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About landing on Eve

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Hey ,i've already landed on lot of celestial bodies but i want to ask some questions about landing on Eve ,like how much delta-v do i need in my lander, what parachutes to use , if it is better if i land higher above the sea level ,what engines to use and more..

Thanks for every suggestion :)

Edited by PepeZacik
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So, you want to land on Eve? Best advice I can give: Send a probe. Like seriously. If you want to get back you are talking at least 7km/s dV and that's from the top of the highest mountain. If you want to take off from sea level we're talking somewhere on the order of 12-15km/s dV. Eves gravity is 1.8x that of Kerbin, once you go down it is very hard to get back up.

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Yep, i already built a manned lander with 9km/s dV, but i can't get it to ground.It has asparagus staging with 6 aerospikes and one LVT45 rocket in the middle.The main part of lander has Apollo style staging.Whole lander with full fuel tanks have about 2.2 T/W ratio.Also it uses 6 big blue parachutes.

I just waste too much of fuel on descent, or my parachutes break whole ship, or i land in a water,...

When i launched this lander from Kerbin i got to Jool orbit(for fun)..

What am i doing wrong ?

Edited by PepeZacik
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First the atmosphere is a thick soup you will get an serious shock then they opens, use braking parachute, perhaps open them higher up or at least open some of them high. You can also use the engines a bit then you get to 500 meter attitude.

For accurate landing you has to try a bit around its easier if you start from an pretty high orbit and go faster down, this increases fuel use, add some drop tanks for this and drop them before landing, that fuel can also be used to reduce the parachute shock,

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Add some drogue chutes which you deploy first, then deploy your main chutes in pairs sequentially. Cuts down on the big jolt from a deploying parachute, which is worse on Eve than on Kerbin. It's good to have all your landing equipment (parachutes, landing gear) attached in such a way that you can jettison it immediately after takeoff so you don't waste fuel lugging that dead weight.

9km/s is marginal for a return mission, you'll have to launch from somewhere at least 4500m above sea level to make it back up.

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Well. Start by deleting anything you don't need. Got a lot of batteries? Change them for just enough RTGs to not lose power. Got any solars? Don't. Also, slap on heaps of parachutes (as in, heaps) to do an unpowered landing, RealChute will help. Make sure to put them on decouplers though, so you can get rid of them upon landing. Same goes for legs, slap radial decouplers to them. As for engines, might as well change that LV-T45 for an aerospike (or two if absolutely necessary for TWR and in that case, use the cubic struts). There might be more ways to improve your rocket, but we'll need screenies.

Edited by KvickFlygarn87
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The advice folks are giving you so far is for getting into stable orbit around Eve from an Eve launch - you need anywhere from 7.5k-15k of delta-V in your Eve booster just to make orbit, depending on where you land and what ascent profile you're using. The delta-V requirement is why most folks haven't successfully performed an Eve launch.

Been working through this myself now for close to a year; might've come up with a solution just this morning, but I'll need to test it out before I can definitively call success.

But yeah, get rid of unnecessary weight - for the ascent, that's everything that brought you down (chutes and lander legs, and even ladders), and an asparagus booster design is almost a must. I'd definitely send a boilerplate probe first before committing a Kerbal to making the ascent attempt.

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