod in question which ever it may be?

2. ever try just seeing if there is a .23 compatible version of said mod?

3. i think you have grossly over reacted.

4. this goes with out saying: the game is still a work in progress. even its EULA states that you use this at you OWN risk.

5. take a break, come back when you cool way way way down.

6. till then, we will keep a launch pad warm for you.

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Aye, feeling like you have no patience for configuring KSP, reconfiguring, getting nothing done, your own frustration compounding on itself. Specially with mods. I quit a lot. Haven't played much.

Alamo, it's not just if you've "just tried" deleting the mod in question or "just verified". Downloading and unpacking and installing a bunch of mods is time consuming, especially if it's something that fiddles with files in other mods or stock parts, especially if you're on an older computer like mine that takes 5 to 30 minutes to boot KSP sometimes. It's not that big a deal, but it is frustrating, so sometimes the best thing to do is just to quit.

Edited by Accelerando
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  Accelerando said:
Aye, feeling like you have no patience for configuring KSP, reconfiguring, getting nothing done, your own frustration compounding on itself. Specially with mods. I quit a lot. Haven't played much.

Alamo, it's not just if you've "just tried" deleting the mod in question or "just verified". Downloading and unpacking and installing a bunch of mods is time consuming, especially if it's something that fiddles with files in other mods or stock parts, especially if you're on an older computer like mine that takes 5 to 30 minutes to boot KSP sometimes. It's not that big a deal, but it is frustrating, so sometimes the best thing to do is just to quit.

while i agree with you, its also important to try what i listed above your reply as well, both are hand in hand :)

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While I do have periods in which I launch missions, build spacecraft, and explore the universe fervently, I sometimes just like to take a short break from the game and play other things. Of course, when I come back to the game, I wonder how I ever could have left it.

And by the way, look at the first reply, there is a hidden message.

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Took about a month break when .21 came out as it broke my game data. reverted back to my old version, saved my space station. After i built it up to 1k or so parts i gave up again due to the lag. After the tech tree was added i played it some more. got tired of the science, send, science, send, science, send, science, send routine so then i quit. .23 came out finished 1 mission and now finally installed some mods that are keeping the game exciting.

My main problem why i keep taking brakes from the game is because of the lag. I love building stations and having to wrap it up only because of lag is just disappointing. i'm running a quad core 5.0ghz cpu, 20 gigs of ram and dual video cards (560 primary).. soon to be running a gtx 780.

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Yes I have. I was forced to quit because I left the country. After about march of last year, I started to run out of steam and haven't played the game nearly as much since then (about 2-5 hours per week). I spend more hours scouring the forums and installing mods than playing the game, interestingly enough. You could say that I've checked out.

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I have abandoned countless games in my life and I am pretty sure KSP will be no exception. These things are normal and happen all the time. The important part is to realize it's not that the game became less interesting or too annoying, it's you who became less interested or too annoyed by the game.

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I got bored and took a break. Returned after a month or two, browsed through mods and installed the ones that I thought would enhance my gameplay.

Recently installed interstellar mod, which have increased gameplay value by alot.

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Honestly Im going through one of these periods at the moment. My laptop is not powerful enough to run KSP at the level I enjoy and my desktops cpu is in dire need of replacement. Im also finding less and less time to play. :(

I love the game, don't get me wrong, but my lack of resources plays a major part in my lack of playing it.

I guess it also comes down to my mental state. When it comes to playing the game, I always think 'I can do that' and, given the time, I probably can. But the fact that i know i can do it kinda stops me from actually doing it. I mean, why invest time into doing something i know i can do, just to prove I can do it.

I have decided to finish what I'm doing IRL then hopefully after enough time I will be able to return to the game!

Edited by Highlad
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You do realize that anyone who has done that would not be on the forum anymore, right?

I'll admit I haven't played for a while, but I'm taking a break, I'll play again soon. Almost did last night, but I wont uninstall.

In fact, I have games installed on my system that are years old.

Edited by Merinsan
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I do take breaks, at most a week long, but I've never ever EVER even thought of deleting it. My home screen looks boring and unexplodey without it.

Wow, my first response was good. Swell.

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Yeah I've been away for ages. It's nice, when you come back everything is different and new again. IMO that's the beauty of early access games. I used to be an experimental tester, which was great, but then I found the time commitment a bit too much. Now I do the YouTube thing, which is great fun although even more time consuming. I have a lot of it these days though :)

In the end it's a game. Entertainment. A hobby. It needs to be fun and rewarding or else something is terribly wrong.

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Motokid, there is nothing wrong with taking a step back or away of something.

Kerbal Space Program was made to give a fun time.

Please consider also that the game is still in development and I know that this seems to be almost an excuse for everything.

Take a break on the game if you feel stressed by it and when things dont work out as intended.

Maybe you will give it another try someday.

See ya :)

Edited by MalfunctionM1Ke
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lol rage quitting KSP....

I take a break when I don't have any creative ideas and sometimes my missions almost feel like work.

At the moment I'm retrieving 3 kerbals in orbit around Jool, the entire mission is not that special, but I feel I should bring them back. The science returns should max out that specific career game. The only part that makes it remotely interesting is that the ship orbitting Jool is huge and I'm over enginering the pickup ship. I could also try to refuel the ship orbitting, but that would mean several missions just to haul the fuel. I've postponed doing this for 2 weeks orso, played something else for a while. The the past few days I've been working on this.

After completing the mission I think I'm gonna build something... maybe a huge space station. Or one of those ships I've seen pictures of that resemble a ship from a movie or something. (It doesn't have to actually resemble a movie, just look like a scifi spaceship instead of something NASA could have build last week)

At some point I will probably quit playing KSP just like any other game, but like some of the other good old games, I will probably revisit it years later, see if I can still get it to run etc. Or start playing the remake of that game I loved to play in 2013/2014.

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