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Happy Birthday to Yuri Gagarin


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How did Yuri die? Sorry, i'm not up on my people death knowledge

Even after being barred from further space travel (too much risk to a national hero) Yuri was still a colonel in the Soviet air force and was flying with another pilot in the dual seat version of the MIG 15 during some standard training exercises. In low visibility and for unknown reasons his plane entered a spin and crashed. There are a number of theories and at the time there was more then one investigation leading to some information being split between investigators. There was an official investigation which came to be official and secret conclusions, a secret KGB one and the central community may have also done yet another secret side investigation.

The official report was that the crash was caused when Yuri or the other pilot Vladimir Seryogin turned suddenly to avoid an object that had appeared and stalled (the committee secretly believed it to be a weather balloon). From the secret investigations a number of other theories where advanced at the time and years later by those involved or gained access to the classified materials. One of the leading men who was originally involved in the investigation believes that an SU-15 (he refuses to name the pilot who he says is still alive) was flying too low at super sonic speeds during the exercise (again visiblity was an issue that day), passing close enough that the shockwave from his aircraft tossed Yuri's plane over on itself. Another theory that was secretly investigated at the time was that an oxygen vent had been left open. Yet another was that because of poor information provided by air controllers (who gave outdated weather information) Yuri flew the craft into a dangerous weather system he believed to be at a higher altitude.

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Just back from the pub where I was showing my KSP tutorial pictures - including the first manned mission in the orbiter known as 'Gagarin'. Even if I've spelt it wrong (I'm, just back from the pub, after all) he will be remembered.

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Simon, what do you mean regardless of nationality?

The Russian-Speaking community of KSP is second only to the English-speaking, and in real life Russia has made many contributions and attained many firsts in Space travel and exploration. We hold no grudge toward you, so why should you be disrespectful to us?

(please note the actions of dictator freely elected president Putin do not always coincide with those of the Russian people)

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Simon, what do you mean regardless of nationality?

The Russian-Speaking community of KSP is second only to the English-speaking, and in real life Russia has made many contributions and attained many firsts in Space travel and exploration. We hold no grudge toward you, so why should you be disrespectful to us?

(please note the actions of dictator freely elected president Putin do not always coincide with those of the Russian people)

I think you misunderstand me.

He was a brave man regardless of his nationality, politics, he was simply a very brave man facing an unknown danger.

I'm English, so trust me, I have no US/USSR issue going on here

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I made it to the Neil Armstrong memorial on the Mun the other day. One of my first thoughts was that their should be an addition to this memorial that reflects the real landing site in another way. Neil and Buzz left a memorial satchel containing medals commemorating Gagarin and fellow cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov.

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