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My Communications Satellite & Lunar Rover ::Download::

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This rocket is designed to put a satellite into Kerbin orbit, land on the Mün, cruise around on the lunar surface indefinitely, and return home again. The spacecraft converts to a lunar rover with renewable power via solar panel mod. Early on I flipped going too fast and lost two solar panels but the other two kept me charged the whole time. The runners act as a roll cage and the rover module can be operated from any side and can self-right with RCS thrusters. Many thanks to the creators of the mods I pieced together to make this happen.

Craft+Parts: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17655862/Lunar%20Expedition%20VI.rar

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First sentence made my think this: 'This rocket is designed to put a satellite into Kerbin orbit, land on the Mün, cruise around on the lunar surface indefinitely, and return home again.'

Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, craft + addons :-[

edit: welcome to the forums!

edit2: also nice vid

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Derp that\'s no helicopter.

Reposting mod parts made by other people without asking for permission is generally considered a nono. But since it doesn\'t look like you\'ve altered anything (only looked at the one part authored by me so I can\'t be sure), I don\'t mind it in this particular case.

Since none of the parts are new this belongs in the spaceship exchange forum, and you might want to ask the other mod authors before you upload their stuff.

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  Damnyoujapan said:

Derp that\'s no helicopter.

Reposting mod parts made by other people without asking for permission is generally considered a nono. But since it doesn\'t look like you\'ve altered anything (only looked at the one part authored by me so I can\'t be sure), I don\'t mind it in this particular case.

Since none of the parts are new this belongs in the spaceship exchange forum, and you might want to ask the other mod authors before you upload their stuff.

I believe the first thing he said was thanks to all the modders who heped. That includes you. Before you go off on a tangent next time I respectfully suggest you read closer. Now if you did I simply respectfully request you take more consideration to it.

When I ge home I will consider moving thread. Until then I need to concentrate on working.



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  Drakomis said:

I believe the first thing he said was thanks to all the modders who heped. That includes you. Before you go off on a tangent next time I respectfully suggest you read closer. Now if you did I simply respectfully request you take more consideration to it.

When I ge home I will consider moving thread. Until then I need to concentrate on working.



I would respectfully suggest YOU re-read DYJs post, then, because this statement:


Reposting mod parts made by other people without asking for permission is generally considered a nono.

is entirely correct, and is not something a moderator should be excusing or promoting.

I am like DYJ in that it doesn\'t overly worry me in this case since its a new user who made something nice, but it should NOT be the recommended way to do this sort of thing.

Please see This Thread for more detailed reasoning; I certainly hope new moderation rules will address this in some way, and give guidance to new modders on how to proceed.

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  Drakomis said:

I believe the first thing he said was thanks to all the modders who heped. That includes you. Before you go off on a tangent next time I respectfully suggest you read closer. Now if you did I simply respectfully request you take more consideration to it.

When I ge home I will consider moving thread. Until then I need to concentrate on working.



But that doesn\'t necessarily mean he asked for permission to use the mods and put a link to download them in a pack.

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  Tiberion said:

I would respectfully suggest YOU re-read DYJs post, then, because this statement:

is entirely correct, and is not something a moderator should be excusing or promoting.

I am like DYJ in that it doesn\'t overly worry me in this case since its a new user who made something nice, but it should NOT be the recommended way to do this sort of thing.

Please see This Thread for more detailed reasoning; I certainly hope new moderation rules will address this in some way, and give guidance to new modders on how to proceed.


I am still at ork so forgive my late reply. Also using my phone so speling errors incoming.

To answer your concerns I was fully aware of that ruling. I would not be here if I was not. However I am taking precious time off my work to address this so I will kep it brief.

Firstly venku addressed the issue rightly as I was busy having admitted such.

Secondly I am going to overlook your tone because you have all the concern rightly for the forum and I completely respect that.

Thirdly I was stating my coment as I am doing now out of the mod box so I was stating my concerns for the posters tone to the new poster.

Lastly I was not even aware that his parts were taken until it was mentioned.

Thanks for your patience and support tib!


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  Drakomis said:


I am still at ork so forgive my late reply. Also using my phone so speling errors incoming.

To answer your concerns I was fully aware of that ruling. I would not be here if I was not. However I am taking precious time off my work to address this so I will kep it brief.

Firstly venku addressed the issue rightly as I was busy having admitted such.

Secondly I am going to overlook your tone because you have all the concern rightly for the forum and I completely respect that.

Thirdly I was stating my coment as I am doing now out of the mod box so I was stating my concerns for the posters tone to the new poster.

Lastly I was not even aware that his parts were taken until it was mentioned.

Thanks for your patience and support tib!


its seemed suspicious because I recognized those parts and he had a download link.

[mod]For anyone who doesn't know. You only need to post the .craft file found in your ksp/ships folder. If it uses mods just list the mods used. Other members will find them all.[/mod]

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  venku122 said:

its seemed suspicious because I recognized those parts and he had a download link.

I\'m home now, huzzah! God my phone sucks at spelling.

Anyway, yeah, it never crossed my mind honestly. Thanks for catching that one Venku. I was going along assuming, wrongly, it was another contributor.


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Sorry for the controversy folks. I was just trying to give back to the community in case anyone wanted to try it out. I spent well over an hour sorting through different parts to make it easier for people to only grab the parts they needed, had no idea people would become so flustered over it.

Regarding this...

'For anyone who doesn\'t know. You only need to post the .craft file found in your ksp/ships folder. If it uses mods just list the mods used. Other members will find them all.'

The game really needs better mod support to make it easier to give due credit. I used so many different parts on this that by the time it was finished it was getting so complex that there was no way to tell who made what.

It would be nice to have a query tool that allows you to inspect the properties of a part once it has been added to your rocket.

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  discovolante said:

Sorry for the controversy folks. I was just trying to give back to the community in case anyone wanted to try it out. I spent well over an hour sorting through different parts to make it easier for people to only grab the parts they needed, had no idea people would become so flustered over it.

Regarding this...

'For anyone who doesn\'t know. You only need to post the .craft file found in your ksp/ships folder. If it uses mods just list the mods used. Other members will find them all.'

The game really needs better mod support to make it easier to give due credit. I used so many different parts on this that by the time it was finished it was getting so complex that there was no way to tell who made what.

It would be nice to have a query tool that allows you to inspect the properties of a part once it has been added to your rocket.

I\'ll go out on a limb here and state quite plainly that your intentions were good. The problem was that no one really caught up to your mistake until it was too late. Personally, I still hold the belief you didn\'t know and I don\'t hold anything against you. So now you know to make sure to catalog your different parts and if they do not belong to you, or are not made by you, you know where to post it in the appropriate forum.

Don\'t let it get you down. :)

Your friendly neighborhood bag of bones,


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