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Navball adjustment

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I want to see a navball adjustment in a tweakables and by a part menu in game. A team of developers please provide to a players opportunity to choose what side a navball of active control module is looking at (front/rear/left/right/top/bottom). Also lack of this feature cause trouble to a sytem of subassemblies.

Or as variant you may create an apropriate command module for rovers (main factors are size, weight and nice IVA). For example look at parameters of "Mk1 Lander Can".

What is a game expirience for now:

Case #1. Let's create a rover inside SPH using Mk1 Cockpit. Launch it. Navball is looking to east at horizont line level.

Case #2. Let's create a rover inside SPH using Mk1 Lander Can. "Lander can" has light weight and has a more comfortable exit point with a ladder and appropriate window for a ride. So it's perfect for a rover but player must turn it to 90 degrees. Launch it. Navball is looking at a zenith. How player must ride this thing?

Here's my video about case #2. Sorry no english in video:blush:

Look at Navball at 5 min 10 sec.


Thank you.

Edited by Meltafire
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I know that fact. But what if I want some immersive expirience with IVA view?

Or situation, when you place docking port at spacecraft. Launch it. And when you need it to dock to station world is up side down?

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And it didn't work. "IVA view" always adjust navball for a current active part. I tested everything (docking ports, manned and unmanned command modules).


-"MechJeb" autopilots don't work properly. (it tries set a ship to course but can't)

-so any mod about precise navigation don't work properly.

-additional docking ports (or parts) = additional weight.

-original parts from SQUAD have a value "price". In distant future it's also a problem for a single player career.

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As I see. Yes we can. But "PPD-12 Cupola Module" as a cockpit for rover.


-cool IVA;

-size (low height, easy to stack in rocket, good for overall size of rover);

-not bad torque;

-nice exit point with mini ladder.


- MASS (4.5 t... to Jool... fuel?)

- center of mass (4.5t at the edge of what kind of rover? A tanker maybe only...)

- in future: price about 2000 (the highest one)

So for that purpose Mk1 Cockpit is better (reason is mass; disadvantage is IVA view).

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Another welcome adjustment: an arrow (small, from the -v- or a dash on the inner circle of the navball container) to point to current manoeuver node, if we need to use RCS to rotate (for one reason or another), better not to waste it rotating randomly to find the right way. I know Mechjeb already know where to move in such case, so it's possible to do it.

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You can already click on the green text on the NavBall to cycle through Surface/Target/Orbit etc, so if the game can recognise that you're landed (i.e. roving) then a contextual option for 'Terrain' (instead of Orbit) could give you the NavBall to terrain orientation appropriate for driving.

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The probe option really is the best bet - it's less than 0.5t extra, and let's be honest, if you're running a mission with such precision that 0.5t will be the difference between landing and not, you probably need to re-evaluate part of your mission profile.

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Another welcome adjustment: an arrow (small, from the -v- or a dash on the inner circle of the navball container) to point to current manoeuver node, if we need to use RCS to rotate (for one reason or another), better not to waste it rotating randomly to find the right way. I know Mechjeb already know where to move in such case, so it's possible to do it.

This Mod provides exactly what you are looking for. It ghosts the maneuver node (Provides a faint marker on the edge of the navball) as well as prograde and retrograde.

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I think many of the answers given to this post, are not really related to the issue. Thing is, while you are in IVA, as the example, in a mk1 can, the navball will be facing the natural direction of the command pod you're in. It means, that if you have a probe facing the right direction, whenever you go inside, navball will change to the direction of the module you just went in.

So the thing is, yes, we need this feature!, maybe as an ingame option, or a construction tweakable

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@m1sz, I could see it as a construction tweakable, that's a good idea.

In the meantime, though, it sounds like what you're really looking for are a mod-pack with a couple more detailed-IVA rover command pods at different sizes. Anybody know if there is an excellent one?

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Then you can affix a small docking port to your craft, facing the direction you intend the navball to orient to, and select Control From Here from its context menu before entering IVA.

I did it few times, although its placeholder solution.

OP has good idea. We need something like that.

Well i hope some modders will take care of it at least.

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